I forgot to reply to the reviews from chapter 10... So I'll do all them up here so I don't forget, okay?

Shadow Fox777: Thank you (:

Rikkautro Efaltia: Yep, finally! Well, if someone was about to get run over they're your first priority. He got angry about it anyways x3 You know now!

Shioko no Fukou: You are very welcome. He scares me sometimes. I'M SORRY. /not really :3

Karu-14: Thank you, I'll try to update more now!

Vegito53: Thanks! I like Ritsu, but I haven't read many fics with him lately.

Gerren: I know, it's such a beautiful song :')

Thejooky13: Thanks! I normally rush when writing chapters so they get a bit condensed, I'm sorry. I'll try to make them a bit longer.

FunnyBunny789: Thank you, and thanks for being understanding. I'm in an honors-y class and they give me so much homework it's horrible.

Browneyednezumi: Thank you very much! I also love Gakuluka stories, and I couldn't find enough, so I had to write my own to feel a bit better about the lack of stories (since at least I'm contributing). The song is really beautiful, isn't it? That's why I chose it (and I do believe it got a lot of votes.)

Thanks to everyone for sticking with me for so long, even with my tentative update schedule!


I felt my face lightly become red and looked away. "I-Is that why you chased after me?" I asked, annoyed that I stuttered over my words.

"Yeah." Luka replied, taking a step so that she stood right next to me.

I didn't reply, just flinched as I heard Miku and Teto's song finally end.

"It's a nice song." I stated plainly to her. What should I say? I didn't feel exactly happy that she'd chosen me. It was some other feeling, one I didn't recognize. It wasn't exactly happy, not at all sad or nostalgic, not depressing… What was the name? I tried to quickly count through emotions, trying to find a reason for this. I finally found one. Was it a nice feeling? I could only classify it as-

"It is. Let's go!" Luka smiled at me sincerely, cutting off my train of thoughts. A cute, innocent smile. I was kind of… not anticipating singing, but I guess for her, for that smile, I would, right? Yeah. That sounds like a good reason. I returned the smile, faintly though.

Together we walked on stage, and I was surprised at the crowd's roaring. I saw Luka smile at a green-haired girl in the audience. I guess she'd found who had made her comfortable, since she didn't seem tense. Was she tense in the first place?

I adjusted my headphones so the speaker was in place, and someone handed Luka a microphone. The music started up, and we started to sing together.

I believe that we sung, at least. I zoned out for so long, engrossed in the music. It was probably a miracle, fate even, that our voices went together so perfectly.

The snow light faintly shines the shadow of the turn into vivid drops make ripples on the water surface and both are in a silent walked a lane lit by lights, didn't we?Ah, a song we crooned was drown out and swayed in the town. We walked the stone-paved lane leading us to a slope as we were numbed and believed we could go the day come when a bird cooped in a cage flutters its wings?If I can stay by your side when you shed tears,I dare to stay here with you. A firefly flying in the dark flickers like a scene for a while has been engraved on my memory and is to fade out like a were laughing together by the window casting shadows, weren't we?Ah, your hair came loose and it's fluttering and swaying in the 're sitting shoulder to shoulder and getting warmed. I want to share the time like this with you, forever and 've shut your heart and you aren't what you the day come when I can save you? If you share your pain with me,I'll feel no fear of staying the day come when the bird cooped in the cage has a dream?If I can stay by your side when you shed tears,my will to stay here shall never waver.

Once the song ended, we exchanged glances, seemingly just acknowledging each other. It was a silent call of saying, We did great, didn't we? I smiled at Luka, then noticed something. There was not a soul in the crowd who dared to clap. We both looked into the crowd, their mouths actually shaped like small circles.

The green-haired girl whom Luka looked at before started clapping, and then everyone joined along with her. Some people were even hooting and whistling.

That… was a good thing, right? A single look at her conveyed this thought, but she seemed too… something to understand it. Maybe astounded. Maybe pleased.

We took short, simple bows to the crowd, whose applause started up full-throttle again, and walked backstage together.

For a moment, both of us just stared at each other, not sure of what to say. I saw her open her mouth to say something, but were interrupted by the sound of an announcer speaking directly to the crowd.

"This year, we have placed voting devices under your seats." He couldn't continue, since the crowd broke into discussion over the devices, how they didn't notice them and all. "You may vote for either Teto Kasane…" He paused for a moment, letting those who liked her cheer loudly, whistle, hoot, and one man even screamed out, "WHY WON'T YOU FREAKING MARRY ME, TETO?" That kind of scared me. "Or, you may vote for Luka Megurine." He once again paused, the crowd screeching, a few chanting Luka's name.

"However… The vote will not be decided by only this. I will have the Vocaloids vote as well, and then we will have their solos, and then later a few other events. You will be voting based on these, as well."

What? Other events? I've never heard of this. That's strange. And… I thought they already sung solo songs before, didn't she?

"So, everyone please cast your votes now!" He finished, and the crowd broke into discussion. A few times, Luka and Teto's names could be picked out from the chatter. I could've sworn I heard my name, but that wasn't likely. I doubted it.

"Gakupo…" I flinched at my name, and looked over to Luka who had spoken it.

"Y-yes?" I asked, straightening up (hunching over didn't look that nice).

