Life was whole for her. She had him, he was here, and he was, somehow, everything she'd ever dreamed of.

It had been hard, long ago. Hard to face reality. That the person she'd long imagined had been by her side all that time.

They had never exactly achieved what one would call a normal life. Between the two of them, normalcy was scarce. She remembered what she had dreamed of, before she'd known it was him. She'd pictured meeting that one person of her past someday; showing him what she'd become. What she'd become for him.

When she'd met him, though, she'd had not a single clue that the person of her dreams stood in front of her.

Later, she'd find out that he'd changed drastically from his former self for her. They both had changed for each other, ending up so completely different that they couldn't go back to their old selves. They couldn't go back to their old 'normal'. But, they found as they aged, perhaps that was for the best.

They would still fight, of course. They couldn't help it. They were polar opposites, from the time they'd first met to, well, even now, after so long. But the longer they went on together, the better they understood each other.

Sapphire regretted nothing, from her decision to change, to her choice of being with him, everything: she would do it all over again if she had to. In fact, she'd enjoy every second of it; even the painful parts. Because, whether she would realize, accept, or admit it, he made everything better for her. He touched every part of her life. And she was thankful.

When she was younger, during her adventures of her youth, Sapphire had sometimes figured that her life was in pieces. But now, life was whole for her.