so I am a hypocrit. I'll not deny it. this was supposed to be here much earlier I actually wrote most of it 2 weeks ago but then I did 2 weeks straight of 10 hour days- I wasn't quite ready to be without any energy. so thats my very poor excuse I hope you will forgive me and if not. I completely understand.

so yeah here it is. you will probably hate the ending and I will not deny I can't see another chapter coming for a while.

thanks for reading I appreciate all reviews. much love chys

The giant fox threw himself against the gates of his prison, all weight focused on the seal, his lock and key. Every single tail was curled around and between bars binding themselves to Naruto's mind as leverage, the force pushing apart connections between memories, skills, emotions. It was a futile attempt to rip his mind apart and take control.

Naruto's eyebrow twitched.

"Once you let Kyuubi out to satisfy his desires, we could perhaps have a civilised conversation, well, I say civilised but that would go best if for once you didn't talk and pay attention."

"We must have very different ideas of civilisation if you consider death threats and a hasty get aways a decent attempt at civility or conversation."

"well aren't we prickly- I understand that people under stress do act out and Hokage, I completely understand if it's a bit much for you. It would explain the ease with which the Kyuubi visits."

"I am handling it just fine."

"oh so you are well aware of the slave trafficking being protected by your official seal."

Naruto was aware of everything around him, within him, Kyuubi's continuing struggles, Sasuke's scent, the difference in his clothes (longer sleeves to cover the Kyuubi's marks), the mess of paperwork occupying his desk, his official robes on the wall, the ANBU guards outside, the traps he set that morning. It was suddenly very necessary to note everything, observe, record, delay. Sasuke would allow no respite his voice a long deadly needle piercing through any diversion he used, any way of regaining control.

"I am more than happy to kill the elders for you, any others involved."

He couldn't, too many innocents would get caught in the crossfire, they were his responsibility. A cold hand hovered over his cheek almost a caress, Naruto turned into Sasuke's palm nuzzling within the rare comfort he offered. It was Naruto's responsibility.

"No, not now and when it happens I want to be the one to do it."

Sasuke didn't respond and then he withdrew. Naruto let the silence echo between them before he continued.

"Are there any official records or reports about your vendetta against the slavers?"

"mostly within Orochimaru's camps but since a I killed him they have disintegrated and spread out so it should be pretty well known."

"would you be willing to attack the kingdom and their trafficking under my direction?"

"that would depend on what I would get for obedience?"

"konoha resources on the sly and as an extra bonus no ANBU hunting you and slowing you down. But you are not allowed to kill the slaves. I will not facilitate a massacre of innocents."

"why? They aren't truly people anymore, there is more mercy in ending…"

"they can be rehabilitated."

"are you truly so naïve? You have no idea what they endure, what the kingdom does to create them or destroy what they were."

"and how would you have any idea? They will be rehabilitated."

"I will consider it."

"it is non-negotiable"

"and if I refuse."

"if you refuse my help but continue in an attack. I will kill you before I allow you to perpetrate a massacre."

"really, you will kill me well I am glad someone grew some balls and learnt the futility of capture. Still, what could possibly make you think you will be successful?"

"I will release all leashes on Kyuubi and let him hunt you down and before you die I will cut out your eyes and give them to the village. Your death will be beneficial to the village. Doesn't the thought just burn you?"

"Fine, I accept but only on the condition that the elders and anyone knowingly involved is dealt with in a manner I would consider just."

"Deal. But fail and your retribution remains the same."

Sasuke smirked.

"Fairs fair."

Then he was gone. Naruto systematically relaxed all his muscles sure within the knowledge that Sasuke would come back. That's when Kyuubi broke free.

200 kilometres away.

The tree next to sauske collapsed unable to bear the weight of the king of demons. Sasuke turned and smiled, opening his arms.

"hello, Kyuubi"

And then the fox struck.