[Author's Note: I decided to make a small sequel, pretty much the same but this time with Lisa. Enjoy!]

"You should've seen his face when he saw me, it was so funny!" Luther said as they sat in a booth, in the corner of Don's Donnuts place.

"Yeah, well i hope he doesn't come hitting on me again. Gross" Zeke said with a disgusted expression.

"I know, just stop thinking about it ok?" Luther told Zeke, who quickly grabbed a menu card, hiding behind it. "What are you doing?" Luther asked confused now.

"Hiding!" Zeke replied whispering across the table.

"From what?" Luther asked again.
"Lisa!. She just came in" Zeke said an dLuther turned his head seeing Lisa, who had just entered the place, with a small troop of 2 followers. All dressed with the same Chess Squad hoodies.

"I can't let her see me!" Zeke whispered again, looking at Luther a little scared.

"What's with you and people stalking you?. It's as if you're Gilroy's favourite donnut that everyone wants to take a piece of …" Luther said loosing his train of though and Zeke stared at him amazed and confused at what he just said.

"Whatever, just try and help me please?" Zeke said after he saw Lisa had spotted him and waved, she was busy talking to a woman to make her way over but he knew she would and as soon as she could.

"Oh.. ok, fine" Luther replied as he tried to think of a way to help him, biting his thumb. Maybe tell her it was his cousin that looked a lot like Zeke and that Zeke had actually gone rock climbing?.

"Luther!" Zeke grunted and his thoughs were interrupted. Luther stood up, trying to do something but still couldn't figure out what, turning around and seeing Lisa in the distance blowing a kiss to Zeke. He lost his balance when he felt a hand on his wrist pushing him down on the seat Zeke was seating, next to him.

Zeke put his left arm around his shoulders and brough him closer.

"What... are you doing?" Luther asked a bit confused.

"Now you'll be the one following" Zeke said and smiled at him in a fake way, knowing Lisa was staring.

"Ok…" Luther said and smiled at Zeke playing along.

"Kiss me on the cheek" Zeke said smiling, trying not to look in Lisa's direction. Luther blinked then leaned in giving Zeke a long and soft kiss on the cheek. Zeke closed his eyes as if he was enjoying it, but in reality he really was. His entire body was tingling.

Luther pulled away slightly, seeing Zeke's expression made him lean in again and kiss extremly close on the corner of his mouth.

Zeke opened his eyes a little, staring into Luther's and moved his head, this time softly kissing Luther on the lips.

Luther closed his ees and leaned in even closer, trapping Zeke tightly between his body and the wall. Zeke captured Luther's lips with his own, opening his mouth to suck on them and massage them. Luther responded the same way willingly, putting his arms around Zeke's waist, holding him as Zeke brought both his arms around his neck, bringing him as close as possible.

Their tongues finally touched and they tarted kissing passionately, getting worked up with every passing second their mouths closed over the other. Zeke moaned a little but Luther swallowed it, bringing his left hand to Zeke's head to pull him in as much as he could to kiss him even more.

Zeke responded by bringing him closer too. They couldn't get enough of each other, it felt as if for a moment they could die since none pulled away to even breathe but they didn't care, they weren't even thinking about that as seconds passed by and they tasted sweeter than the sweetest candy they've ever had.

"What are you doing?" Someone exclaimed behind them after gasping loudly. They quickly pulled away and saw Lisa standing at their table with an angry and confused expression, her eyeballs were about to pop out of her head.

Zeke and Luther looked at each other panting, with swollen lips.

"What Lisa?" Zeke asked without a care.

"What?. Are you being serious right now? Cause this isn't funny!. What do you think you're doing with him!. In Here?" Lisa exclaimed loudly, demanding for an explanation of some sort.

"Yep, in here. With my boy" Zeke said calmly, smiling smitten at Luther who smiled back after wiping his mouth a little.

"I… WHAT?" Lisa kept asking.

"Lisa, we don't owe you any kind of explanation. We're just doing our own thing so… just leave" Luther said smirking politely but really not meaning it.

Lisa looked at him shocked and lost for words.

"You heard him Lisa" Zeke said, ruffling Luther's hair as they still didn't pull fully away from each other.

"Zeke!. What are you talking about!" Lisa said stuttering . Luther rubbed his face with hand exasperated and Zeke rolled his eyes.

"I'm with him, Lisa. Stop acting like you play an important part in my life because you don't. It was all your idea all along and i honestly don't want anything to do with you . Get it and just get over it already" Zeke said motioning for Luther to stand up, who did as Lisa stood there frozen, Zeke grabbed Luther by the arm, walking away.

"Wow… good for you, bud" Luther said, smiling proudly and pattin him on the back.

"Do you think i was too harsh?" Zeke asked smirking slightly.

"No, she was trying to steal my man. Who did she think to come and ask for an explanation anyway" Luther said frowning.

"You're right… so" Zeke said as they stopped at his house, awkwardly standing there.

"Actually, about that…" Luther started but Zeke cut him off.

"Wanna come in and make out?" Zeke asked blushing and smirking. Luther smiled cheekily but didn't respond, he just grabbed Zeke's hand and ran into the house, up the stairs to Zeke's bedroom.