The Weasley Files: An Introduction

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Nothing at all.

Howdy Folks!

Scorpius Malfoy here, bringing you all the facts on those oh-so-charming Weasley cousins that we know and love. Or don't know and still love, which is more likely if you're reading this.

Ever wondered why Lucy and Molly fight? Ever been curious as to how James and Fred came to be the mischievous pranksters that they are today? Ever been plagued as to why Rose refuses to play quidditch? Well that's what I'm here to tell. I've delved as deep into the Weasley burrows (no pun intended) as any man has dared. And just about lived to tell the tale.

So from the beautiful Victoire, all the way down to the fiery Lily (yes, Potters are included), we explore the innermost workings of these crazy cousins. If Fred and James don't kill me first (they love me really).

So, here it is folks, as told by the adopted cousin (or something like that), I proudly present (drumroll please!); THE WEASLEY FILES.

AN: Hi :) This is just a little project. I'd seen it done before with just the girls, so I thought I do it with everyone. It's mostly just so I don't get frustrated with my other story, so I hope you enjoy it.

Love and sunshine,

LilyRose xxx