Ichigo: *strapped to chair*

Hawky: Yes, i think this will work, run and i shall... oh hell i'm already making it perverted.

Ichigo: *struggles*

Hawky: stop moving!

Ichigo: o.o

Kish: you shouldn't be so hard on her, as everyone knows she is rather breakable.

Hawky: shut up kissyou.

Kish: that's not my name!

Hawky: Ichigo called you it in like the fourth episode.

Kish: ...your missing the point...

Hawky: T.T what did you just say?

Kish: o.o i-i mean... *runs off screaming have mercy on me*

Hawky: i do not own tokyo mew mew 'cause if i did well... it'd go something like below.

Ichigo: o.O

Hawky: and because i don't feel like placing a random warning sign in the middle of this fic i'll say it here: Warning! M-rated content! go on at your own risk!

A/N: Also! I'm beginning to update my profile regularly and there are some things on there you might want to read, that means both things with a date. If you don't read both you'll end up confused on what the hell i'm doing this summer, and if you like these weird, kidnap/capture-force fics then i would recommend you look at enslaved as well. thank you! now on with the show!

Ichigo leaned into Kisshu forgetting anything about screaming at him on the days she was conscious he did this when i was asleep. The words filtered through her mind and a soft moan escaped her lips at the image of him leaning over each day to feed her with his mouth.

A hand slipped around her waist, pushing her against him.

Her body seemed to come on fire from being so close. "kisshu." she murmured softly around his tongue before it twisted around her own. She began fighting back with her tongue for dominance in the kiss, quickly bringing it into his own mouth. "mmm" she breathed, tasting the cavern. so delicious Their tongues continued to dance for a little bit longer, by then Kisshu had won easily. He moved his hand from her waist to hold her hip as he pushed her down to the cold floor. Her tongue rolled across his and her lips.

Kisshu brought his hand-that had been holding her head-around to trail her collarbone. She shivered from the lingering touch, feeling a finger go straight down and between her mounds of flesh to the bottom of the shirt. She pressed her lips against his, nostrils flaring as she took in his scent. He in turn breathed deeply as his fingers rolled the shirt up to her shoulders then trailed back down to her breasts, moving to touch the bra still securely on her.

Her eyes flashed open upon feeling his hand there. "No!" she unlaced her hands from the back of his neck shoving the shirt back down. Kisshu seemed to be in shock as the fabric went over his hand. Ichigo took the chance to scramble backwards on the floor away from him. "Pervert!" she couldn't resist yelling at the alien, instantly regretting it.

His eyes came back into focus, narrowed and glaring at her with the embers within flaring into a fire. It only took a second for him to hover over her, mouth curved slightly in that crazed smile. His hand was already snaking onto her hip, finger splayed on the back so just the thumb was visible from the front before lifting her off the ground and floating up. She screamed in pain from being held up in such a way. "Let me go!" Kisshu floated up higher, perhaps thirty feet in the air before stopping his ascent. Ichigo glanced down at the ground. "I take that back! Don't let me go!"

Kisshu chuckled darkly causing her to almost freeze in fear. "Oh. Don't worry, my kitten. I'll never let you go."

"K-kish-u. Can we, pl-ease... just, t-talk about... th-is?" she asked, stuttering and trying to finish her sentence in such a shaky voice.

He glared at her. "Fine. Go ahead and talk, Strawberry."

"L-look, you, uh." her mind was spinning as she tried to get her thoughts straight. "Kish, you just surprised me okay? I'm not... ready for that. Any of it. So could you... just keep things simple between us?" she asked, hoping what she was saying would get through that alien bone and into his head. oh, i screwed up so badly zakuro, how am i ever going to get out of this and be able to help the other mews?

"You want simple? Like, just kissing?"

"Y-yes." she said, hopeful. i can get through this.

"Well... how about I kiss somewhere else?"

Her breathing stopped for a second along with her voice box.

Kish slowly began to grin down at her. "Some place where I can taste you better." she watched as he licked his lips, then still grasping her hip turned most of her body a bit more diagnoly. Her eyes widened as his head dipped down towards her core. Another hand came to flip her skirt up, then a single finger wrapped around the last piece of clothing and started pulling it to the side. She trembled for a second before without thinking she started kicking her legs. Kisshu's frustrated growl just made her panic and kick harder.

"No!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, almost as if she still hoped someone would hear her and come save her from him.

"Kitten..." he snarled in warning. "Stop moving your legs."

She could tell from his voice that he was restraining himself from lashing out at her right away but was freaking out. "No! Dammit Kisshu! Don't touch me! You..."

"Ichigo." his voice trembled with rage.

