Standing At The Beginning With You

Hello. My second fiction for Ghost Hunt is already out! HAAHA! PLEASE REVIEW! I hope this one turns out good, though. I don't expect much. But, keep on coming my loves! HAHAHAHA! Weird. I'm weird. I know that okay! =)))))))))))))) GEEEEEEEZ.

Summary: Mai ran away from SPR after she found out her backgrounds about her family. Now, three years later, she came back to Shibuya, wanting to start again. But what if she meets with the gang again? What will happen between her and Naru?

Chapter 1: Reminiscing

Mai Taniyama sat in her messed up apartment, sighing. She'll move back again to Tokyo in one week and she's already preparing her luggages for the said move. She was staying in Osaka for three years already and she planned to move back.

She closed her eyes as she remembered what happened three years ago in her last case. The horrible, horrifying things that happened. The memories that suddenly rushed back into her mind. She couldn't take anything.

Flashback, Three Years Ago, Tokyo

Mai was running for her life as the ghost run after her, with an evil smirk on his face. The ghost can bring back the memories that Mai already forgotten when her father died and her mother's almost death.*

Mai saw how her father was murdered, he was stabbed to death, punched, gunned. She couldn't take any of it, but gladly, Naru was there to comfort her. He stopped her from crying and took her away from the house.

But it wasn't successful.

The ghost only scared Mai that her boyfriend, Naru, was gonna be stabbed. She ran away from Naru, leaving him unharmed and her endangered.

In Mai's Vision

Mai was standing in one corner, looking terrified. Her arms were wrapped around her body as the ghost approached her, holding a pointy material on his hand.

Suddenly, the ghost disappeared, and a figure of her father was standing not far away from her. And in front of her father was a figure of a man wearing a tuxedo, and a gun was on his hand. Beside him, was a man wearing black and holding a knife.

They walked closer to him and all at once, they stabbed him and shot him. They looked like they weren't satisfied yet, so they punched him.

Mai was scared, her eyes were watering, and her whole body was shaking.

End of the Vision

After what Mai saw, she ran and ran. Running to where she possibly can be safe. Back to where the whole gang was, where they can exorcise the ghost, let him move on and stop ruining the lives of people.

Mai ran to Naru, where he was waiting with the others, ready to exorcise the ghost. And they did. They were successful, but Mai was still in tears.

"Mai, its gonna be okay. Everything's over now." Naru comforted his girlfriend for a month now.

"You should have seen how he died." Mai said, burying her face in Naru's chest.

"Mai, its over now don't cry now." Takigawa said, standing beside Naru, ruffling Mai's hair.

Everyone had sad looks on their faces. Ayako wanted to run to Mai and comfort her herself but she knew that it would be better if it was Naru who did it. Madoka was standing beside Lin, while his arms were wrapped around her shoulder. Masako was hiding behind her kimono and John was thanking that everything was over now.

"Oto-san..." Mai whispered, still crying.

"Mai, you should rest now." Naru said, carrying her in his arms, walking to the van.

"I can't take this anymore, Naru." Mai said, tightening her grip on Naru's shirt.

"What are you saying?" Naru asked her, looking into her eyes deeply.

"I need a break." Mai said, dripping off to slumber.

"I'll give you all the time in the world." He answered.

After Naru gave her the break she needed, she secretly ran away to Osaka. No one knew. None but her. Not even Bou-san nor Naru. She decided that she didn't want anymore of ghost hunting that keeps her being freaked out.

But, half of her heart needed, wanted, loved the job. It took her a whole day to convince herself to move, to leave. To leave SPR. To leave Naru.

She did left a letter in her table in the office. She addressed it to Naru.

And so, the letter said:

Dear Naru,

I'm sorry for leaving like this. I swear that its against my will. I loved everything here. SPR became my family. But, I just can't take all the fears, the dreams that appears whenever I sleep. Naru, I promise that I'll come back. I know you won't be able to forgive me for this. I am hoping, though. But, I won't expect because me leaving like this isn't what you deserve. I'm sorry, Naru. I love you.

With love,

Mai Taniyama

End of Flashback

Mai still remembered clearly when she cried when she was writing her letter to Naru. She remembered how much she cried that day. She couldn't forget how hard she tried to step on the cab going to Osaka.

She remembered everything and she couldn't help the tears that is now running down her soft pale cheeks. She wiped them but they continued to fall. She needed to go back to Tokyo, where her family, if she can still call it so, stays.

Also, what Mai couldn't forget was when her beloved confessed his love to her. Mai couldn't believe that day.


Mai entered Naru's office, trying to balance the tea cup full of tea that she will give Naru. He asked his tea, his seventh today, again and Mai was getting irritated by this.

"Naru! Here's your tea!" Mai said, walking to him carefully.

Naru stood up and unexpectedly took the cup from her, which surprised Mai at his helpfulness. He drank half of his tea and set it on the table.

"What?" Naru was looking at Mai and Mai was growing uncomfortable.

"I love you." Naru whispered.

"What?" Mai asked again, she wasn't sure if she heard it right.

Naru didn't respond anymore. He just pulled Mai into an embrace and kissed her on the lips.

Mai, shocked, unconsciously wrapped her arms around Naru's neck and kissed him back. Pressing her body closer to his, she smiled.

End of the Flashback

Mai frowned, wiping the tears that fell as she remembered everything that happened.

"I have to get a grip of myself. I'm going back to Tokyo. I'm gonna have a chance of seeing them again... Maybe." Mai told herself, closing her eyes and almost falling asleep on the floor.

"Mai? Are you here?" A familiar voice to Mai said, entering her room.

"Oh, hey Daisuke. What are you doing here?" Mai asked, putting on a smile on her face.

"Seeing you. Is it bad?" Daisuke teased his best friend.

"Nope. I just finished packing and I'm worn out!" Mai complained.

"Then, rest. I have a surprise for you, by the way." Daisuke said, grinning widely at Mai.

"What is it?" Mai's eyes were lightenened with excitement.

"I'll be going with you to Shibuya!" Daisuke grinned at her.

"Really? Oh, I thought we're gonna part forever!" Mai jumped lightly, hugging Daisuke tightly.

"You know that won't happen." Daisuke looked sternly at her, scolding at her.

"S-Sorry, Dai-kun." Mai apologized, her eyes showed guilt.

"Not to worry, Mai." He smiled at her.

End of the First Chapter!


Daisuke and Mai went to Shibuya together. When they reached their, a familiar person, both to Mai and Daisuke show up that surprises them, sharing secrets, and the truth that seems to hurt her. Now, who is this person who messed up Mai's once almost perfect again life? Read to find out.


Gossip Girl.


Advance Happy New Year and Late Happy Christmas! ;)
