I keep getting slapped upside the head with Castle inspiration. I don't know why.

I, sadly, do not own Castle. And every time I have to type that, I feel a little bit sadder. So if I ever, like, start being depressed or something, I blame these disclaimer statment things.

Kate Beckett had a bad day at work. Many little things happened, but the real kicker was that Castle wasn't there to entertain her. She was reminded of the summer he was in the Hamptons with Gina.

But she know that that wasn't the case. Castle was her boyfriend now and they were living together.

She walked into the loft and kicked off her boots, dropping her bag on a chair.

"Just out of curiosity, how do you walk, let alone run, in those heels? They're like kitten heels on steroids."

Kate jumped. When her heart rate had slowed down a bit, she turned around to see Castle looking at her three inch heels.

"Oh, and sorry for startling you. I don't have shoes that let people know where I am all the time." He smirked a little.

"Lots of practice," she said.

His face screwed up into one of confusion. "Huh?"

"You asked how I walk, let alone run, in these heels. My answer is lots of practice."

Realization dawned on him. But he still looked like he thought that heels were impossible to walk in.

"Why do people wear these, anyway?" he asked.

She shrugged. "It's the fashion, I guess. And they do make threatening people easier."

"Not that you threaten anyone on a regular basis, though, right?" Castle looked a little scared now.

"Of course. Whatever you say. But if I were to threaten someone, it would be more fun if I had heels on. Do you know how much it hurts of someone steps on you in these things?" she sounded like she was a kid in a candy shop, excitement laced through her words.


"Well, I'm not going to step on you to prove my point. They also are great when you kick in doors."

He brightened up considerably, kicking in doors is one of his favorite topics. "That would make sense."

"But it doesn't always work. The first time that I kicked a door in, my foot went right through the door and it didn't open." Kate had sat down on the couch by now, so Castle went to join her.

"Really? That doesn't sound like you," Castle said.

"Yeah, well, I was a rookie at the time and I hadn't gotten it yet. And I am not going to give you more details; you have to go see Ryan for that." Seeing his confused look, she explained. "Ryan and I trained together and he was my first partner. It's kind of like when you go to high school and you still know the people you knew in kindergarten? You know everything about the people."

"Really. Well I might have to go give Ryan a call now," Castle said as he slunk over to the phone.

"Just remember, if he starts giving away too many stories, I know more stuff about him than he does about me," she called over to him. "And I've picked up a few things about you since we've been living together. Such as, your duckie pajamas."

"I was going to call Esposito too; do you know anything about him?"

"No, but I have my phone right here, I could just give Lanie a call." She smirked. "Don't worry. I got dirt on all you guys." She laughed and got up, then sauntered upstairs.

Castle froze with the phone in his hand, not knowing if he wanted to call the guys anymore.

Haha I love blackmail. Except for when it's used against me. But I don't think it ever has been.

Kate's foot-through-door thing actually did happen. I was listening to the Castle podcast and Seamus Dever, who plays Ryan (that's why I had Ryan know Kate and her shoe antics) said that the first time she kicked a door in, that did happen.

Review please!
