"Fag!" was the word that chased Roxas down the hallways at school and at home, he couldn't walk past a church without someone screaming 'fag' he couldn't go into class without being called 'fag' he couldn't walk passed his father without being called 'fag' anywhere he went the word fag followed him. The only place Roxas was safe was his room, the word fag never made its way into his room, his safe heaven. Roxas sighed and fell back on his bed he sadly smiled looking at the posters that covered his wall. The band HEArtS covered his wall along with his artwork. He looked at his calendar where a date was circled and four tickets were paper clipped on. His favorite band of all time was coming to town in two days and he was going with his twin brother their best friend Zexion and Roxas and Sora's older brother Cloud. He and his brother had waiting in line for two days to get front row tickets and back stage passes. HEArtS consisted of four men. A brunet man whose name was Leon played the guitar, he had shoulder lengthed hair and a scar across his face he was tall and had a lot of muscles, the next member was a tall goofy looking blonde man who played the drums and piano(when needed) whose name was Demyx, he had a weird mullet looking hair style and you can tell he was a goof ball, the next member was a tall silverette played the bass, his name was Riku he was serious about music and was the second most serious member in eh band, the final member was the lead singer, he was tall and had a feminine build but had muscles, his red hair was spiked back and he had the most gorgeous vibrant emerald eyes his name was Axel and Roxas was in love with him, his voice was so beautiful that it sounded like angels. Roxas heard a knock at the door. "Who is it?"

"It's Sora and Cloud!" Sora yelled.

Roxas almost smiled at the sound of his energetic twin. "Come in guys."

Not a millisecond later the door opened and Sora bounced on the bed. "OH EM GEE! THE CONCERT IS IN TWO DAYS! EEEPPP!"

"I know I wouldn't usually be like this but OH MY GOSH! I AM GOING TO MEET LEON! LEON CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!"

Roxas laughed slightly at his brothers. "And I get to meet Axel Flynn but you don't see me freaking out!" Roxas smiled thinking about meeting Axel Flynn, THE Axel Flynn "OKAY SO MAYBE A LITTLE!" Roxas squealed and smiled bigger. "Sora why you so quiet? You haven't shut up about meeting Riku and now you're all quiet?"

"I'm just thinking. What if when I meet Riku he falls in love with me and we get married and have kids! That would be so romantic! Or what if he sees me in the audience and falls in love writes me a love song and sings it bringing me on stage and then proposes to me!"

Roxas and Cloud smiled at their brothers thinking train. "Sor, you may be getting ahead of yourself." Cloud said with a smile.

"Maybe so, but it's possible"

"Of course it is, anything is possible, just don't hold your breath love."

"Okay, I promise." Sora said with a smiled.

"HEY FAG GET DOWN HERE!" Roxas' father yelled up the stairs.

"This is why I didn't want to tell him." Roxas said under his breath before standing up walking downstairs. "Yes sir?"

"Make my food seeing as how your worthless mother can't!"

"Yes sir." Roxas didn't dare talk back to his father. He walked into the kitchen. "What would you like sir?"

"You know damn well what I want fag!"

"Yes sir, excuse me, please forgive me." Roxas got started on the steak his father wanted. Cloud and Sora snuck down to the kitchen using the stairs that led to the kitchen and started to help Roxas.

"Fag are you almost done?"

"Don't talk to Roxas like that!" their mother yelled.

"You son of a bitch! Don't talk back to me!"

Cloud sighed and told Sora to go upstairs before the fight escalated Sora did as he was told and went upstairs shutting his door and putting his headphones in drowning out the fight. Roxas however was not as lucky, he couldn't escape the fight. Roxas tried to block out the sound but it was impossible, he sighed and put the stuff in his hands down covering his ears trying to keep the tears out of his eyes. Cloud looked sadly at his younger brother as he took his hands off his ears so he could finish the dinner fast and go upstairs. Cloud covered Roxas' ears and Roxas turned around shocked. "Finish cooking kid." Roxas nodded and continued to prepare the steak when he was finished he started the salad for his father and brought it out to him along with a beer.

"Here you go sir; the steak will be out as soon as you finish your salad." Roxas headed back into the kitchen happy the fighting stopped so his father could eat. Roxas sat down and put his head on his arms wishing he could go back in time and take back telling his father he was gay Cloud sat next to him and rubbed his back.

"Rox, you okay?"

"I'm fine. Thanks for earlier."

"Anytime Rox. Do they always do this when you're here and down here?"

"Yea. You never noticed?"

"No, I usually stay in my room and turn on my music so I don't have to hear them, if I knew they did this I would have came down here sooner."

"Thanks Cloud, that means a lot to me," Roxas heard his father yell for him. Roxas stood up and grabbed the steak and walked into the living room, he took his father's salad plate and empty beer bottle. "I'll bring you another one immediately."

"You better fag!"

Roxas walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer he walked back into the living room and handed it to his father. He was greeted by a slap to the face.

