Finn had been confused all week. Truthfully, he was confused most of the time, but this was different. It was a good kind of confusion that plagued him lately.

Rachel had been giving him his space lately, which was completely unlike her. And she looked... different. No, that's not the right word. She looked amazing. Her old clothes seemed to have vanished off the face of the earth, leaving behind a brand new wardrobe full of clothes that showed off every curve. She was quieter at glee club, and no one seemed to mind much. In all, she was acting like a completely different person. A sweeter, gentler Rachel Berry.

And now Finn was about to go to dinner with Kurt and Blaine. Another unusual thing that was happening this week, seeing how the two Warblers were usually very private about their dating life. He really hoped they wouldn't get too cozy during dinner. Finn he was still uncomfortable after catching Kurt and Blaine in the basement.

Finn straightened his tie, a pale red one that Carole had helped him put on before he left, and headed for the door.

Rachel sat at the table, shaking like mad. "Why am I doing this, Kurt?" She fingered the end of her pale green blouse.

"Because you're in love with him, Rachel." Kurt didn't even look up from his menu as he spoke. "We didn't do all this work for nothing, you know. Just wait for Finn to get here and we can work all of this out."

"But Kurt, I-"

"No buts! Just sit here and wait!"

Rachel sighed heavily and slumped back in her seat. She watched as Blaine nudged his boyfriend and whispered something in his ear, which spurred a whispered argument between the two.

"Guys?" Rachel tapped her hand against the table. "I can't do this."

Kurt whipped his head around to face the girl. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Kurt. I can't do this. I've been good all week and Finn hasn't made a single move. He doesn't want me. He'll probably never want me again." Tears were starting to pool in Rachel's eyes. The brunette grabbed her purse and slid out of the booth and practically ran toward the door. This wasn't the place to be crying.

As if by some cruel trick of fate, Finn opened the door just as Rachel ran through it, muttering a pardon.

"Rachel?" Finn turned toward the girl, who stopped short at her name. She looked up at her ex-boyfriend, letting the tears fall freely.

"Hi." The tension made her ears ring, filling the silence. "This really isn't a good time, my make-up is probably running." She turned to leave, but he caught her by the arm. He had been stopping Rachel like this a lot lately.

"What were you doing here?" he gulped. "You didn't have a date, did you? Did someone hurt you?" He leaned in close to her face, examining it for some answer.

"What? No. Why would I... I'm not dating anyone." She dropped her gaze. "No one can compete with you."

Finn smiled, making Rachel's cheeks go pink. "Kurt invited you, didn't he?"

Rachel laughed through a choked sob. "I told him you weren't stupid." She looked at the door. "I was just leaving. You probably don't want me there."

"That's not true." Finn looked at her almost sternly, trying to get his point across. "You're the only one I want there. Come on," he said, pulling her towards the door. "You look hungry."

Kurt wanted to stand on his seat and look across the restaurant. How dare those two just walk away? Finn had requested a private table, and now the two were sitting across from one another, talking quietly. "I can't believe them!" He turned to Blaine. "I fix this whole thing up and I don't even get to see what happens?"

Blaine laughed. "If that was us, would you want them there?"

"That will never be us." Kurt snuggled against Blaine's chest, giving up on trying to read their lips. "You're too perfect for that to be us."

"You're not so bad yourself." Blaine smirked and lifted Kurt's chin just enough to give him a kiss. "Your only problem is that you're so damn nosy."

"Hey! I have a right to be this time!" He sat back up and glanced at Rachel and Finn's table. "They're my friends. I don't know what I'd do without them."

"And that's very sweet. I'm pretty sure Rachel knows you're staring at her, though."

"She doesn't mind." Kurt gave Rachel a thumbs up. She winked back, mouthing a silent thanks. At that moment, Finn stood and sat next to the girl. He leaned towards her, eyes already closed in anticipation. Rachel put a hand behind Finn's neck to pull him closer. She lifted the other hand as high as it would go, waving and pointing to get Kurt's attention. She would swear later that she could hear him cheering with Blaine from across the dining room.

Finn leaned away, letting Rachel run her hand through his dark hair. "Are we okay now?"

Rachel smiled. That was the understatement of the year. "More than okay. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me too."

Finn decided to drive Rachel home. The two said good-bye to the Warblers before leaving hand in hand. Kurt waited for Finn's car to leave the parking lot before squealing in Blaine's ear. "We did it!" He threw his arms around Blaine's neck and pulled him close, trying his best not to grin as they kissed. Kurt didn't even care that they were in public. "I feel like a matchmaker." He dropped his head onto Blaine's shoulder and kissed him on the neck. "Thank you for putting up with me through all this."

"Anything for you." Blaine put his head on top of his boyfriend's, taking in the sweet scent of Kurt's shampoo against his nose. "I love you, Kurt. My little matchmaker."

"I love you too, my perfect match."