It had been over a month now and the pain was only starting to go away. Every little movement I make results in creaking bones and groans from the pain. Still at least it's bearable enough that I can walk around. Every day since that night Walter has avoided me, and with good reason, I saw him in the hall the other day and almost lunged at him. Had it had not been for my current state he probably would have been the one hurting now. I did get a good laugh though. Once news reached Integra she laid into Walter pretty hard. I could hear all the way down in the cellar. Alucard on the other hand won't leave me alone. He is constantly dragging me back to bed, insisting that I need to rest. Since when did he care so much? Speak of the devil…

"What are you doing out again!" He materialized in front of me. I groaned.

"Why don't you just put a cone around my head why don't yah?" He glared at me. I think he wanted to get the first joke in. "Look I'm a big girl, and I know how to take care of myself. Besides the best way to get rid of the wolf's bane is to move around, it gets it through your system faster. He gave me a look that made me almost certain he was cursing me out in his head.

"Fine" He clenched his fists. "Just tell me where you're going." I rolled my eyes. Overprotective vampires are REALLY annoying. I preferred the narcissistic Alucard better.

"I'm going outside, big boy." With that I patted his chest and turned to go out the door. To tell the truth outside is where I've spent most of my time lately. I fell stronger outside, most likely the feral in me. Regardless I don't hurt as much outside. I can't explain it; it's just one of those werewolf things I guess. I pushed open the heavy wooden doors and stepped out onto nice cool concrete. I took in a big breath and let out a sigh. "Mmm, gotta love that fresh air." Strolling out to the training fields I found a nice patch of grass to stake my claim on. I lay down and rubbed my face against the grass, the blades gently caressing my cheek. Best feeling in the world, you should try it sometime.

I let my head loll to the right and looked longingly into the woods. Now that I think about it I haven't slept in the woods in months. Or done anything else that I used to do really. I've almost become a different person since I came here. I went to a night club, let my guard down at the wrong time, and joined an organization with a vampire, oh and to top it off I guzzled that entire glass of wolf's bane. "Urgh, have I really changed that much already?" I turned my head to face the moon. I stared at it looking for answers that it will never give me. After about an hour or so my mind started to wonder as I fought sleep. I fought over the paradox that I wanted to be with other wolves desperately, and the only one I found wants to kill me. "Heh, just my luck."

The wind changed direction and started to blow downwind to me. A scent caught my attention, and I sat bolt upright, eyes wide and nostrils flaring. "Where…?" I scanned only the line of the forest until my eyes caught sight of the outline of a man, well ok werewolf, but in human form. My nose wrinkled and a snarl rose up in my throat. The figure sprinted towards me and started to get up but was hit full force. "Oof!" Wow he's fast. He knocked me to the ground and pinned my wrists. I growled and struggled against him, kicked my feet out. He straddled my hips with his knees and grabbed my wrists so painfully that I relented to just snarling at the intruder. If I wasn't still poisoned… He leaned down close to my face and I heard his voice, but not from his mouth. "Hush, mein fräulein." Now that made me freeze. Can everyone get inside my head? I tried to see his face but a mop of gray hair hid it from me.

"Tell Shadow that if he wants me dead then he should do it himself!" He loosened his grip.

"I'm not with Shadow." I cocked my head to the side. So I have a rouge German wolf attacking me, what is this world coming to? I got that fuzzy feeling in my head again; oh he has more to say. "I'm here to help." Wow he hardly says much, still this was interesting news.

"Then why did you attack me?" he let go of me and sat back. I got up and sat across from him.

He replied "You were the one that was going to attack me." I thought about that for a second. Come to think of it I was going to attack, not that I can do much as it is.

"Hmm, well sorry about that. " I stared at him for a couple seconds to look him over. Underneath his gray hair were strong bone structure, and a very muscular body build. He was sporting a white wife beater, olive green army pants that were well worn and very baggy, to top it off he had large black commando boots. I felt it was safe to assume he was or currently is an army. A glint of metal caught my eye and I tilted my head to read his dog tags. "Hmm Hans Günsche." I squinted my eyes to read the words below. "Oh you're a captain." Before he could reply a familiar high voice hit my ears.

