A/N: well shit, I guess people actually like this… so I will continue!

doggirlem: To be honest, I just put the Order of the Phoenix part in there because it's my favorite. Please don't give Blaine twizzlers (though I heard Darren prefers them over Red Vines, I know that Blaine certainly does not!), and I certainly don't mind your long review, I actually love long ones.

hpfanandgleekx: it was an AVPM quote. The original was "Wow Hermione that was like the most badass thing I've ever seen! It was like and outburst of pent up aggression like ARG HERMIONE!" and I took away the last part where he said her name because it didn't sound right to me with Kurt.

To other reviewers: I'm glad it amused you, and I'm glad you liked my story so much. It makes me feel all good about myself.

So without further ado…

Kurt was the talk of the school.

He was pretty used to it, but this was for an entirely different reason. People actually moved out of his way in the hall, because they were afraid of his wrath.

And somehow Jacob got a hold of the footage and was questioning people in the hall (to afraid to talk to Kurt) about it. It was kinda pissing Kurt off.

He stormed over to Jacob, talking to some freshman boy, who instantly brought his hands to his crotch in protection from Kurt. Blaine trailed behind Kurt, slightly amused about the whole thing, but still upset that his boyfriend was angry.

"Damn it Jacob," he raged, "If you want to know the story, ask me!" he pointed to himself. Jacob just stood there, scared. Kurt rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to say something, but Blaine stopped him.

Blaine lead the boy away from the poor kid, who was about to pee his pants.

"Don't ask anyone else about it!" Kurt yelled before Blaine walked him to their next class.

The best part about going to this school was that there was only one upper class. So since Kurt and Blaine were both smart, they had all the same classes.

The couple walked into Spanish with Mr. Schuster and got caught off guard when the teacher said Kurt's name with, too much, enthusiasm.

"Kurt!" he walked over to the boy, "You came back!"

Kurt nodded, "Obviously…"

"Who's this?" he pointed to Blaine, "Oh, Blaine Anderson (A/N: yea I'm jumping onto the Anderson train), my…" he hesitated. How would people react to him saying what Blaine was? Ah, well screw it, "…boyfriend." He finished confidently. Mr. Schue didn't look too surprised.

"You'll be seeing him in glee today…" Kurt finished and dragged Blaine to their seat before they were considered late. The class stared at them as they made their way to the back, fingers intertwined.

We can only imagine how this day was gonna go…

A/N: I updated the first chap a bit, sorry this is so short compared to it, I'm having some writer's block...

HEY LETS HAVE A CONTEST! If you want, sent me a title for this through PM and and if I like it, I'll use it and give you credit! I seriously fail at titles...

I've noticed that in a lot of stories (read: most), Blaine is pretty much exactly like Darren. While I am in love with Darren as much as the next fangirl or boy, characters on shows are rarely ever like their actors. If Kurt was like Chris Colfer, I'm sure the bullies would be too afraid of his obvious badassedness to even try to pick on him (have you seen this picture?http:(SLASH)(SLASH)robynthegirlwonder(DOT)deviantart(DOT)com(SLASH)#(SLASH)d35wgbi), and his ninja skillz! I am going to end up writing Blaine rather Darren-ish as well, but try not to fall in love with Darren!Blaine, because he may be different (I hope not, Darren is fucking amazing!)

On another note, I will update this soon-ish with the rest of the day. I'm going back to school soon and I need to reserve days to go shopping with my Christmas (Crissmas) money (by shopping, I actually mean steal my mother's credit card to buy everything off the Starkid website then tell her I'll pay he back…eventually…).