**I do not own Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) in any respect. TMNT was created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird – it is not my intellectual property. These is no financial gain made from this transformative work no will any be sought. This fanfiction story is for entertainment purposes only**

"You walk through life with your eyes closed!"

"Yeah, well you walk through life thinking YOU know all"

"I do NOT think that I now all. But I have seen and experienced quite a lot giving me knowledge about things and how to handle situations."

"Ohhhh… and I HAVEN'T experienced stuff. Are you saying I don't know how to handle situations? That I do not understand my own life?"

"NO! But I stand aside and watch each of your personalities and how they are different AND the same. Things you would do on your own and other things which you turn a blind eye to. But you see, I cannot turn a blind eye. I am the one who must take care of everything everyone else has passed by. I…"

"Wait, wait, WAIT! I do not turn a blind eye to anything. But you look at the world through your own filter, making it seem that you know everything that is going on."

"HOW can I make you open your eyes to see that I have devoted a huge portion of my life to taking on and handling stuff in order to avoid conflicts… to keep you guys TOGETHER as the TEAM we must be to survive? I know things that you do not understand. Things that you refuse to deal with thus they are inexistent to you."

"I cannot believe your nerve, you know THAT?"

"ALL of YOUR comments and everything that suddenly flies through your HEAD does not need to be said. YOU do NOT think before you speak or ACT! YOU just think because it was your idea and you said it, it was required or achieved a purpose. YOU are so wrong, sometimes the things you say and the actions you make harm other people more than you know…"

"Ha ha ha, YOU are so funny you know that. I am wrong; well guess what, it is actually the other way around - YOU are the wrong one."

Mikey couldn't take it anymore. He shoved his head under his pillow praying for his brothers to just stop. Hours, hours they had been yelling, screaming, at each other. Mikey thought that everything that had ever happened to them had been brought up in this argument.

His brothers had fought before, but this time was more serious. In way, to Mikey, it seemed more 'real'.

A silent tear rolled down his cheek softly falling onto his pillow. 'Why must they fight?' Mikey thought. But even as he asked himself that question he knew that he knew the answer. But the answer in a way doesn't matter because his brothers wouldn't listen anywise... well, Leo probably would. Leo was always trying to help, to understand. But so much shit was always thrown at him.

"HOW DARE you insinuate that I would be happy for master Splinter to be gone so that I could take complete control?"

Mikey shivered as what Leo said - or, screamed with all of his might - echoed through the layer breaking through his line of thought. Even his floor seamed to vibrate with anger and tension. More tears rolled down his cheeks uncontrollably.

'Why must I cry? Why must I be a baby causing my brothers to fight? I am probably the weak link in this team that caused this argument in the first place,' Mikey thought with complete sincerity.

'Why can't I be more like Donny who does nothing wrong or… cry?'

The tears continued on for Mikey.

***** Mean while *****

Donny was in as much despair as his younger brother. And he had also taken a similar position on his bed with his head under his pillow and the blanket wrapped tightly around him. Tears ran freely down his cheeks as his mind raced similar to Mikey's.

'I am always locked away in my lab. Perhaps if I spent more time with my brothers, mainly helping out Leo, I could have stopped this argument.'

'Leo tries, he really does, but he is not old enough to our 'dad'. Besides, we want him as a brother. Perhaps that is what mostly angers Raph but maybe Raph does not understand it. Thus, he throws all of his anger at Leo only knowing that he is angry; hoping Leo can figure it out and fix it.'

"You are the one that wanted to start this argument in the first place. YOU know what? I think that you like arguing. It is probably how you ENJOY yourself!"

"You have got to be kidding me! You have got to be joking because there is NO living way that you could be serious! Unless you are completely stupid!"

Donny moaned, this argument just got a lot worse and he further buried his head into his bed. He just wanted to run out of his room and just… well… hug his brothers. Make it okay...

'Oh no, here they come' Donny thought as more tears poured down his cheeks. For minutes Donny just laid there and cried. It felt like the only thing he could do. Then, all of the sudden a thought ran through his mind which he could not get rid of…

"Before you tell your neighbor that they have a speck in their eye, remove the speck in your own eye, then you will be able to see things more clearly"

I don't really know where this came from or if there is going to be another chapter; it all depends on the reviews it gets.