"Thank you." Luka smiled at me, the smile that caused that feeling. I believe it could be classified as love. But, isn't it a bit early for that? I didn't know her for long.

She walked over and wrapped her arms around me, in a large hug. My face felt flushed, and I hugged her back, lightly. Luka withdrew from the hug after a few seconds, and then giggled. That was unexpected, but cute.

I beckoned to Luka, not feeling the need to say anything and break the wonderful silence that had settled in the air. It was comforting, like a blanket over you at night. She followed me as I led her back into the halls in which the dressing rooms were. We walked together in my room, and I closed the door. Why did she look away when I did that? Maybe it was creepy, like trapping her.

I took in a breath, realizing how humid the air was from her bath earlier.

"Would you like to eat now?" I asked gently, feeling the words cut through the silence like a blade.

She seemed startled by the words, like she didn't understand them. "Eat? O-Oh! Yes, please!"

Luka must have forgotten what eating was until I mentioned it. I dug around the room, which seemed a little unkempt now, and found two purple lunchboxes. Unzipping half of one, I peeked in and found that the contents were for Luka. I handed her it, and she replied with a quiet "Thank you."

The same feeling settled as we ate in peace.

"Uhm, Gakupo. You forgot to get a drink." Luka spoke to me.

"…I did?" No, no, really? I did? I could've sworn… I got everything, didn't I?

"Yeah. I'm thirsty."

"Well, I have a drink, but I drank from it already." I said. "Unless you don't mind getting the cold I don't have."

"H-How is that possible?" She spoke, quite flustered for some reason. I wonder what was making her so shy right now?

"Well, you take off the cap, and then you bring it to your mouth and swallow the li-" She cut me off, "I know that, I meant getting the cold!"

"Oh. Well, I don't know, really." I put a small piece of eggplant in my mouth, choking on it as she started laughing.

"You're so stupid." She giggled jokingly, but I took offence. Sort of.

"What? No. Silly Luka, just drink from my water." I said, handing her the bottle. She grabbed it, stared at it, and her face flushed.

"What is with that? You're blushing. It's water." I pointed out.

"What do you mean? I'm not blushing." She replied, in a monotone.

"Pfft, yes you are. Don't deny it." Her face turned redder at the comment.

The light air was better than silence, who was I fooling? It was nice to chat with her like this.

"I'm not! Really! That was just some really, really nice tuna. I'm red because of the… uhh… greatness!"

"Suuure you are." Luka stared at the water bottle, still.

"Take a sip of the water."

"You don't have more?" She asked, handing it back. I took it, realizing I did have more.

"Yeah, I do." I put my things down, got a water, and handed it to her. Her face became a normal color again. I wonder how one can blush so furiously…

She took a large sip of it, followed by an "ahhh…"

I finished eating, then got up and stretched. "We should go ask what the other things are about." I stated to her.

"I forgot. Let's go." Luka took a final bite of her meal, then she hopped over to me. "I hope my outfit will be dry soon."

"That'd be nice." She was just making conversation, but her words seemed a bit forced this time.

In the halls, we walked to a certain door and I entered, motioning for Luka to stay outside.

"What do you mean by other things, for Teto and Luka to do?" I talked so that I didn't sound like I was only concerned about Luka, and was innocently curious.

"Oh, we're a gunna prob' dress them up in diff, y'know, outfits and votes who's prettier, you 'loids gotta look nice. You get?" The man at the counter spoke extremely strangely, and I wondered where he picked up his way of speaking.

"Anything else?"

"Ehh, maybe some signing stuffs and like… have em write and melody-ize a song within a half hour…"

Huh? Well… That's… awkward.

I thanked the creeper- uh, man, and left. I relayed the information to Luka, and she smirked. "This will be easy!"

The announcer man from before walked by us, saying, "Oh, there you two are. Come on stage with Luka, we'll announce who won the poll."

"Oh, sure, we will be there right away. Thank you for informing us!" I spoke politely, and walked with Luka to the stage together.

Finally, we stepped onto the stage. "Ah, Gakupo! Luka! Hello!" Miku spoke cheerily to us. "You were great!" Teto said, probably more bouncy and bubbly than Miku was. A shocker, wasn't it.

"Thanks. You guys were, too." Luka gave her a smile. It seemed fake and nervous.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you won!" Teto pet Luka's head like a cat. Luka was confused by this action, maybe she thought it was a ritual, and replied, "No, you were great! You did!" Both of them seemed to be lying a bit, but just offering kind condolences to one another.

That announcer guy walked onto stage and hushed the audience. "All right, we tallied up all of the results for whose duet you liked better! It was tough, the competitors were great this year. This year, I'm positive one of these lovely ladies will become a Vocaloid!" The audience cheered, screaming out bursts of "Teto-chan!" and "Luka-chan!", along with some strange pet names, like "Lukykins" and "Tetters".

"So… We counted all of the votes, like I have said, and the singers with the most votes… Were…" he paused to add drama. The audience stayed quiet, though one man screamed out, "TETO YOU'RE HOT PLEASE MARRY ME!" She giggled, and the man giggled too (men giggle?).

"Teto Kasane!"

Nooo! Poor Luka D:

This was probably my longest chapter… How long was it? Let me see on the word check.

2199 words! Wow. I hope you enjoyed this extra-long chapter. Sorry for the cliffhanger(ish).