A/N: Ok, here is the last chapter to Remember Me? I hope you guys liked it. It kinda got suckier as the story continued. That's prbably because I'm really lazy. Anyway, I may take this down and make a better one. Ya know, correct grammar and make it less confusing. Anyway that will be a long time away though. I need to finish some of my other stories.

I'de like to give a special thanks to these people:


White angel1029

Sienna hearts Disney Couples




Smile. Laugh. Shine. - u rock

I Know Love Hurts 2010





Thanks so much for your reviews. You all totally made my day. This chapter just concludes the story basically so I hope you guys enjoy as well as anyone else. = ) Thanks so much for commenting!


So here's where the story ends, you can say. Well, not really ends, but where I stop writing it. The notebook, that Sonny found, was filled with songs. Amazing songs. Nico and Chad actually made an album. It was the top selling album in the entire world. It's name? Remember Me? Remember Me? was it's name.

Emma became a model. It wasn't a shock to anyone really, except maybe her mother. And after things had settled down, Emma became Nico's girlfriend. Chad didn't mind. He had his eyes on a certain perky brunette.

Tawni was Tawni. She still made Sonny finish all those boxes alone.

Grady was still one of Nico's best buds. And soon, he became one of Chad's best buds. Until all three of them were unbreakable.

Zora was Zora. She pretty much stayed in the vents.

And in the end, June 23rd wasn't such a bad day anymore. A day of celebration actually. Nobody cried, or stayed home. They celebrated together. Actually they threw a party. Everyone was invited. Sonny, Emma, Tawni, Zora, and of course Grady. Chad even let Zac Efron come.

But while everyone was laughing and smiling and dancing, Chad and Nico would slipp away. They would jump in Chad's convertible (Which sometimes Chad would let Nico drive) and go off. They never told anyone, and no one ever knew.

But Sonny had her suspisions. Well, ok, they weren't suspisions because she followed them once. The two best buddies would go to a little ice cream parlor on th outskirts of Hollywood. You know the one. Barly anyone knew of it, but anyone who did couldn't get enough of it. What was it's name? Oh yah!


Ya, really short but oh well. = ) Thanks for reading!