A/N: Another thing I must update. Which I truly did it this week was because of fab4isback's most recent comment. "This is enough reviews for you, right? PLEASE CONTINUE!" So, I'm taking your request. Enjoy!

Cliché Stuck on An Island Story

Chapter 5

Milo opened his eyes once he regained consciousness. His fins flapped fives times faster than usual. Because of this, his eyes scanned the scenery. They were in a vast, open, body of water. He located Rodrick, who woke up eventually after himself. He messed with his microphone.

"Surface Dwellers. I repeat. Surface Dwellers. Come in." Milo repeated into his mic.

Some static delayed the sound but when it was over, it was clear from there. It sounded like Albert Glass. "Coming in. Rescue Party. Rescue Party. Where are you now?"

"I'm guessing the ocean, since we're not dead." Rodrick 'dramatically' exclaimed. "Now, according to this GPS, a small patch of land is 30 miles from now. So, I'd take a safe bet saying that's where their bodies washed up upon."

"Okay, rescue party, you go ahead. We have full confidence in you both," Jumbo Shrimp said. "Surface Dwellers out."

Oscar sat on a rock, over on the shore for a few hours, drabbling on to himself. Bea hardly could find him all day, so he just sat there in privacy. Many things went through his mind. Most of it having to do with some of his last resorts: Telling Bea his secret. The secret he has NEVER told anybody in its whole existence. He figured, that, well, there's nobody else here to date, and the secret had to get out sooner or later. But, he was still afraid of what Bea would have to think of it.

Then, again, where is Bea? Oscar finally got up, and searched the mild jungle within the island. But what he saw wasn't too good. There she was, lying under a tree. Her eyes were closed gently, with a coconut lying not too far away.

"B-Bea? Bea?" He kept asking. No response. He ran over to her, crouched down, and held her head up his palm. "Bea…please…don't go…hold on! I'm going to take you somewhere safer." He picked up her entire body into his arms, and carried her away from the site. Oscar attempted to do this several times before this adventure, but she was always too heavy for him. Now, she was as light and peaceful then ever.

Several minutes passed, and they had finally made it back to their campsite. He gently laid her down onto the bed, wrapping some spare leaves, woven together for bandages. Bea's breathing was ever so soft, and you had to be so quiet to hear it. Oscar slowly petted her wounded area. His hand traced her eyes and temples, down to her cheek.

"Oh, Bea…I wish this never happened to you…and I know it's my fault leaving you all alone…" He quietly whispered. He looked up at the sun, back down to the sand, and sighed heavily. "Bea, can I tell you something?" He pretended to have heard an answer, the usual happiness in her tone of voice that he was used to always. "Well, Bea, for the longest time now, I've really…like I've…I've loved you." He took himself by surprised even at what he said. He actually said it in front of her, and his emotions were a flurry of proudness and guilt. The guilt came from the fact that he waited until she was about dead to tell her.

"So…I hope you understand. And I wish that we could've had this work…but it seems that you are clearly broken…and may never be fixed…" The tears that were already in the corners of his eyes, had leaked out onto his entire face. Oscar had thought of it for a mere moment. But he leaned down, onto the restful girl's face, and planted his lips on top of her's. Some tears had come off onto her face, but he knew that she wouldn't ever mind them at all. When he let go, it's almost as if, she did along with him. When her stomach stopped moving up and down in breaths. It was all over.

"Oh no…oh no…Bea…" He cried a very loud weep, and landed his head onto her lap. He could never believe it. But now, he thought it was the secret that killed her, and not the coconut. It was too much to handle, and it would have never worked out in her condition. "Bea…I'm so sorry…for everything I've done for you…"

Oscar finally got up, and looked down at his girl. No more was she his friend, now his girlfriend in his mind. And she died his girlfriend. He actually thought of that more pleasant. He turned to walk away, but since there was little to no noise in the atmosphere at all, he heard a tiny breath. More of a gasp. He looked back at her. She had come back to life, but still very little life in her. Though, her stomach bounced in breathing.

The boy crawled back to her at the point, staring into her closed eyes, looking for a sign. They fluttered a bit. Then, they attempted to open. With all tries failures, she finally had them open to see a very happy Oscar staring back.

"Oscar…?" She asked, sitting up in a daze. "Did I, I just, I…" She wrapped her arms around his neck, and embraced herself close to his body. "I love you, too." Oscar didn't have one word to say, still shocked that she heard him.

He finally regained courage. "You…you heard me? When?"

"I didn't exactly hear you. But I was in a very blissful dream. When every few seconds, I could hear your voice. 'I love you, Bea' was the most clear." She explained. "That line really got me wanting to wake up, but the pain was too strong. As much as I tried to, the bright light came to take me away. But I wanted to come back to you!" She turned her head a bit to be in front of his face. Than, she laid her lips onto his. It was more passionate than forceful. Oscar then was in joy, finally kissing back.

When they let go, Oscar uttered. "Oh, Bea, I'm so glad you never left. I was so worried. I, just, uh, had to tell you that while you were still alive, because I was feeling guilty that you never got to know. But, you did get to hear, and that's all I've ever wanted you to say." He held her closer to himself, laying his head a top of hers.

Bea clenched her grip onto Oscar's neck, until it was barely a strangle. "Oscar, never let go of this. I want to stay like this forever. And, can you do me a favor, and never ever leave me?"

Oscar blushed. "I promise. You know I'd never leave you. You know that, right?" She nodded. They stared onto the following sunset. The bright orange color looked almost like the color of Bea's hair. And Oscar liked it. While, the light reflected of the sand, giving it the shade of Oscar's skin. And Bea liked it.

A/N: Aww! We finally got to some good stuff, now didn't we? Well, now they love each other, and Milo and Rodrick are right in the path to finding them. That will be for next chapter, when (maybe) they fill encounter Oscar and Bea for the first time in several weeks. Okay, I'm done, so I can let you recover from your fangirl attacks. Goodbye!