AN I'm writing this story because it wouldn't leave me alone last night and kept me awake. Sorry for the shortness of chapter one, sadly I can not make any promises that chapter two will be any longer. Anyway hope you enjoy, and please hit that little review button at the bottom



After leaving Aslan, Peter, Edmund and Lucy walked over to the ridge where their parents stood wondering about everything.

'Mum, dad,' Lucy shouted and ran over to give them a hug.

'Lucy darling, where are we?' Mrs Pevensie said then seeing only the three of them. 'Where is Susan?'

'Susan has betrayed Aslan, and thus has nothing to do with Narnia anymore. I thought she would have done better, but I guess she didn't understand what she learnt,' Edmund said, his mother embracing him as he reached them.

'Lets take a walk,' Peter said as he reached them, they all nodded and Peter turned and unknowingly to all except him, he headed toward Cair paravel.

'Who's Aslan?' Mr Pevensie asked.

'Aslan is the king of all things, he is the great Lion, and we have met him many a time in Narnia,' Lucy said, she had lost her life at the young age of seventeen, but she didn't complain, she loved it here in Narnia, it was her home.

'Narnia, that's not in England, and what do you mean what she learnt?'

'No father, it's not, and when we first came here, we all learnt lessons. Lucy learnt to trust herself, for although we thought that she was going insane, she knew that she wasn't, she trusted what she saw; and she learnt to be valiant. Edmund, well he learnt what a family truly is and that Susan and I are trying to protect him, not harm him; and he learnt to be just. Susan, I don't truly know what she learnt other than to make decisions fairly, and to be gentler. I learnt about being a true leader and that I sometimes needed to be gentler with Edmund,' Peter said, Aslan stood not far away from them, watching the sad reunion.

'You've been here before, then how do we get back? And, what are you wearing?' their mother asked them.

'Yes this is not the first time we have come to Narnia, our robes are the things we wore when we were last here and this age. I can remember the armour I wore over this as well. Well, so we thought. This is the first time we have come to this Narnia, but there was another, less beautiful and less big, but we were there for fifteen years. We can not get back mother, for there is no way to become alive when you have died.' Edmund said and when their mother looked confused Edmund continued 'you were on a train yes?' she nodded, 'Eustace and Jill were also on that train, and Peter and I were waiting at the station. That train crashed, we all died.'

'Before when we visited Narnia we were alive, but this time we came because we are dead, we could not do anything to stop the train, and because Susan turned her back on Aslan and Narnia, she was not with either of us, so she has stayed in England, while we have come to a proper place, full of goodness and amazement.' Peter added onto what his brother had said.

'I was the first to find it, at Professor Kirkes place, but they didn't believe me.' Lucy butted in.

'You lived here for fifteen years?' Their father asked, not quite believing their story.

'Indeed father, we lived just over there, at Cair Paravel,' Peter said. 'What is it Reepicheep?' Peter asked as he looked down and saw who was pulling at his legs.

'Don't be stupid Peter, he is a mouse, and he can not speak.' Mrs Pevensie said.

'Excuse me ma-am, but are you new here?' Mrs Pevensie jumped when reepicheep spoke, and when Reepicheep only got a nod of the head he understood. 'You have much to learn ma-am,' he said before turning to Peter. 'Your highness, may I speak with you?'

'Your highness?' Mr Pevensie asked utterly confused.

'Not now Reepicheep, I have much to explain to my mother and father I am afraid. After though,' Peter said.

'Please sire, Aslan has instructed me to speak to you of certain matters,'

'Give me the rest of the day to spend with my family Reepicheep, then I shall allow time to speak with you. I also wish to speak with Caspian the tenth, send him to me in a few hours time at Cair Paravel.'

'Of course sir,' Reepicheep went off to tell Aslan, and while Lucy was talking to their parents Peter took the chance to look at Aslan who gave him a nod. Peter returned the nod before looking back to his parents. They all stopped in sync as they came to the entrance at Cair Paravel.