"Logan. Logan, baby, wake up."

"Mmmm–" Logan groaned back.

"C'mon baby. We gotta go Kendall replied gently.

Logan continued to moan and pout. He didn't want to leave.

"Logan get up! We're going to the beach"

"Seriously? I just woke up. Give me a minute to get ready!"

"Fine, fine. Just hurry!"

"Why are we in such a fucking rush?" Logan replied angrily.

"Whoa! Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed!"

"Damn it Kendall! I'm not even out of the bed yet! Jesus Christ!"

"What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing, just, get out of my way."

Logan angrily shoves the covers aside and stomps across the room into the bathroom and slams the door shut.

Kendall is just going to go ahead and assume that Logan is tired from all of the hard work he put forth last night, but part of him can't help but wonder what the hell is wrong with him.

Kendall opens the door to the bathroom and walks in. Logan is already in the shower, so he pulls the curtain back. He find Logan sitting in the shower, crying.

"Logan! What's wrong?"

"I thought I told you to leave me alone!" He cries out.

Kendall gets into the shower, keeping all of his clothes on.

Giving up Logan scoots up and lets Kendall sit behind him.

Into his lap, Logan mumbles, "What the hell are you doing? You're getting your clothes wet."

Kendall doesn't reply and wraps his arms around Logan's, resting his hands on Logan's knees, then lays his head down on the back of his neck. Kendall squeezes him.

They both stay quiet and Logan nuzzles up into Kendall a bit.

Logan didn't wanna say anything, he wasn't even sure why he is so upset. Everything seemed to be going to great, but he just woke up angry and is regretting it now.

They both sat for a while, but Kendall was annoyed from getting wet, and released Logan to take off his clothes. He took the curtain from the shower, plugged the drain, and poured some shampoo into the water.

"What are you doing now?" Logan mumbled.

"We, are going to take a bubble bath. – You need it."

Logan rolls his eyes and lays back, Kendall leans down smiling and kisses Logan on the head.

"You love me, don't act like you don't."

Logan smirks.

Kendall shimmies his way back into the bath, slowing a little since the water is so hot, but he gets used to it.

He gets back into the position he was in before, holding Logan, but they're sort of laying down now.

Logan lays his head back onto Kendall's chest and dozes off. Kendall lays his head down on Logan's and falls asleep too.

Kendall jumps up. He is startled by a loud knocking at the door. He quickly realizes what happened. Him and Logan fell asleep in the bath with the water running and now it is all over the floor, and probably in the apartment below.

"Damn it!" Kendall yells, quickly getting out of the tub, which wakes Logan.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Logan yells. Logan gets out and shuts off the water.

Kendall rushes to the door yelling, "Coming!", on the way by while he goes to find some clothes that aren't wet.

He comes back to the door to see a very angry woman that he recognizes, but doesn't know her name.

The woman is furious. She is dripping wet with water that has been leaking through her ceiling. "I'm sooo sorry!" Kendall apologizes. He stutters some, looking for an answer as to why it was raining inside her apartment.

"I was cleaning the bathtub out and fell asleep with the water on!" Kendall makes up.

The woman doesn't seem pleased, nor convinced by his story. "YOU will be paying to fix my apartment! I will be sending YOU the bill!" She yells.

"Yes, ma'am. Of course. I'm so sorry!" Kendall replies.

"Mhmm." The woman replied, unappeased.

Kendall closes the door and walks back into the flooded bathroom.

"Damn it! Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Kendall yells, annoyed.

"Kendall, calm down. We'll just clean it up. Everything is going to be okay." Logan says.

Kendall mopes over to the closet and grabs a bunch of towels to throw on the floor and soak up all of the water. Logan uses the towel he has wrapped around his waist to help, and then goes to get some clothes from his closet. He comes back to see Kendall sitting on the counter in the bathroom, just staring at the floor.

"What's wrong, baby?" Logan asks Kendall

"Nothing" He replies quietly.

Logan knows Kendall is lying, but he can tell Kendall doesn't want to talk about it.

"Let's just go down to the beach, okay?" Logan suggests.

"I don't even want to go anymore. We need to clean this up."

"It's going to dry up, let's just go have some fun!"

Kendall's face lights up a bit at the thought, so he gets up off the counter and goes and changes into his beach wear. A tank top and board shorts that is. Logan kinda loved this. He isn't the tank top wearing type himself, but he thinks that Kendall can pull off the look.

They grab some sunscreen and two leftover beach towels and get in the car to head out to the beach.

Logan still wasn't completely sure why they were going, since the beach is a couple hours away, but it's still only 10AM and Kendall wanted to go, so he wanted to go too. He sometimes thought that giving his decisions away to Kendall's mercy may be a bad idea, but he's come to trust Kendall more and more as the days go on.

"Kendall what exactly are we going to the beach for?" Logan questions.

"You're just going to have to wait till we get there!" Kendall replies, smirking and leaning over to the passenger seat to kiss Logan.

Logan sighs and lays back into his seat.