50 Sentences Expanded

An NCIS Fanfic.

11. Blur – When he closed his eyes, Tony remembered the whole scene in fast forward, and Gibbs was still drowning every time.

Maddy Tyler was okay. Thanks to extensive training required by every police force he had ever worked for as well as required by NCIS Tony had managed to restore life to the lifeless young woman.

Gibbs was okay. Thanks to all of the above as well as the nervous panic that spurred Tony on to save his boss and his lover Tony had managed to restore life to the lifeless man.

Anthony DiNozzo was not okay. No doubt due to mommy and daddy issues that he had never resolved, not to mention his other laundry list of issues it didn't matter to Tony that he had performed two miracles in the span of a few minutes.

He was sitting next to Gibbs' hospital bed wearing borrowed scrubs and a thick blanket. Gibbs was wide awake and if he wasn't still so weak he would be roaring to everyone who came near that he could be released because he was fine.

Abby had backed slowly out of the room after informing Gibbs that he wasn't to be released until the following day. McGee and Ziva were tying up the loose threads of the case and Ducky was processing the bodies of the men Tony had shot (and surprisingly killed despite his lack of aim or precision). So Tony was sitting with his lover, trying to calm him down so he didn't hurt himself or someone else.

When you survive death by drowning there are no stitches or broken bones (other than perhaps a cracked rib or two from the chest compressions). There are no scars except bruising from the hands on a chest. All you were left with was emotional scarring, and Tony had learned over the years that this was the worst kind of pain to overcome.

Ducky had implored him to get some rest, mostly hoping that Gibbs would follow suit and grab some shut eye.

However it was now two in the morning and while Gibbs had drifted off to sleep eventually Tony sat wide awake. The chair was uncomfortable and he was freezing but the negativities he focused on were not what was preventing him from closing his eyes. Nightmares plagued him and no matter what his rational mind tried to tell him he still watched and felt the pang in his chest.

When he closed his eyes, Tony remembered the whole scene in fast forward, and Gibbs was still drowning every time. Tony didn't manage to save him. Either of them. The team would find him sitting on the dock surrounded by their dead bodies, tears dripping down his cheeks hidden by the murky water of his swim. He was dead. He was gone.

So Tony opened his eyes once more and watched Gibbs sleep, focusing on the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he drew in the breaths of life. He started as he realized Gibbs was watching him, blue eyes penetrating his soul and extracting his pain. Damn him for that confounded ability of his to always know when someone he cared for was hurting.

"Come here." It was barely a whisper but Tony drew the words to him like a security blanket while he left the real blanket behind and walked to Gibbs' bedside. Gibbs checked the door, making sure it was closed. Tony drew the curtain around the bed for privacy at Gibbs nonverbal suggestion. He then lifted one side of the bed linens and motioned for Tony to crawl in.

Tony hesitated but Gibbs gave him a look which Tony took to mean 'get your ass over here or I will give you the world's biggest head slap as soon as I'm able'. Tony smiled and climbed in beside Gibbs. They didn't cuddle but the lack of space in the twin hospital bed forced them breach the realm of cuddling (although they would never admit it) and actually embrace.

"Sleep, Tony," Gibbs commanded. Tony laid his head on the pillow next to Gibbs' and closed his eyes.

A/N: Okay so this wasn't actually requested by anyone but I really wanted to expand it and so I did. I hope you like it anyways! Please review and let me know if anyone is still reading these.



Disclaimer: NCIS is the property of Donald P. Bellisario and Don McGill.