
I don't own any of these characters. I've nothing to do to the twilight Saga, don't know Stephanie Meyer, know none of the actors etc, I just like working with her characters and putting them into my stories!

I'd like to thank my wonderful Lou for helping me with the story line!

"Jasper Whitlock! Seriously!" Bella's voice rang out, a little too loudly, I thought she was mad, but her outburst was followed by a long, overly dramatic laughing fit.

Perfect. Knew I shouldn't have told her.
I glanced over to see her doubled over on her bed, clutching at her sides. Alright...seriously wasn't that funny. Her dramatic facade continued as she sat up, looked at me, wiped the tears from her eyes, only to start laughing again.
"You look ridiculous!" I snapped, heading over towards her bedroom door, as if I were leaving.
"Aww Alice come on! Don't go." She whined, getting to her feet, dashing to my side. "Look...I'm sorry, it's just..." she trailed off when I looked at her, clearly not amused. "Sorry." She repeated, going towards her bed again, sitting herself down.
I debated leaving for a little while longer but realized I'd rather be here with her laughing at me, than at home with my Father, slumped out in front of the television.
With a reluctant sigh I followed her and sat beside her on the bed. "It's just what?" I demanded my frown deepening as she looked away from me. "Bella!"
Finally, she turned her brown doe eyes back onto me, watching me for a while before shrugging. "You know what he's like."
That ended that conversation.

The rest of the night at Bella's was pretty uneventful.
We did some homework then watched some television. Her Father came home around seven with some fish pie. Awful stuff.
After dinner, he drove me home, stayed for a while to talk to my father about something or other before leaving again.

I lay on my back in my bed, staring up at the ceiling, thinking of Jasper.
Was Bella right to laugh? Was it ridiculous of me to like him?
Sure I knew what he was like...knew he slept around, liked to get drunk, knew he smoked from time to time...but despite all that, I couldn't help but like him!
It wasn't like I'd have a chance with him anyway. He was popular, always surrounded by his copy-cat friends, by girls wanting his attention, which he gladly gave. Then there was me. The strangely small, quiet, boring freak. If me and Bella didn't have each other as friends, school would be hell.
"Urgh!" I whined rolling over, burying my face into my pillow. I did then, what I did most nights, let myself get lost in fantasies of being Jasper's girl, of him actually liking me, not using me for sex, of the other girls being jealous of me! Somewhere in the night, those fantasies turned into dreams as I drifted off to sleep.

"Alice!" My Father sounded right down my ear. I opened my eyes, wiping away the sleep before rolling over again. "Alice get up." He frowned, pulling off the duvet. "Come on, we're going to be late again. If you still want a lift get moving."
I stayed still until I heard my bedroom door closing, then I sat up, looking around my little bedroom. It took me about another five minutes to actually get off my bed. "It's cold." I moaned to myself, running into the bathroom to grab a shower.
Half an hour after waking up, I was out the door. I think that was a personal best!

I climbed into the passenger side of my Father's car and dropped my bag onto the floor, looking up as he got in. Sure I could have driven myself to school, but I usually went to Bella's afterwards and travelling in one car was much more environmentally friendly that two.
Great...I really was a freak.

Most of the ride was silent; both of us were still tired and were probably trying to wake up.
Since my Mother left us...we've not really gotten around to getting into a routine. We were always waking up late, everything was a rush. The evenings were filled with watching television and finding whatever we could to eat...usually it was a takeout menu we found.
Things didn't run as smoothly without Mom there, but we were happier, much, much happier.

"Have a good day sweetheart." My Father spoke, pulling me from my thoughts. He smiled towards me and moved his hand to ruffle my hair, a gesture he'd done since I was knee high...I wasn't much taller now!
"Thanks Dad, I'll be home around five tonight, Bella's out for dinner so I'll make us something when I get in." I smiled, leaning up pressing my lips to his cheek before grabbing my bag and jumping out. "See you." I called over my shoulder.

My Father didn't mind me going to Bella's after school, I kept her company and she kept me occupied, neither of our Father's complained, probably glad we had each other.

Morning classes flew by, History, followed by English then French. Ennuyer!
It was soon lunch and as usually me and Bella sat in the far corner on a table of our own. We didn't complain, we were good company for each other and didn't really need anyone else, though she had been getting rather friendly with Edward Mason, whom she had biology with. He was regularly a topic of conversation with us, whenever I mentioned his name Bella's cheeks lit up bright red.
I was about to say something when I saw her staring over my shoulder. "What?" I wondered, turning to follow her gaze but her hand landed on mine.
"Don't!" she hissed and I glanced back at her, completely confused now. "Jasper Whitlock is staring at you."
Crap...really? I turned to look, despite Bella's warnings and saw she was telling the truth.

There he was; his blonde hair left in that 'just out of bed' style, his piercing green eyes pinned onto me. Damn he looked good in those jeans...those jeans that were just a little bit too tight, that made his bulge stand out.
I realized I'd been staring at his crotch for a while and when I moved my eyes up to his face, it was obvious he noticed too as his eyebrows raised and he winked at me.
The blushed burned along my cheeks as I quickly turned back to face Bella who looked just as wide-eyed and confused as I did. Her next words practically made me sweat.
"He's coming over."

I'm new to this whole writing fic thing and so this is my first story! I would appreciate your reviews, good or bad, so I know how to improve and what I'm doing right.
Thank you!