"Open it you fucking fag!" Roxas nodded and opened it for his father.

"I am so sorry sir."

"You better be," his father slurred his words and slapped Roxas again, harder this time. Roxas walked into the kitchen and sat down before bursting into tears.

"Roxas?" Cloud asked turning away from the fridge. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just stubbed my toe." Roxas' father called for him again and Roxas brought another beer just in case. He walked into living room glad he brought it as his father finished off the second beer. Roxas opened the third one and handed it to his father taking his plate and empty beer bottle. Roxas walked back into the kitchen and washed off the plates. When he was finished he took the 12 pack of beer and brought it into his father. "Sir, if it's alright with you I'm going to go to my room, here's more beer sir." Roxas' father threw the empty beer bottle at Roxas causing it to shatter and cut Roxas' face Cloud rushed in.

"Dad what are you doing!" he grabbed Roxas and saw pieces of glass were stuck in Roxas' face. Cloud ushered Roxas upstairs and into the bathroom, Cloud cleaned the cuts and took the pieces of glass out of the abused face. "Does he do this often?"

"Only when he's in a really bad mood. It's my fault. I shouldn't have told him I was going in my room, I should have asked."

"No, Roxas I don't want you blaming yourself for our drunk father! I'll call the cops on him; I'll make sure he NEVER touches you again."

"NO! Don't! He'll hurt me!"

"He'll be in jail!"

"He will get out Cloudy! You know it! He will escape!"

"Fine, but if he touches you one more time I will take you out of this house."

Roxas smiled and Cloud helped Roxas to his room. "Cloud will you stay with me tonight?"

"Of course Rox. Can I ask you something?" Cloud asked climbing into bed with Roxas after they both stripped down to their boxers.


"Does he ever come into your room?"

"No! Oh God no! He never steps foot in here! This is my safe heaven. This is the only place nothing can touch me or harm me in."

"Good." Cloud said holding Roxas close to his chest. Cloud felt very protective over the blonde, it was seeing the way he was treated that made him feel protective over his brother, not only that it was knowing about his past. Cloud and Roxas fell asleep rather quick while Roxas held onto Cloud to keep the nightmares away.

"Roxas! Cloud! Sora!" Their mothers' musical voice chimed up the stairs. "It's time for school get up!"

Cloud groaned and noticed a ball of blonde in his arms he smiled a bit and shook the boy. "Rox, time to wake up. Roxy"

"I'm up." Roxas said sleepily getting off his bed, "You ganna get out so I can get dressed?" cloud looked at him and stood up,

"Right sorry," Cloud walked out.

He picked out his black skinny jeans that were ripped in the knee and a purple All Time Low band tee and walked into the bathroom he shut and locked the door before stripping off his boxers and climbing into the warm water. He relaxed and ran a hand through his hair. When he was finished he turned off the water and dried himself off. He walked to the mirror and dried his hair off trying to style his spikes, which was near impossible. When he was finished fixing his hair he got dressed and walked down stairs picking up his backpack that was filled with pins he had collected and key chains he had collected and walked into the kitchen.

"Rox, you need a ride?" Cloud asked grabbing a piece of toast and his keys.

"Sure, just let me grab an apple." Cloud nodded and walked out and Roxas opened the fridge and bent down to get an apple.

"Fag." His father said walking into the kitchen. Roxas ignored him and grabbed the apple before standing up right he felt something grab his ass. He spun around to meet his father's eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"I didn't do anything." His father answered with a smug look on his face.

Roxas backed up and almost ran out of the house. "What's wrong Rox?" Cloud asked as Roxas slid into the back seat.

"Nothing." Cloud just shrugged and pulled out of their driveway when they arrived at school Roxas walked to his locker getting looks and people yelling "Fag!" at him. When he got to his locker he saw signs were taped on it, the signs read "Go suck Cock fag." And "Everyone hates you" and "Devil child" Roxas sighed and took off the signs when he opened his locker there was one note taped inside, it read "Don't give up. I love you." Roxas smiled and couldn't help but wonder who wrote it, he guessed one of his brothers considering they had his locker combination. Roxas pulled out the books he would need and put in the books he doesn't need. What he wasn't aware of was a pair of eyes watching him from a distance.


Okay so I named this story Firework because I got the idea watching the music video for Firework by Katy Perry, I love the song and video so just know I don't own that song. The band HEArtS will be singing songs by various artists because obviously there is no real band HEArtS, at least I don't think there is. :) but enjoy and when HEArtS sings songs I will tell you what songs they are and the artist in case you wanted to hear the song :)

If you like this story so far let me know and I'll update sooner this is just kind of a trial chapter, you know, just putting it up there to see if anyone likes it, unless someone wants me to continue it will just end here :) well I guess it's up to the readers now :)

Read and Review (also don't be afraid to give me criticism, and if it sounds like someone else's' story please tell me nicely or message me because I don't know everything I don't think I've even read half the stories on Fanfiction so odds are I didn't know :) thanks loves3
