Hey X-file lovers, this is just a short story which I have been conjuring up, just taking a step back from my other stories for the time being.
Disclaimer: None- I own nothing.
Spoilers: Monday.
This is set about a week after the episode Monday, just behind the scenes which I feel might have happened in my eyes. Enjoy.

She stared down into the watery green eyes of her partner, he was lying limp in her arms as they both gathered on the floor, blood painted upon her hands. His chest was exposed and covered in a deep red, blood oozing from a bullet wound to his chest as she tried to control the bleed. One hand was placed on the wound, applying pressure in order to ease the bleed, the other was supporting his head against her lap, his cheeks losing colour; going pastel grey, and his temperature was dropping rapidly. He lay gasping for air but she could not help him now, truthfully, inside and out, she was trembling with fear. Not the fear that comes from a man threatening to take your life with a bomb, on the contrary, it was the fear of losing the life her partner, Mulder. Where would she be in the world without Mulder, Lonely? Scared? Woeful even, for a world without Mulder was a world without hope, joy and love, that's right, Dana Scully was in love. Before, she hid her emotions with a barrier, no personal relationships, merely sweeping them under the rug to simply ignore, but now the cat was out of the bag and she had discovered; not necessarily new, but old, true and deep feelings for Mulder, feelings she could not ignore any longer. Scully felt as though her world was a giant confusion, they were two different polar regions, but as science clearly states, 'opposites attracts' and Scully was seeing it clearly for the first time, she was in love, in love with Mulder.

Scully awoke hastily, a bead of sweat had formed on her brow and so she reached up and wiped it away with her sleeve. Her heart was beating so fast that she could barely catch her breath, tears streaming down her cheeks at the recollection of Mulder's pale pasty face looking up at her. For this was not the first time this dream, or should I say nightmare; had occurred, no, for it kept repeating itself nearly every night for the past week since the incident at the bank took place, for every night it always awoke her abruptly, always at the same spot. Perhaps destined for better things, her sub-conscious was trying to toy with her emotions and it was working, she now feels more emotionally withdrawn every time she dreams the terrible nightmare, craving love from Mulder more and more each time. For now Scully feels that if the bullet had penetrated Mulder instead of Pam she would have felt the love and compassion she felt for him that day drain away as he died slowly but surly in her arms. It had been going on now for far too long and enough was enough, she had to put a stop to it. This meant that Scully needed to pluck some courage out of thin air and tell Mulder how she truly feels about him. After a long debate in her head, collecting the pro's and con's of telling Mulder the truth, she limply lifted up her head from the pillows and peered over at the clock illuminating the nightstand, 3.31am. Scully sighed and figured she needed a little more sleep before performing the biggest stunt of her life, she sank her head back into the pillows, turning on her side and closing her eyes, falling back into a not so comfortable sleep.

"Where the hell is Mulder?" I think as I walk up to the entrance of the bank, opening the first set of doors. I head for and quickly open the second set.


My heart skips a beat and I forget to breathe as my eyes reveal a horror story, a man with a hand gun quickly aims at me, my life flickers into slow motion. I hear a shrill cry from a woman hostage who suddenly spots the gun in the perpetrators hand, finger on the trigger.


Before I know what has happened I realise that the perp had not shot at me, but had actually turned round and shot at another hostage, my eyes instantly meet with the victim as he slowly falls to the ground, my heart an aching wreck as Mulder stares back at me from the floor.

I pull out my gun and point it at the perp, who in turn has his gun pointed back at me, the world travelling at normal speed again.

"DROP IT!" I shout; my voice very shaky, afraid for Mulder's life.

"YOU DROP IT!" He yells back.

I stare down at Mulder, bleeding all over the floor, the world slowing down as I look deeply into his eyes. "Why Mulder?" I contemplate, hopeless now than I have ever felt before.

My world spinning into overload as the perp undoes his coat, revealing an explosive devise strapped to his chest, instantly my heart seeks refuge in the pit of my stomach.

"You drop it." He repeats, this time a lot more calm then before.

Possible life or death, I ponder for a split second, and shortly after I lower my weapon, placing it on the ground in front of me. Mulder was like a drug in my system, at this point he was coursing through my veins, he has to live, no, he needs to live! I slowly walk over to Mulder (careful not to jump the gun with the robber) I stare directly over at Mulder and in turn, he stares right back at me, the need for help imminent in his eyes. A tear structures in my ducts and rolls slowly down my cheek, the salt stinging as it reaches my lip, I bite my bottom lip in anticipation what to do now?, my thoughts rifling only back to Mulder. Sounds mute around me as my eyes fixate upon the pool of blood forever expanding on the floor next to Mulder; I needed to help him and fast.

As soon as I reached Mulder I collapsed to my knees, reaching over to touch his hand briefly before ripping his shirt open. The bullet had perforated the upper left hand side of his chest and he was bleeding out swiftly, gasping for air as the bullet had also penetrated his left lung.

"Mulder?" I whisper, tears leaking over, but trying to hide my emotions from Mulder. I slide my self instantly behind him, supporting his head against my lap with one hand whilst applying pressure to the wound, bleeding all over the place with the other.

"Scully?" Mulder utters, blood now leaking from his mouth.

"Don't talk Mulder, Just stay still." I reply, trying to fight back the tears from spilling over.

"Am I going to die Scully?" He simply asks in a whisper, hair standing on the back of my neck at the sheer thought of it.

"I'm going to try everything in my possibility to help you Mulder." I barely articulate, unable to fight back the tears any longer as they begin to spill over.

"Scully?" He whispers again.

"Yes Mulder?" I retort, broken hearted.

"Thank you." He simply states with a half extinguished smile.

"For what Mulder?" I stare down at him, his eyes looking deeply into mine, feeling like he is squeezing my heart with his eyes.

"Being here for me now, forever, following me down the path of darkness, even when no one else would," He murmurs, pain looming in his expression, his voice, and his eyes. "For giving me something to look forward to instead of looking back... give me someone, someone to love." He finishes.

"Mulder?" I reply breathless and surprised, I bend down and kiss his forehead...

Scully awoke abruptly for the second time that night, tears streaming down her cheeks as though a water main had burst. Scully sat up extremely anxious, staring over to the clock on the nightstand, 5:14am. Seeing as Scully was due to wake up in less then an hour he had refrained herself from going back to sleep, instead she sat on her bed and thought deeply. Thinking didn't do any good because her eyes kept wondering over to the phone and so picked it up, punching in Mulder's home number and hesitantly pressing call. Waiting...


"Hello?" Mulder finally answered a tone of sleep echoed in his voice.

Finally Scully's nerves got the better of her and after about half a minute of silence she decided to end the call, staring at the phone now on the hook. "I love you." She whispered to herself, crying into her pillow. This feeling was completely new to Scully, she always tried to mask or ignore love, but this feeling of love overpowered her that she was actually beginning to like this feeling, the feeling to love, the love for Mulder.

Please review, I want to know if this story is as good as I feel. *shrug* Favorite or alert if you want. Check out my other stories. ^_^ Happy readings.