Mama Knows Best

Summary: Kagome was no expert on raising children, but she knew for a fact. She had to keep this child, no matter how scared she was...she would never abandon her child; she'd never be able to forgive herself. She wouldn't run and hide, not the way he did; not like him!

Anime: InuYasha/Gundam Wing

Pairing: Duo/Kagome

Rated: M for Mature content in later chapters, blood/gore, character death and Massacres

Genre: Romance/Family/Angst


Chapter One


Our Little Secret


"Duo!" Haggard breathing tore through the yellowish smog that caused the boy to falter in his steps as he almost tripped on a jagged rock. Jumping on top the rock, gazing over the rubble trashed roads and alleyways, he called out "Duo! Slow down! You know that girl won't talk to us!" He ran his hand through messy, unkempt black hair, his eyes, dark brown, had a sad look as he stared at the place he had long ago called home. Its lackluster scenery no longer appealed to him.

"She doesn't have to talk to us!" The other, Duo, ran back up to him. "I just want to talk to her; she's an orphan, like us, and alone...unlike us, she has no one, living in that house all alone, with no one. And we have each other, Solo and Duo, then the others too, but what about her?"

"...She's in a three floor mansion, with food, water, money and a warm bed...what does she need people for?"

Duo laughed mirthlessly, kind of in a doom and gloom sort of way that made the others heart ache. "To talk to. She has all those emotions bottled up, her head and heart will explode if she doesn't talk with somebody...ANYBODY!"

"And you are the perfect candidate...alright, let's go. The wind is picking up and it looks like night will fall soon."

Duo smiled and they took off in a run towards the mansion that held the lonely orphan girl. "Hey," Duo called out to Solo, "You know, she hasn't told us her name yet."

"She hasn't told us anything!" Solo laughed, "Really, what is your fascination with her. You remind me of Aladdin, little street rat; and she's your Princess Jasmine, though...she's not Arabian, she's foreign though. I think..."

"I think she may be from another colony, but—whoa..." Duo covered his face as the wind lashed violently at his long chestnut locks that were stinging painfully against his cheeks as each strand seemed to take on an evil force of its own.

Solo laughed, "There called scissors, look into them."

"No way!" Duo ran past the destroyed charred stone wall that had once guarded the mansion, not a very good wall if you asked him.

"Well, don't complain then!"

"Hey look!" Duo pointed; both stopped short of the moving security camera. "I thought the power was shut down in this part of town?"

"It was...apparently she had it turned back on."


"..." Solo looked to the camera that had stopped on them and ushered Duo to the front door. "I don't know, but I don't like when people can clearly see me, and I can't see them. It's unnerving."

"Unless of course it's us that can see them, and they can't see us." Duo laughed, "Huh? It's locked? Hum...and there's an alarm..." He pointed to the blinking red that was lit on a keypad.

Solo frowned, "Break in." he said, as if it was nothing to worry about, and maybe it wasn't. Duo had always been gifted with electronics and the works. Computers, alarms, security cameras and routers, they were nothing to Solo, but Duo could break into anything. Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but he was truly amazing. Duo was seven, Solo was nine, and together, they wrecked havoc around the town, causing trouble for those who still called this colony home. He pulled a choppy and scratched up mini screwdriver before removing four small screws from the keypad, removing the casing to reveal wires of a multitude of colors. He looked it over for a moment and pulled one of the wires free from the metal clasping that was welded around it. The light stopped blinking and a click was heard.

Duo grinned. "Not hard at all, probably expected someone to try another means of entrance, but I didn't see a need to use excess effort on such slight security." He ran up the staircase on their right.

They'd broken into this mansion about two weeks ago, not knowing that the girl inhabited the place until they came across the library, which Duo had taken interest in quickly, and a little girl about their age or a year younger, sitting down and reading a book titled 'Utopia' which, again, Duo was curious of. As such, when Duo is curious of something, he goes right up to it and get's a closer, more...unrestricted...look.

