First of all, I'd like to say thank you SO much to everyone who reviewed, favourited, etc. My email inbox was literally overflowing every time I checked it today and every review I read made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :) Unfortunately, the "traffic" page is not currently functioning, so I actually have not been able to see the exact numbers of hits & etc, but hopefully it will be up and running within the next few days! I'm not sure if all my readers will see this, but I'm going to briefly answer a FAQ: In relation to the Artie fics- YES, this is a oneshot. I will not be elaborating on the story that is currently published. I will, however, be contributing more stories. They will be unrelated to my previous stories. In relation to the Klaine fics and also the Finchel- immense thanks to those who commented on how cute they are. That's the goal ;) If you have any suggestions or possibly even story prompts PLEASE feel free to send them to me by the means of a review. Reviews are SO wonderful, as I previously said, the reviews I've been recieving have literally made my day. Thank you so much to all of you for making the first day of 2011 such a joyous one for me. Also; my apologies for such a long note here! Here is some more Klaine goodness for you all! :)

The potent smell of coffee overwhelmed Kurt's senses as he walked through the door of the local Starbucks. He looked around the stylishly decorated cafe and when he didn't see who he was looking for right away, he sat down on a cushy armchair in a secluded corner. He pulled out the latest copy of Vogue and began to read. He began to lose to lose track of time when suddenly he was brought back to his senses as a strong hand clapped onto his shoulder.
"Hey, you," Blaine smiled down at him.
"Hello, Blaine," Kurt blushed. "Busy day at work?" Blaine looked adorable in his green Starbucks apron.
"Oh, just overwhelming," Blaine replied sarcastically as he gestured to the empty coffee house.

Just as Blaine moved to sit down in the chair opposite Kurt, a squat woman with a sour look on her face came walking out of the store room.
"BLAKE!" She squaked. Kurt covered his mouth to hold in his giggles. "GET BACK HERE!"
"Ahh, but Sandra, it appears that at the moment, the store is empty! Sandra, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Kurt," Blaine said smoothly. Kurt blushed at being introduced as Blaine's boyfriend.
"Very cute, Blake, now get back to work! There are cups that need stacking!" Kurt smirked and picked up his Vogue as Blaine hurried back to the counter. Sandra waddled back into the store room.

Soon, the coffee house began to fill up with customers. A few more workers had emerged from the back room, and were making drinks for the consistantly growing line of people waiting for their coffee. While Kurt was falling into yet another Vogue trance, his thoughts were interrupted by a sweet voice singing along with the radio. A familiar song, "Rock N Roll" by Eric Hutchinson, was playing, and Blaine's voice was hitting all the notes perfectly. He started just muttering the lyrics quietly while stacking some white and green paper cups, but when he noticed Kurt's ear-to-ear grin, he began to saunter towards him, singing loudly and clearly, pretending to perform to the cafe on his way. Singing into a spoon, he hit the final note, and bust into laughter with Kurt as the store burst into applause at the impromptu performance.
"Wonderf -" Kurt began to praise, but he was quickly cut off by Sandra's shriek.
"BLAKE! BACK TO WORK!" Blaine quickly kissed Kurt on the nose before scurrying back to his post behind the counter. And he could have sworn that even Sandra smiled then.