Dammit! I've been banished! Now I'm stuck with no powers, no communication with my master, nothing, zip, gone! I'd rather be back in my firey room back in the underworld than here on earth. This was were the Sucumbi went, not me. I don't quite understand how they could stand visiting a place so vile, so cold(literally. it's freezing here. I'd need more than my leather jacket and pants to fight this.), so rotten...So dirty. Of course, hell wasn't much different but we demons would put you in your place if you were bad. And the fire down there was a good was to get rid of cantaminents such as...well...Dirt. And trash. Something I had to walk barefoot on at the moment. After about an hour or so of this "walking on earth" shit, I decided to hit something the Sucumbi found very interesting and comfortable for some reason...A place they called "the Bar".

Again, I don't quite understand how they could stand being in such a place. The only thing that seemed nice in there was a thing called a "Jukebox" that was blasting some rock music in the corner of this "Bar" place. Then a guy behind the counter looked up to see me.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna order a drink?" he said.

"A drink?" As in the blood we drank in hell?

"You're over twenty-one, right?"

"Yeah." More than he would have thought, despite my young appearance.

"Then sit on a stool," he motioned to one of the tall chairs in front of the counter, "And order a vodka or something."

I hesitated a moment, what was a "Vodka?" Was it some sort of blood that I didn't know about? Then I casually walked over and sat in a chair, leaning against the counter. The man leaned on the counter across from me, "What would you like?"

"The Vodka you suggested," I said. The man turned around, grabbed a bottle and a glass, and began to fill the glass to about halfway with a clear liquid from the bottle. He slid it towards me. I looked at it rather confused, that wasn't blood.

"You drink it," he said, as if I was completely new to this...Which, honestly, I was new to this.

Nevertheless, I did what the man suggested.

I sniffed it first...The very smell made me a little sick...But I took a sip. It was a bitter taste, but when I swallowed it, there was a pleasent burn in the back of my throat. I took another sip.

"So what brings you here tonight?" he asked, "Shouldn't a pretty little thing like you be heading home from work?"

"I was banished," I replied casually. He chuckled.

"Oh," he said, "Fired, huh?" Fired? "Well in that case, drink as much as you want. But make sure you don't get too hammered to where you can't think properly." With that, he turned away to tend to another person.

Humans had an odd way of talking...Almost like a code...I mean, fired? Hammered? This odd drink they used to replace blood...It's all very strange. And the sucumbi like it here? I continued to drink and was soon approached my another man...Tall, dark hair, dark eyes, muscular, not too far off from a male demon.

"Hey," he said, "What's up?"

Was that a warning? I looked up to see what was there but all I saw was the ceiling, "I don't see anything."

He laughed, "Very funny. Now how are you?"

"Horrible. I can't go back home because my master's upset at me."

"Master, huh?" he smiled, "Well, if you can't go back home, why don't you come back home with me?"

"That's very nice of you," Us demons weren't acoustom to people being nice, "I think I'll need a place to sleep tonight." Not a lie. I really did. But why was he being so nice...and so...out of nowhere.

"Then why don't you follow me? I got a nice place for you to sleep."

Why had he emphisized the "you" in his sentence? Humans really are strange.

"Alright." And with that he got up and started walking away, I followed. He lead me outside, where three other men stood around a big, metal thing...That must be a car? One of the guys looked up and whistled when they saw me.

"Man, Steve," he said, "You really do have a way with women! She's smokin'!" I'm smoking? Were my jeans on fire or something? I quickly looked down and confirmed that they weren't. Damn the humans and their codes. But at least I'd have a place to sleep...So I might as well not complain. The man, Steve, opened the back door for me and I got in. Afterward, he got in next to me and the guy who said I was "smoking" got in on the other side of me, leaving me in the middle of the seat.

The two other guys got in in the front two seats and the turned the car on. (I jumped a little at the sounds it made. even more so when the rock music blasted all around me. But still, I didn't complain. When the car stopped, we were in front of a house. Evidentally, Steve's house. They all got out, so I got out too. Then we all went inside. Steve showed me to a room with nothing but an empty bed and told me that this is where I would sleep. I thanked him as he left and sprawled myself out on the bed, slowly drifting asleep. Even though all of this was nice and all, I couldn't help feeling that this was wrong...Almost as if something bad was going to happen.

I heard something, a sort of rattling noise. I ignored it and rolled over, trying to sleep still. Then I heard it again. A rattling noise. I ignored it again. Then after a minute or so of the rattling, I felt something cold wrap around my wrist. I opened my eyes just a little bit before I was yanked up by my wrists.

"AH!" I screamed, that hurt. I writhed and tried to free my wrists, but to not avail, "Who's there?" I demanded.

"Oh, don't be scared babe," It was a man, one of Steve's aquaintences, who had yanked at the chain holding me up. Another one of them was behind me.

"You're just paying the fee to stay here with us," he said. Then I felt something wet and slick on my neck. Did he just lick me? How dare he! I jerked some more to try to get free and he just laughed, "Looks like Steve picked up a fighter, huh Jordan?"

"He sure did Frank!"

Jordan and Frank...The two men that held me captive. "Frank" walked around me so that he was facing me. I could see the smug look on his face. I growled at him.

"You filthy, disgusting, horrible little-" SLAP! That Frank guy just slapped me across the cheek.

"You need to learn not to talk like that in front of a man," he said, smirking, "Now it's time for your punishment." He grabbed my head and pulled it down so that I had full sight of his (horrifyingly out in the open) genital.

"Suck it bitch."

A few hours later, I was alone in the dark again. I was leaking his semen out of...well...I won't go into detail...It was just horrible. I can't believe no one seemed to notice my screaming to come and rescue me...It was like I was the prey and they were the demons. I was in the wrong place! I thought I was the demon that inflicted pain and suffering! My mind flashed back to what master had said to me when I was banished.

"You will see a worse hell than anyone's ever seen here."

Now I regret that "tsk" I gave him. Now I regret disrespecting him. Now, I regret saying that I could handle a place that was worse than this because I was stronger than he would ever be. And I was...At the time...But he took away my powers. So now I was vulnerable. I was open to terrible things happening to me. They DID happen to me. And I walked into danger like a bug to a venus flytrap.

I was raped and left there.

How could I have been so idiotic?

So, how was it?

Just saying, I've never been to a bar. Nor have I ever drunk alcohal...Nor have I ever been taken home by a guy nor raped and left in a dark room.

I'm just a 15-year-old who has nothing better to do right now than come up with dramas based on DEADxENDxLESS pictures. XD

I am also very nosey...Which is how I know about all of this stuff...

And if you haven't noticed it yet, B's a girl in this story. GENDERSWITCH! :DDD

Read and Review please. :D