The girl scrambled to her feet with the book in hand, black shoulder length hair, neatly brushed and pulled into evenly split, low pigtails, the red band itself was at the end of each gathered cluster of hair, leaving an inch of hair past the confinements. She wore an exquisite crimson red dress made of lustrous silk taffeta and pair of crimson red ballet slip on shoes. She looked past Duo who, once more, stared curiously. Her eyes landed on Solo and before either boy's realized what was happening, she had passed through a spot on the wall that was quick to close up tightly behind her.

That had been their first meeting, and then Duo would continuously try and coerce her into saying a few words. At that time, the lights, electricity and such had been off due to the town being powerless. So arriving to a power lit building had taken them off guard.

"What are you boys doing here?"

They jumped, turning quickly to see an old man standing at the bottom of the staircase that they stood on; he was distinguished by his long nose, mushroom-shaped hair and a long scar on his cheek.

Duo and Solo could only stare before turning to run up the remaining steps only to see the young girl that they'd come to see.

"..." Her hand moved to the railing and her finger pressed something neither could see before the steps sank down into a flat surface and the two were sliding down the staircase...slide.

"Now what are you two doing down there?" The old man looked at them over his long nose, eyes quirked curiously as if he hadn't seen the staircase spectacle take place. "How did you two get in here?" He asked, eying Duo who looked at him through his messy hair that had flopped over his face in waves. His eyes, a shade of violet/blue, stared up at him intensively, regarding him in all aspects as he tried to put together who he was and why he was in the little girls home. He could tell the boy had an inquiring mind; inquisitive of things around him, interested in things not, meddlesome perhaps when he doesn't get the answers he acquires...yes...there was definitely a certain...mental acquisitiveness...about the boy.

"Why are you in Jasmine's house?" Solo was the one to brake the silence that Duo had been pulled in and almost seemed to be drowning in.

"...Jasmine?" The older man smiled and looked at the wide eyes girl curiously.

"Their nuts!"

The first words they'd ever heard her say; the words that both had wanted to hear, anything spoken, anything heard, anything that could be said would do...but that?

Duo laughed, "Yeah, we are! Sorry sir, we don't know her name, as she hasn't told us, so we gave her one."

"Ah, I see. Kagome?"

"..." She 'humphed' and walked away, pressing the button on the rail as she did so.


"Professor G, you are insane!" The three kids sat at the dining room table where the old man, Professor G as Duo and Solo had learned, had told Kagome to fix the two diner and set them up a place to sleep.

"Is that so," He smiled as she clenched her fists before standing and grabbing an apron off the counter. "What in carnations do you want me to make for them! Dim-Sum!"

"Dim-what?" Solo and Duo glanced between each other and shrugged.

"It's Japanese..." She sighed, "I'll see what I can cook up...lazy old man..." She muttered, causing Professor G to laugh out again.

"Get to work kiddo!"

"Hey! I'm letting you use my home, remember that!" She snapped, taking both boys by surprise, though, they both secretly wondered why the old man needed to use her home, and what she got in return.

Duo, not liking being in the dark as to how the old man knew the young girl, spoke up. "Kagome, can I call you Kagome? Kagome, how do you know this guy?" He hadn't waited for an answer to his first question, rather, he continued on with his second question.

Again, Kagome clenched her fists, this time, tightly around the large plastic spoon that she was going to use in a moment. "He was daddy's old college professor and my caretaker during my years of three, four, and five years old. He would teach random things that...I guess are pretty pointless to normal people, but...I'm not normal..."

"What kind of things did he teach you?"

Kagome pulled out a tomato and smiled maliciously at the two who shivered at the look. "He taught me of the everyday vegetables and plants that I grow that have poisonous parts on" She held the red food product up, "...this tomato... it has little bristles all over the stem and leaves, that, when that get stuck in your skin, of prick you, they insert a type of poison that can cause a burning sensations and a rash."

"..." The two looked nervously at her back as she turned, pulled out a cutting board, a knife and began cutting the tomato into half inch squares.

"..." Professor G smiled, "Don't worry, she won't kill you. She has to big a heart to hurt anyone." He whispered.

