Just a little part of Kitty's imaginary diary. Thought it would be cute to highlight her crush on Peter when she first became and x-man. :) Thanks. I don't own any of the characters :(

Ya know those girls who can always look good even with their hair tied up in a messy bun after running two miles in the middle of summer with sweat dripping down their face? I'm not one of them. Big surprise there... NOT. Me, Kitty Pryde has never been good with clothes, accessories, or any other type of thing you can wear on your body. For Pete's sake, even my hair is always a mess!

No literally! For Pete's sake. Peter to be more precise. Ya know. The big Russian dude who can turn himself into metal and the love of my life? (Not that he knows it of course...)

So, here I am after running two freakin' miles... ahem which I soooo enjoyed. Remind me to thank Logan for making me run those two oh so enjoyable miles later.

So anyways, I was running and concentrating like REALLY hard because Logan wanted to beat my previous record which by the way was a totally low number I think. Then Peter sticks his head of the bedroom window and starts to cheer me on. He's like "Go Kitty!", so I turn around to wave at him. Peter's all there in his shining glory so I failed notice the rather large rock in my way. I trip. Whoops.

Logan comes running up to me a few seconds later and starts yelling at me for not paying attention to the task at hand or whatever. Bleh. When Logan finally stops yelling at me he picks me up and looks me over for injuries. It turns out that I scraped both of my hands and knees pretty good but he just says, "Back to the start yer doin' it again."

That means I technically ran three miles today cause I had already done one mile before I fell! Stinkin' Logan... After I ran one mile of my new objective, I look back up to Peter's window and find it... empty? I thought he liked looking at sweaty old me run and do whatever torture Logan thinks of? When I got halfway done with my final lap, I noticed a shiny giant metal object talking with Logan. Arguing to be more precise. I thought nothing of it until I realized that Peter fit the description.


I took off down the field. Logan's claws out were not a good sign. AT ALL. I immediately started screaming as I ran. "Logan put 'em away!"

Couldn't have my handsome Russian being carved into ringlets for a completely unknown reason. Sure if he like had a girlfriend or something then I would maybe be alright with it but... Bleh. Get those thoughts outta your head Kitty. Anyway, that was luckily not what it was.

When I got there from my half mile sprint down the field, I was shaking and in desperate need of a drink of water but Peter needed my help more! So I asked them what was wrong. "Logan, what's the matter?" I asked innocently.

"Petey pure heart here thinks I'm pushin' ya too hard." Logan snorted out. He turned, and eyed me with his claws still out. "Do you think I'm pushin' ya too hard?"

I flinched. The question I knew was totally going to come once we started talking about work. "Well, er, I could use a band-aid for these scrapes." I put my hands out in front of me and stuck my bottom lip out just a bit. Logan glared at me. I looked over at Peter for his reaction. I was completely unprepared for it.

"You let her get scraped up da?" I remember, he was like totally fuming. Logan looked at him too. We were both surprised. Peter didn't even wait for Logan's reply. "I scrape you a a bit then." he muttered lowly, glaring at Logan.

"Bring it on Tin Man." Logan growled, crouching into a fighting stance. That was when I jumped into the almost fight, threatening them both to back away or face the wrath of my ninja skills. Apparently that was funny to some people-correction-both people. But, they listened. Logan even put away his claws! I was so proud. The tension dissolved even further until Peter mentioned going down to the med bay to get a few band-aids for my injuries.

Logan, of course, thought I wasn't hurt that bad even though I was bleeding all over the place. You would have thought that the bleeding was done by then! So, Logan got all fired up again about him being my mentor or whatever and saying that if I needed medical attention, then he would decide so. Peter grabbed my arm and started pulling me in the direction of the med bay.

Snikt. Again! I turned around and looked at him. I even used my 'What is wrong with you he's just taking me to go get a band-aid' look. Unfortunately, Logan didn't seem to get the message. He grabbed my other arm and tried to pull me in the direction of the running field. (I was secretly rooting for Peter, don't tell Logan!)

I felt like one of those poor little stretchy things. They pull you and pull you until you break. So I made this face : / and phased through both of them. Except it hurt when I phased through Logan. Really hurt. Like 'fall on the ground crippling kind of pain' hurt. Which was apparently a pretty good distraction for Peter and Logan, because they both stopped fighting and knelt down beside me trying to figure out what was wrong. I was slipping in and out of consciousness, but I knew it was totally Peter's arms picking me up and taking me to the med bay. (I'm sure it was Peter's arms no matter what Logan says!)

So here I am, in the med bay. Yippee. Well, at least that means I hopefully won't have to train with Logan for a while. Or maybe he'll go easier on me? Dr. McCoy said the lovely pain I got was from the adamantium in Logan's skeleton. Apparently it's too dense for me to phase through without a lot of pain.

Uh oh, Logan is yelling at me to get my lazy butt up and start training again. This time he said were gonna use the Danger Room. Oh yeah. Great. Bye.


Kitty Pryde : /

Thanks for reading. Reviews are always nice... (hint hint) ;)