
AN: Eeep, last one! Sorry it took so long, I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: Not mine.

Basic Facts

Full Name: Lily Luna Potter

Date of Birth: 24th April 2008

Parents: Harry and Ginny (nee Weasley) Potter

Siblings: James and Albus

House: Gryffindor

Wand: 11" Holly and Unicorn Hair

Patronus: Zebra


Well ladies and gents, Lily may go by the second name Potter, but looks wise, she's all Weasley. Even though in reality, Hugo is only an hour older, being the youngest girl, Lily is very much the baby of the family, and she definitely looks the part.

She's a miniature version of her mother, with a long mane of the good old Weasley flaming hair that falls, poker straight, that falls to the bottom of her shoulder blades, big, warm brown eyes framed by dark eyelashes, and a heart shaped face, peppered with freckles. She's also the only Potter child that doesn't wear glasses.

She does have a look of her brothers however, of James when she's had an idea and she gets a mischievous grin on her face and of Albus when she's worrying about something and her eyes are thoughtful or concerned. When she smiles, her eyes shine and her cheeks dimple. She's pretty adorable.

James, don't be ridiculous, you know what I meant, put the chair down!

Currently, Lily's pretty tiny. She has a wiry build, slim and very bouncy; the perfect build for a seeker. She's also a great chaser, but she prefers playing seeker, much to her father's delight. She plays chaser at the minute, but she's planning to try out for seeker after Al leaves.

When she's not in her uniform, Lily usually sticks to jumpers (often of the Weasley variety), jeans and trainers, but she does like to dress up in skirts and dresses for special occasions. She'll get bored once in a while and wear a skirt, then realise she can't climb trees and swear she'll never wear a skirt again. She has a pair of pink trainers that match Hugo's red ones and she always wears them, though like Hugo's, they're fairly ragged.

Lily adores both her parents, and she idolizes her mother and often wears Mrs Potter's old Harpies uniform. Of course, being as little as she is, the green and yellow sweater swims on her, but she doesn't care and has declared it her goal to one day have a Harpies sweater of her own, just like her mother's, but with 'Potter' on the back.


Lily's an interesting mix. Not only of her parents, but of her brothers as well. Rose often jokes that Lily got the best bits of James and Albus, but somewhere along the line someone threw in her mother's feisty side and her father's bravery.

Lily is very cheerful and bubbly. She constantly wears a wide smile, an interesting contrast to Hugo's thoughtful expression. Hugo is of course her best friend, they're inseparable, but to be honest, Lily is friends with everyone. Well except the Slytherins, but they're not really people. She'll often go and sit with her friends in other Houses at meal times, until she's chased back to the Gryffindor table by the Professors. Lily will chatter happily to anyone, about anything, even if she's never met them before.

Lily adores her family. Every single last one of them. She hero-worships her brothers and Teddy Lupin, who I think she considers another brother. She idolizes Rose, who I think she thinks of as more of a sister than a cousin. She often follows Rose around, chatting a mile a minute, and often goes to her for advice when she doesn't want to ask her brothers. Girl stuff, I suppose, I've never inquired too closely.

Lily, like James, is always full of energy. She's very enthusiastic and she actually bounces up and down the corridors, or even when she's not going anywhere. She's easily excited and can be very loud at times, until someone tells her to put a sock in it, usually one of her cousins.

Lily does well in her classes. She's very bright, but it's mostly because she's just so enthusiastic, and actually enjoys them. Her best subject is definitely potions, much to Professor Slughorn's delight, who joyfully declared she takes after her grandmother, the first Lily Potter. Lily beamed for days afterwards.

Of course, cute though she is, don't be fooled. Lily possesses the legendary Weasley temper, and can explode at any minute. Particularly if someone's being mean to Hugo, if someone insults her family, or if she's just having a bad day. When she's just not having a good day, she just yells, loudly. But when someone's actually made her really mad, being her mother's daughter, she sends a nasty bat bogie hex their way.

Lily, like her mother, doesn't like to be told what to do, or that she's too young to do something. When someone tries to tell her not to do something she's already decided she's going to do, she puts her hands on her hips and glares at them. James particularly is very protective of her, and glares at any boy who looks at her sideways, which drives Lily mad. She's made it very clear that she can and will look after herself, and if there's a battle to be fought, she will be there. Happily, times have changed and on the whole there are a lot less battles to be fought, but in the couple minor ones we have had (namely us versus the Slytherins), Lily is there wands-a-blazing, despite her brother's protests.

People in the media have nick named Lily the 'Potter Princess' and it stuck. Other than her mother, Lily is the only Potter girl there is, and she's proud of it. She says it makes her unique, and the Potter Princess, a friend to all, walks down the corridor of the Castle, a smile on her face and her head held high.

Warning Signs; Know when to:

Be worried: When she's crying. I know it sounds obvious, but Lily rarely gets so upset that she cries, so when she does, there's usually an arse to be kicked.

Comfort: When someone insults her family, Lily gets really upset, so it's a good idea to cheer her up.

Run: When you hear 'JAMES SIRIUS POTTER!', followed by fast footsteps, it's a good idea to vacate the vicinity, unless you have a desire to join the Witness Relocation Programme.

So there you have it folks; from the stunning Victoire, right down to the bubbly Potter Princess. All twelve Weasley cousins in a neat (or as neat as they can be) little package of beauty and brains, curls and freckles, Quidditch position and practical jokers, red hair and flaming tempers.

My advice, if you're going to take on the Weasley cousins, you'd better have nerves of steel. After all, they're M.O.M. rating is XXXXX. Impossible to train or domesticate, and after they get their hands on me, they'll be known wizard killers too.

So good day my dear readers, I hope you enjoyed yourselves.

Till we meet again,

The Honourable Scorpius Malfoy.

James! Fred! Put down your- Ahhhh!

AN: Well, there you go! I can't believe I actually finished this! I will be doing a sequel, with Teddy and the Scamanders, etc, etc, but it wont be for a while. In the mean time, thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it! Please, please, please review if you can!

Love and sunshine,

LilyRose xxx