"But I killed you!" After I got over the initial shock of her piercing voice I leaned to the side and looked around Hans to see Seras freaking out like she had seen a ghost. She was pointing and looked pale even for a vampire. Me and Hans got up and started to approach her. She jerked backwards like our touch would kill her.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" I heard a gruff laugh from next to me. I shot him a 'what's so funny' look, but got no reply.

"I stabbed him with silver! I saw him burn myself!" She looked like a scared chihuahua, shaking in her boots. Realization swept over me and now I knew why he was chuckling next to me. Despite myself I burst up laughing. I didn't know that that rumor was still around! She gave me a weird face and I kind of felt bad for the poor girl. "Why are you laughing?" I snorted and started up laughing again, her ignorance makes me giggle.

Just as I was about to explain to her how stupid she was being, Alucard popped up and had both guns out. That put the funs times to a halt. "Whoa now, Why the guns, Alucard?" He snarled and glared straight at Hans.

"Get away from him." Feeling as defiant as ever I stepped closer to Hans.

"No, he has done nothing wrong; in fact he has come to help us." At this Alucard lowered his guns slightly. "Now before someone gets hurt can we go inside please?" Reluctantly everyone started for the doors. I walked up next to Alucard and asked him why everyone wants to kill Hans.

On the way to the room Alucard filled me in on their past experiences with the Captain. I took it all in. It explained his attire and physique. Once we found a room big enough to sit us all the room became divided and the tension was so thick it was suffocating. "I want to know how on earth he is alive." Seras pouted across the room next to Alucard. I stifled a giggle and looked over to Hans.

He remained silent. "Guess I'll take this one then eh?" He nodded. "Ok, well then let me explain the whole silver issue." I looked to Alucard. "Quite frankly I'm surprised that you don't know the truth. That must mean we keep good secrets." I heard a low Laugh next to me. "Well then, ok back when our species first started to quarrel werewolves knew that vampires would want any leverage they could get their grubby little hands on so we took advantage of this. A group of werewolves went about towns spreading rumors of a magical tool to kill us with ease. This of course being silver. However the rumor was rooted in truth, for us silver does have a magical quality just not in the way we make you believe. You see in reality Silver although it appears to burn us it really heals us. Much like in the same way a phoenix does. Once the rumors were passed around people wanted to test them to see if they were true, and of course when we were attacked with silver we burned and the town's people and vampires assumed it was hurting us, when actually you were helping us. This assumption has been passed down through lore and fledglings for centuries and apparently you fools still believe it."

At those words Alucard rose up infuriated. "I have killed many werewolves myself I know it works!" I sighed.

"Yeah, but how many did you watch after they burned? It may take awhile for the healing to kick in." He bit back a roar of outrage. I can't say I blame him; nothing hurts a vampire's ego like taking a couple hundred names off your kill list. He turned in a rush and headed for the exit. "Where are you going?"

"To Integra." And with that he stormed out of sight. Seras jumped up and quickly followed suite. With a sigh me and the Captain got up and went after them. Just what I needed a good old yelling at from Integra. Halfway up the stairs and I could already hear Alucard complaining to her. When the wolves walked into the room her focus was purely on us. If I wanted this to be over quickly I need to speak to the point and with good reason.

"Before you say anything, he is here to help us with the Shadow problem. Considering his past in the military, his age, and experience he would be an invaluable addition to the team. Not to mention having another werewolf join the fight would boost our forces greatly. He no longer is an enemy of this organization and will cause you no harm." I took a bog breath, of course that last statement I could not be sure was true. She stared at the both of us.

Surprisingly the only thing she had to say was "Where do you suppose he stays?" This caught me off guard. I was expecting another battle with her.

"He can have my room, seeing as how I never get to use it anyway. I shot an angry look at Alucard. She ashes her cigar and closed her eyes.

"Very well, but he is your responsibility. Should he do anything out of line, you will be punished harshly." Now I get it, she is hoping he does something bad, just so she can abuse me. Tricky little girl. Alucard stood there dumbstruck and Seras looked shocked. I permitted myself a smug smile. "Dismissed." I turned with Hans and left to show him his new room. Alucard no doubt was staying behind to argue the results of our little chat with his boss. After several hallways and flights of stairs we came to the door of my bedroom.

"It's, not much, but trust me it's better than a coffin." He inclined his head and walked inside closing the door behind him. Guess he's tired. I shrugged and walked back to my 'lovely' bed for the rest of the night.