AN: Sorry it took so long to post something new. I hope you guys like this I had this in my head and I finally had time to write it down for you guys I hope you enjoy it.

"Hearts will never be made Practical until they are made unbreakable"

"I shall take the heart," returned the Tin Woodman; "for brains do not make one happy, and happiness is the best thing in the world."-The Wizard of Oz

Chapter One: Practically Starting

Maybe it was one of the perks of being a principal to have their entire room complete with the best air conditioning in the whole town. If it was the district must pay for the entire principal's office to have their it at a constant fifty degrees. Or maybe it was to calm the overprotective parents who didn't believe that their child could do any wrong.

I'm guessing it's the latter.

"How can you let that delinquent with only a week of detention?" Mrs. Johnson yelled, pointing her perfect manicured finger in my direction. I bit my tongue to hold back my comment that it was her son that was going against the school rules. "He deserves to be suspended."

This argument has been repeated for most of my high school experience by not only Mrs. Johnson but various of the parents of the rich kids who thought because their mommy and daddy could go to the country club they could boss and insult whoever they wanted. Including the teachers.

"Lower your voice Mrs. Johnson," Mrs. Platt said in her most calming tone. "I can't do that because it was your son caught harassing Miss Ramirez."

"That hussy probably threw herself at my boy." As if anyone wanted him in the first place.

"I'm not so sure ma'm," Mrs. Platt commented sarcastically though Mrs. Johnson was too dense to pick up on it. "Miss Ramirez is a part of the chastity club here at school, besides it was your son who had his hand on her mouth as she cried. She has a right to file a lawsuit."

At this Mrs. Johnson turned an incredible shade of purple, her voice oozed venom: "That doesn't excuse the fact that that boy hurt my son." She pointed at me again.

"Yes it does Mr. O'Shea stepped in for Miss Ramirez's defense." Mrs. Platt's voice reached a new level of calm fury. "It was an act of kindness. Your son is suspended for two weeks because of Miss Ramirez reluctance to testify against him, for whatever reason." Because little Richie's daddy owns the apartments they live in.

Mrs. Johnson huffed furious then left without another word. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Now Mrs. Platt turned to me. "Ian, I know you stepped in with good intentions and I'm proud of you for that, but…" here it comes. "I think you should see a counselor."

"What?" This was new

"I think it would be best if you saw Mr. Masen twice a week." With her tone of voice It was obvious I wouldn't be able to change her mind.

"Fine," I relented, crossing my arms. "I'll go."

"Good," she smiled. "I didn't want to call your mother." After the first parent conference both my mother and Mrs. Platt became close friends going as far to have Thanksgiving dinner together.

"Did she read you the riot act?"Kyle asked interested.


"Did see you Sunny?" I was all too aware of his infatuation with Mrs. Platt's daughter Sunny. It began as early as fifth grade, I had excused it as a mere crush until it hadn't stopped freshman year. Even then Kyle sucked a expressing any trait that made him feel like a pansy, romance being one of them left Sunny in the dark.

"You know if you want to see Sunny you should ask her out," I replied indifferently trying to convince him to date her. Like most things with Kyle if I showed too much enthusiasm he would either join me or distance himself.

"I don't like her," he defended.

"Then why, dear brother, did you put mistletoe in between you two during Christmas dinner?

"So I think she's pretty big deal," he muttered still defensive. "Besides it was only on the cheek."

I laughed punching his shoulder good-naturedly. "Got a week's detention and a twice a week appointment with Mr. Masen."

"What about Richie rich?" he couldn't contain his excitement at the thought of finally having some peace with Richard Johnson out of the picture for at least two weeks.

"Suspended," I said. We both grinned at the same time like two Cheshire cats.

"Yes!" he pumped his fist in the air. "But if you ask me he's the one who needs a counselor." Our hatred for Richard Johnson was plain in everything we did against him. We'd find a reason to hurt him since the day he insulted our mother then went a far to point out how our father died from a pathetic drunken injury. Just because Daddy dearest owned a third of the town's properties and apartment complexes we were forced to tolerate him as to not endanger our house. We weren't allowed to hurt him directly but if he did something we were allowed to retaliate. The rule was: only for self defense.

The downside was Richard had most of the bullies wired none wanted to anger his father so they went with what he said. We lost our share of fist fights against him and his gang, especially when it was two against five. He was a bully, the school tormentor. He was the reason nerds hid in the library.

"I know what you mean," I stated calmly. Just then a customer walked up to the cash register where I was working and Kyle was taking his break. We were working in the Platt's Sports store, Mrs. Platt thought it would get us out of trouble and help with our family's low income. It worked to keep us out of trouble for the most part. "Will that be all?" I asked as I rung up the total of their items it was a rhetorical question customers hardly ever answered that question. "That will be $10.50."

I heard them fumble and looked up from the cash register. My eyes met a pair of deep silver, they contrasted with the ivory paleness of her skin and there was gold. There was Gold everywhere. It framed her delicate face and made her seem even more of an angel than I first thought.

"Here," she pushed a bill at me. I barely registered that she had even spoken if not for the bell like timbre of her voice. I stared at her face hard for a moment her cheeks were flushed creating a pretty ribbon of red across her cheeks. I handed her change back dazed. She blushed again, "Thank you."

"Anytime," I responded back giving her a small smile. She looked up at me again, the scarlet color still present, then she turned abruptly as if someone called her name. She walked away her hips swaying unintentionally attractive with her movement.

Kyle, who was silent throughout our exchange, finally spoke as the door bell rang with her departure, "Man, let the girl breathe," he whistled watching her go to her car through the store window. "She was a hot one," he wiggled his brows suggestively.

I was suddenly filled with anger. "Don't call her that," I snarled at him. She was beautiful damn it, someone beautiful shouldn't be called like that. I thought about her ivory skin and golden hair, her grey eyes. Damnitt

"Sorry bro I didn't mean it like that." Kyle put his hands up in surrender. "The only problem is she's probably a middle schooler with how tall she is." He sighed sympathetic, "Jailbait." This time I sighed too.

Life is cruel enough to make the most beautiful girl in the world to be unreachable and young enough to be at an age where reality TV shows dominate their lives.

Like I said life is cruel.

We worked the rest of the day without incident. Kyle stared at Sunny when she came to take her shift in inventory. Apparently her naming items off a list was extremely attractive to him. I knew he had a schedule worked out by which he could stare at her without her notice, though I did spy her staring at him too occasionally when he doesn't notice.

But when she had to work the cash register with me hell would break loose, I could feel his glare every time I so much as talked or smiled at her. We talked of her cousin that would be staying with her family due to a family emergency. She was a junior same as us, tomorrow she would be showing her around.

"You'll like her Ian," she smirked. If it was anyone else I would have told them flat-out no but with Sunny I knew she understood my personality enough to judge people before she introduced them to me.

"Really?" I raised my brows at her playfully. "So she has webbed feet and an extra toe?"

"Yes, and she's smart, sweet, kind and she can cook."

"Finally," I sighed dramatically. "Write her ticket to my heart."

She laughed, and then it vanished abruptly as she gulped. "So Ian I was wondering if you could ask Kyle something for me?"

Finally though I really didn't want to be a messenger between the two, "What is it?"

"If he would go out with my friend Jodi she likes Kyle a lot and she's been bugging me to ask Kyle for her," she said reluctantly.

"Oh sure," I answered disappointed. I could have swore she was going to say something else.


I hope you enjoyed this so far. You guys know the drill after you read always review it makes me feel wanted and makes me write faster.