Disclaimer: Electronic Arts (EA) and American McGee hold all copyrights to American McGee's Alice

Chapter Thirty Two: Shifting Battlelines

"I am sure you are wondering why Her Imperial Viciousness has called an emergency meeting in the Throne room for all the Heads of Administration. There has been a matter that has recently been brought to Her Imperial Viciousness's concern, as it should have been to all of yours. It is the matter of the girl from the Upper Air, known to us as Alice Liddell."

At a nod from his master, The Cat slotted a recording crystal into the projector slot, and a video of Alice slaughtering Club Guards began playing on the screen.

The Ministers all stayed silent at the grisly sight, surreptitiously noticing the swing of her blade and envying the swiftness of her attack, some even beginning to plan how to lure this rare talent to join their army. With such a formidable general at their command, the threat of The Cat could possibly be nullified, and who could say for sure that the Queendom of Wonderland would continue to be under a Chess Piece's rule?

"In the recent week she has engaged in terribly subversive activities that merit the Queen classifying her as a type Heart danger to Internal Peace and Order. However, as yet the Clubs agents have proved as incompetent as their army, and have been unable to locate her. Thus, anyone who wishes to earn Her Imperial Viciousness's special regard, which should be every one of you, will step forward with a viable solution to this issue and earn it!"

Well done, Cat. Keep the loss of The Hatter and the Red King from them at the moment. In any case, only the two of us and the Lady of Clubs is privy to that information, and when I'm done with her…The table immediately broke out in heated discussion, suggestions, accusations and comments flying thick and fast across the conference room, but hardly was there one that was worth even listening to.

The Red Queen, as usual, sighed inwardly and turned her attention to the meticulously cultivated skyline of Queensland, with its sleek, steel towers rising like spires into the air, minarets sparkling in the sun, and residential buildings with veined obsidian facades. She frequently — that was to say, every time she called a meeting — came out here to ponder this sight, a microcosm of the city she had conquered a decade ago.

For ten years, she had thought (no, known) that the lights of Wonderland were winking in perfect symphony with her thoughts, conspiratorial, as she conquered Wonderland and maintained her rule at every turn. But now, the seemed to wink in mockery of her vain efforts to catch the girl, derisive at the way her adversaries escaped from their fetters, at the way her fastidiously constructed Queendom of order and method seemed to be falling apart.

"Your Imperial Viciousness." A Clubs intelligence gatherer had come into the room and was standing at the Queen's elbow. "I beg pardon for the interruption, but you have a visitor. I believe he wishes to speak to you of a matter of considerable urgency."

She looked at him, silent, indicating for him to continue while the babble continued. The Club bowed in understanding, then pressed his arms to his sides, thrust his head out on his neck, and shuffled forward in quick little steps. Receiving no royal reaction, he did it a second time, this time alternately flapping his arms rapidly in addition to the ridiculous shuffle.

"What. Are. You. Doing?" the Red Queen hissed.

The minister formed an "O" with his mouth, motioned as if he were holding a hose…or a hookah, the Red Queen realised belatedly, to his lips, and inhaled. He crossed his eyes and removed the invisible tube from his mouth and exhaled, deeply.

"Absolem?" she asked quickly, her voice low and surprised, though the Club agent did not hear it.

"Yes, Your Imperial Viciousness, I didn't know if you wanted to — hurrk!" He was silenced suddenly, his tongue frozen in place, unable to budge.

"Thank you. And please call your mistress in for me."

Nodding mutely, he turned to the door, reaching for his crystal communicator when —

The doors slammed open, and the Lady of Clubs rushed in, frantic.

"Your Imperial Viciousness! Alice has reassembled the Jabberwock Eye Staff!"

Without moving a muscle, the Queen conjured a disembodied hand, hovering in front of the Minister of Candour, and delivered a tight slap.

"She bested the Jabberwock!"


"With the help of Razerious!"


"I am so — "

A long silver sword formed in the hand, and swung downwards, cutting off the words in the Lady of Clubs' throat, as well as the throat itself. As Royal Flush butlers cleaned up the remains of the recently-distraught Minister, the Red Queen herself vanished from the Throne Room, leaving the rest of the Ministers in shocked silence.

Sensing the tension, The Cat hastily explained. "Do you not think the Red Queen has her reasons? The Lady of Clubs was spreading malicious lies, to demoralise us! Surely that merits instant death! That the Red Queen has not sent her to the torture cells is a show of boundless magnanimousness!"

"What are you doing here?"

"To use the proper term, I am what you call the 'double agent'."

"If that is so…then I have even less reason to trust you!" The Red Queen lurched at the great worm, but he vanished before she could so much as aim a spear at his soft belly.

She heard puffing from behind her back and called upon lightning to strike him, but there was a loud fizzle and Wonderland's sovereign turned to see Absolem safely encased in a bubble of deflective energy.

"Oh, Iracebeth. You may think your world is all about order and restraint, but as I have proven, you aren't any better than a childish brat. So quick to anger"

"Get to the point."

"Let me put this simply. We are in a position to help each other. I feed you some valuable information as you…repay the appropriate favour I request. Do we have a deal?" Seeing that his Arcane skills were more powerful than even hers, the Red Queen saw no better option than to accept his offer — for now.

"Say your piece," she said, striding away from him to pace around the room.