Mine, Yours

Sakura dropped into the chair across from him with a soft sigh. "He's awfully restless tonight."

Syaoran didn't respond. Instead, he turned his cup of tea over and over in his hands. When a long moment had passed in silent, his wife got up and walked around the table to place her hand on his shoulder.

"Syaoran." Her voice was soft and understanding. "What's wrong?"

"I can't stand it sometimes," Syaoran said dully, putting the cup down to twist around so that he looked into Sakura's eyes.

"What do you mean?" Sakura prompted when he stopped talking and his gaze wandered off.

Syaoran shook his head and turned his attention again to her. "I can't stand knowing what he's going to go through. It's hard knowing nearly every hardship he'll have to live through. It's hard knowing that he'll have to fight me, as I was, and that I'll very nearly destroy him."

"If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't exist," Sakura said softly. When Syaoran looked at her in surprise, she shrugged, frowning. She seemed unhappy and her hands, still young though her body was aging, twisted anxiously. "I don't want to be grateful for the consequences of suffering, but …"

Syaoran stood up suddenly and stopped her with a gentle kiss. "Can I say something incredibly selfish?"

Sakura just smiled up at him, a pink blush on her cheeks. "You're never selfish, Syaoran."

Syaoran chuckled and took a strand of his wife's light brown hair to twirl around his finger. "I can't say I regret our lives, or that I wish we hadn't been created. Isn't that terribly selfish?"

Sakura cupped his face in her hands and pulled him down for another kiss. "If that's selfish, then I'm a horribly selfish person as well. I'm so glad I had this chance to be with you."

"I love you," Syaoran whispered quietly, his lips brushing hers softly. "I love you more than anything or anyone else in the world."

Sakura pulled away as a wail started up on the second floor. "I think he heard you say that," she giggled teasingly. "Now you've upset him!"

Syaoran grinned and climbed the stairs, Sakura right behind him. "I'll always be your Syaoran, won't I? Just like you'll always be my Sakura."

Sakura laughed and waved him off as she opened the door to their son's room. "Syaoran, what's wrong? Shhh, go back to sleep. It's okay, Mommy's here now …"

Syaoran hung back by the doorway. Even though he was a grown man and had long ago gotten over any awkwardness he had as a teenager, he still lacked confidence when it came to handling their child. He was content simply watching Sakura hum softly and rock the baby Syaoran in her arms.

"Go to sleep, Tsubasa," Sakura said softly. "You'll grow up to be strong and determined, and you'll find your Sakura someday. Go to sleep, my little Syaoran."

A/N - I asked my beta a while ago why there weren't any fics about Syaoran and Sakura raising lil Tsubasa, and she suggested I write one. This has been sitting, gathering dust, in my "inprogress" folder until a few days ago I finally decided to finish it off and send it off to be beta'd. I'd love to hear people's opinions on this, since I rarely write SyaoSak - and even then, it's usually a really innocent type of thing, so this is rather a way out of my comfort zone.

Thanks for reading!