Both looked at her again as she went to cutting carrots and potatoes, adding pepper and salt, a bit of garlic and lemon. She pulled a pan out and three pounds of ground beef before adding it to the large pan, Worcestershire Sauce was quick to follow, though, they laughed when the plastic piece that kept it pouring small quantities popped off and emptied the contents into the pan. She'd stood there staring wide eyed and shocked before placing the now empty bottle on the counter.

No one asked what she was cooking, just watched to make sure she didn't need help.

When she was done, pouring the remnants of water in the pot out, she added the cooked beef and mixed it all together. "There, Goulash..."

" it edible?" Solo asked, having never eaten anything with such

"I've had it before!" Duo said, "It was at a restaurant that would give me some free of charge when I would come by, but..."

"They were destroyed for supporting the resistance sectors that would go against OZ. Oz troupes occasionally come around, I let them stay and go down to the bottom, mind you...they don't even know I'm here. They just need a place to stay when they come to check for enemy convoys." She frowned, "I can't wait for the day they fall..."

"Soon my dear, soon, but really, we should discuss this at a later date; for now, this grotesque meal that tickles deliciously at my nostrils."

She stared at him a moment, but said nothing. They ate in silence, occasionally; one of the three would glance up at one another, then look down before they noticed. Professor G smiled to himself, catching each little glance thrown curiously across the table.


"You two had better stay quiet. It's bad enough I have to deal with the old man, and now you two!" She showed them down the hall and stopped in front of two rooms, directly across from one another. "To the left, and right, are your rooms. You choose who gets which room. Both are equipped with showers and towels are in the bathroom cabinet. Soap, shower supplies and such can be found in there too. I'll go get some clothes for both of you to wear while I have the ones being worn washed." She bowed politely and dismissed herself.


Kagome sat on top of the roof, staring out at the sea of smog that filled her once beautiful home. Well, it wasn't always her home. Originally, she lived on the L1 colony; Japanese, fully. Her mom, who was living L1, died due to a surprise ambush of OZ military officials. She was apart of the resistance, one of the leaders. She worked with a man and a boy, who was the same age as herself, training him to be the 'Perfect Soldier'. Mama had the man, who Kagome believed to be the boys' father, train her a little too. Her father found out, he got mad because mama was trying to 'use her as a weapon to fight against OZ like the others', or so he said.

Her family was messed up, all families are. She had a younger brother, who originally lived with her and her mom, then her dad had him sent to someone, Professor G, who sent him somewhere else...and Kagome lost track, never heard about him again. Then her dad, after four months of learning with her 'friend' partner, who they called Heero, she called Yuy...her dad took her away. Then, there was news, horrible news...a massacre. Her mother was murdered by the OZ soldiers who had infiltrated the L1 base where their 'Project' was beginning. Their other base, which Kagome, on one hand felt grateful, on the other hand...scared...Heero and the man had safely relocated to continue their training, with a Doctor J. She knew this only through her fathers Professor.

Then...on a calm evening, a gun in the front yard fired and Kagome was pulled by her father down the stairs and into an opening where he typed something on his security systems keypad that transported her down a flight into the basement. She never saw him again...she only found broken glass, holes in the wall where bullets had pierced and blood from someone being dragged. She was six, and alone...

A year passed with her living alone before she was contacted by Professor G, and then, the day after, a pair of rats got in...

"Kagome...the transport of Deathscythe takes place tomorrow at noon. Are you ready to begin training?"

"I told you, you can use my home...but I am no ones weapon. Find someone else."

"The Deathscythe was originally designed for you..."

"I won't...I don't want to pilot it." He sighed, Professor G walked back inside the room, closing the glass doors to the balcony beneath the spot she sat. 'I refuse...its scary...'


Me: Alright, this has been bugging my Muse for the past week and a half or so, I hope you enjoy! I'll be uploading this one pretty often, due to the overload of chapters my Muse is providing. I'll start the next chapter in a moment, bath! Please read and review! SANKYU! ^_^''