heyy guys (:


*I want to thank you guys for not giving up on me. You guys mean so much to me. You're the reason why I finished this. I'll shut up now.(:*

Chapter 4- One Happy Ending

*Now, Present Day*

"You may kiss your bride."

With those words spoken, a young bride dressed in white and a young man dressed in black kissed. Their lips touched for a short moment before the audience cheered. The crowd clapped as the new Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fitzgerald made their way away from the altar and into the limo.

Nicholas Fitzgerald smiled brightly as he jumped into the limo with his parents. Clare held open arms as her son jumped into them. Mark wrapped one arm around his wife and smiled. They were one happy family.


"Well Mrs. Fitzgerald, it seems that you are pregnant. That would probably explain the mood swings, food cravings, morning sickness, and weight gain. You are about two months along." The doctor said to Clare, who couldn't believe it.

"Oh my God. Baby, we're having another addition." Clare said excitedly to her husband and hugged him.

"I know. I can't wait." Mark smiled and kissed her on the forehead.


"Alright kiddo. We have some great news for you. Mom and I went to the doctor and we found out Mom's having a baby. You're gonna be a big brother." Mark said to his son.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" The young boy asked curiously.

"We don't know yet. We're going to have to wait." Mark said and chuckled at his son's annoyed expression. Patience didn't get along with Nick.

"But Dad, waiting takes forever." Nick complained and fell back on the couch.

"Honey, don't worry. The baby will be here before you know it. Now who wants pizza?" Clare asked, knowing that food would distract the little boy.

"I DO!" Nick yelled and followed his mom into the kitchen so they could make some pizza.

Mark chuckled at this. He loved life right now. He was married almost a year. His son was his pride and joy. Clare was pregnant again. He had the life he always wanted.


Seven months later, Clare found herself on a hospital bed with a newborn baby boy in her arms. Her second son. Mark had an excited Nick in his arms.

Nick couldn't stop staring at the baby. His new brother was finally here.

"Mom, what's his name?" He asked curiously to his mother.

"Michael David Fitzgerald. Honey, you can call him Mikey." Clare said to her older son.

"Mikey. I likey. Hey that rhymes!" Nick exclaimed happily and earned a chuckled from his father.


"Morning Mom." A teenage Nick greeted his mom one early morning. Today was the day Nick was going to start high school. Not any high school. He was going to start Degrassi Community School.

"Good morning honey. Breakfast is at the table." Clare said from her place in front of the stove.

"Mornin' little bro." Nick ruffled his little brother's head and sat down to eat breakfast.

"Where's your father?" Clare asked, not seeing her husband anywhere.

"Sleeping." Her sons said in unison.

"He's going to be late if he doesn't wake up soon." Clare said annoyed that her husband was still sleeping.

"Wait for it." Nick whispered to the five year old next to him and they bother covered their ears.

"MARK FITZGERALD, YOU BETTER WAKE UP BEFORE I GO UP THEIR AND WAKE YOU UP MYSELF!" Clare bellowed from the kitchen. Upstairs, a small crash was heard and the slamming of the bathroom door.

"Works all the time," Clare smiled to herself.


"Our last addition. Welcome to the family, Anna Rose Fitzgerald." Clare whispered to the sleeping baby in her arms. The newborn girl was all being stared at by three males. Her father and her two older brothers were in awe by the little girl.

"Our family is complete." Mark said and kissed his wife on the forehead.

"Alright Fitzgeralds, smile for the camera." A nurse said and the whole family smiled except for the sleeping baby.

Clare smiled. Her family was complete and she couldn't have wished for a better family.


I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO Sorry. I've been so busy. I apologize guys.

But summer's finally here and well