"YOU FUCKING RAPIST!" she screamed struggling in his grip.

She could hear him growl and saw his head dip back down and struggled harder. "Stop it!" she snapped then froze, voice lost. That feeling on her skin... like... she trembled, her legs barely moved before stopping fully. He was... oh please no. She could feel his heavy breathing on her thigh... a small tracing that made her think of a pin. "k-kish." she murmured shakily.

"Say it. Right now."

"I..." her throat closed up. She squeezed her eyes shut before reopening them with pure terror. "Kish I... i" she struggled to come up with the last two words. His angry growl filled her ears making her eyes widen. "n-" she ended up screaming as pain coursed through her thigh. She could feel her blood slip past the fang and hear as it fell on the floor far below. Her ears pounded seeming to have become ultra sensitive as she heard and felt him once again, sucking at the skin and blood. She shook in his hands, in his mouth as he carved holes into her thigh. She found her voice again and spoke slowly as she winced every few seconds and did her best to resist the urge to cry out in pain. "I don't think this is helping,"

"Us." he snarled. Kish was no longer down at her thigh but moving over her so that his face wasn't very far from her own. "You forget Ichigo, you don't have any reason to become a mew again or be masaya's girlfriend anymore. You have me." Pain crossed his face and she saw how his eyes had become a bit watery. "Isn't that enough for you?" his gaze ran over hers once. "Or are you going to continue to act like a spoiled brat?" he growled out, slapping her across the face which she gasped at. "I don't want to have to do this. You think I like to hurt you!" his lip curled as a single tear dropped from his eye, running down his face slowly. "Do you even know what your friends are up to? I know you don't. Because I protect you from it!" his hand from her skirt changed to grabbing her throat limply yet still pulling her up close to him. "How crazy is it that pathetic human always falls for the leader? Or even who it is? You know her. Very damn well too. Blonde freak at your school with the curls in her hair." She gasped inaudibly. no... it couldn't be. "Your friend before the Mews. She knows about them now and is your fucking replacement." she tried to cut him off. "Sure, they're still looking for you but it's not so important with a new hand. Besides they have chimera still running here and there." She shut her eyes quickly to stop the flood, feeling a single tear break the damn. Kish's breath was right against her face now and she trembled holding in her sobs. Something wet touched her face colliding with her tear. "Don't you see Kitten?" his voice was soft as she realized it had been his tear that had mixed with her own.

Her hand shook as she reached out and grabbed his shirt while he stiffened. "i'm sorry." she murmured feeling tears slip past closed lids. "ah-about before, i'm not ready for that. I'm serious Kisshu. This..." she paused trying to hold on to reality. "...relationship we have. I can't do this anymore. You can't keep hurting me. I..." she took in a breath and opened her eyes to look straight at him. "I believe I could come to love you. You're caring and are nice to me, but you anger easily and I... seem to know what ticks you off on auto-pilot. Plus," a blush rose to her cheeks. "you... well you're handsome, much more than..." she closed her eyes for a second then reopened them. "You're loving, but I don't know what that feels like..." she felt her tongue go over her lips. "Even so, I don't want you like that. Not, now." she breathed out eyes closing halfway. "But if you want me like that... I... i want to try something." she smiled thinly up at him, feeling her heart crack within her over Masaya and his betrayal... the Mews betrayal, and her friend. "But first, I want to be put down on that bed and be able to rest, peacefully. Okay?"

Kisshu smiled down at her, wrapping his arms around her firmly as he floated down to the bed. "Anything for my kitten." he said, placing her on the bed and putting a blanket over her, after a second of hesitation he kissed her gently on the forehead. "Good night."

Hawky: it's... *dabs at face with a towel* my most beautiful chapter yet.

Kisshu: yes... but it took you forever. You sure didn't keep up that promise from last time. I'm sure they memorized the words in all chapters.

Hawky: ... don't ruin this moment

Kisshu: It's my moment in GLORY! *gets knocked out*

Hawky: *carrying bat, so obvious culprit*

Ichigo: ... ... ... there's something wrong with everyone on this page

Hawky: *squats down* now Ichigo why don't you be a doll and bring cake, cookies, fudge, and brownies to my viewers hmm? and if they're on a more perverted side give them that video of you and Kisshu behind the scenes?

Ichigo: o.o th-tha-that's classified! *runs off*

Hawky: well I always have backup plans *brings out trays* yes there is one with copies of the 'classified' have fun ^.^

Kisshu: we would like to add the very important message of reviewing. also hawky please stop watching and taping us, it's rather creepy.

Hawky: i'ld rather not stop