Accept the Future

By: Silverwolf

Itachi looks at Kisame and the others as they all decide that neither won the challenge. Konan looks at Deidara, "rematch?" Itachi shakes his head as Deidara shrugs. Kisame looks at Itachi, "I seriously thought you were going to harm me last night." Itachi shoves his hands into his pockets, "I was. I told you before no matter how close you all get... I am Sasuke's older brother and I won't let someone walk all over him."

Kisame shrugs, "I can't believe Naruto still remembers some of the crap I've done to him." Itachi makes a face, "Kisame, if you did the exact crap to me I wouldn't be able to forget it." Kisame makes a face, "so maybe I was harsh on the kid."

Itachi doesn't look impressed with Kisame response, "harsh? I would stat that you were past harsh. It's none of my business though." Kisame glances towards Deidara, "since none of you won that challenge, what do you plan to do?" Deidara shrugs, "I guess nothing. It wasn't exactly important, yeah."

Itachi ends the conversation between Kisame and Deidara as his phone rings. The older Uchiha answers the phone with a slight scowl. The voice complaining on the other end of the phone is none other than his father. Itachi sits making different faces as he hears Fugaku lecture him over Sasuke's relationship. Itachi tilts his head as the lecture continues.

Deidara steps over listening a bit. The blonde takes the phone from Itachi as he hears Fugaku continue about how he doesn't understand how Sasuke could be in a relationship with another male. The blonde moves the phone away as Itachi reaches for it.

The fuss over the cell phone continues during Fugaku's lecture. Though Deidara continues his antics with Itachi in silence the blonde could tell that Itachi wasn't exactly intersted in listening to the conversation. After all Sasuke was on his own. It wasn't like their father took much time from working to even notice if either of his sons exist.

Deidara and Itachi hear Fugaku asking for an opinion during a slight break in his lecture. Itachi shrugs as Fugaku repeats the question. Itachi half smirks as Konan sits making faces. Finally Itachi answers his father. "I don't exactly understand why it should matter. I mean it's not like your the one with that blonde. Also just so I make it clear to you, his name is Naruto... and Sasuke's far from ashamed of him. Besides I barely take care of myself."

"Itachi, your brother kissed that boy in front of me." Deidara tries to keep from laughing. Itachi tilts his head, "what is the lecture over exactly. Sasuke being with another male or Sasuke being with that male." Itachi hears his father sigh.

"Itachi, that blonde is the son of a..." Itachi cuts his father's statement off. "Naruto is indeed Minato's son. And yes, I know the history that his father has. But I've met Naruto. He's not his father, if anything his all heart. And he's looking for someone to save him from his past; his life. And it seems to me Sasuke does that. It's Sasuke's life, and from what I can tell he's happy with Naruto at his side."
Fugaku sighs low after his son's lecture. "Itachi, you do know that Sasuke's asked that blonde to be a life-long partner, correct?" Itachi shakes his head lightly even though it can't be seen by his father. Everyone else in the room stats whistling.

Fugaku makes a face, "you still include those thugs as friends then?" Itachi smirks a bit, "I do. They've actually been helpful. So Sasuke's asked Naruto for marriage? Then I guess I have to give my congrats."

Fugaku ends the conversation with Itachi listening to the dialtone. The older Uchiha laughs a bit. The rest of room looks at Itachi, "you have to call your brother." Itachi makes a face, "he might be busy with work or whatever else he has going."

Deidara snatches Itachi's cell. The blonde begins to scroll through a list of saved numbers in search of Sasuke. A grin spread across Deidara's face as he finds the number. Itachi tries to snatch the phone as it starts dialing. The older Uchiha misses. Instead Itachi hears a voice from the speaker. "Hello?" Deidara grins and hits a button making it possible for everyone to hear. Konan hears Naruto through the speaker even though the first voice they hear was Sasuke. Itachi laughs loudly as the room gives their congratulations to the couple. Itachi hears a bit of growl before he hears Sasuke speak again. "Um, thanks, but tell Itachi I really have to call him back. I can't talk on the phone with a fox nipping skin." Itachi laughs at Deidara's face as the blonde hears a dial tone. Konan giggles loudly, "at least someone's going to get.." Deidara places his hand over Konan's mouth, "don't say it." Itachi looks at Konan, "I don't even want to know he's actually going that far." Kisame grins a bit, "you don't want to know you're brother will go all the way..." Itachi throws a law book causing Kisame to end his sentence a bit early.

A/N: I know quite a few people favorited this series. And I appreciate that, along with the reviews. Thanks for reading. It's time to let call this one complete. I'm growing bored of it actually.
