This is a story I wanted to write for Ashleigh Piccino.

Like me, she wants to live in our fave ogre's world and I know she loves my stories about Inyunaruto365 and I having necklaces that allow us to go to Duloc whenever we want and I wanted to do this.

I hope she likes.

It was midday in a college in America as a young woman headed towards the mail slots where the mail for the college students were as she was using her long cane as she was hoping some mail had came for her.

Her name was Ashleigh but was thin but had wavy but pretty hair according to her parents as she was totally blind but didn't let that stop her from living her life but was stunned taking a package from her mail slot which had her name on it in braille but she was curious.

"Hmm... this is curious.

I have to open it." she told herself.

She then headed to her dorm room as classes were done for the day as she headed upstairs but came to her dorm room as she opened the door and going inside but sat on the bed as she began opening the package but something came out of it as she felt it.

It was a silver necklace but had a charm on it in the shape of an ogre.

But there was a letter with it in braille as she was in awe reading it as it was in braille but gasped seeing it was from Merlin.

But she remembered that one of her friends on Fan Fiction had one of these necklaces and knew where it could take her.

Sometimes when she was sad, she wished she could escape to a certain world but knew that this necklace was the way to that very world.

She then grabbed her long cane as she put the necklace on.

"Duloc." she said as she vanished in a flash of light...

Meanwhile in Duloc, Carley and Leah were walking through the forest to a certain swamp to have fun with a few good friends of theirs but Leah saw an new girl there with a long cane as Carley smiled approaching her.

"You know her?" Leah asked her.

Carley nodded in reply.

"Hai I do.

She's another friend of mine.

We talk a lot on Fan Fiction.

But you're still my best friend.

I know she'll want to come with us." she said.

Ashleigh smiled hearing Carley's voice as she approached.

"Where am I?" she asked.

"In Duloc." Carley answered.

Ashleigh's eyes widened in awe.

"I-I'm really here?


The necklaces work.

Where are we?" she asked.

"In the forest.

We're going to Shrek-chan's swamp.

Wanna come?" she told her.

Ashleigh's eyes widened as she nodded.


Your friend Leah's here too, right?" she said.

Carley nodded in agreement.

"Come on guys." she said...