The Tutor


Life it's funny sometimes and so it's love. You can fall for anyone; even for the person you dislike the most.

That didn't happen to me though but to my aunt Bianca. She always told me her and Uncle John's story. They used to hate but after getting to know each other better they fell in love.

I personally think those are strange and unique cases. I don't even think love exists at all, just in some unique cases like my aunt's. For example, my mom and dad divorced when I was little and I never saw him again. My grandparent, their marriage was arranged and well, by those times, that was very normal. I haven't seen anyone marry and being truly in love for a big while, just my aunt and that's why I admire her so much. They have been married for 20 years!

She always tells me to never let chances go and that I should get to know everybody but what if a person doesn't want to get known?

Bianca also tells me I should never say never because that would turn to be opposite. That's one thing for sure I will never do, I will never ever, not in a million years fall in love with conceited, egocentric and player boys! Like Chad Dylan Cooper. I'm sure if I ever fall in love, it will be with someone romantic and sweet.

Oh, how I loathe Chad, he is just so conceited! He is captain of the football team, dates the pretty girls and high school is his kingdom. He always says he is the greatest man of his generation… as if! Most of girls are in love with him, excluding me and my best friend Lucy. Unfortunately I have to see Chad quite often since his best friend Tom is Lucy's boyfriend. Besides, we are friends with the same people.

Well… at least I don't have to talk to him… but I always end up doing it. I'm so nice and Chad doesn't deserve niceness but I can't help myself, it's just who I am.

Life it's just so unfair! He even gets better grades than me! I can't believe it. I bet he coaxes the teacher or something, or maybe he pays "his" girls to do his homework.

Anyway, I don't know why am I thinking about him where there's more important things to think about. Sometimes I tell Aunt Bianca about the fights I have with Chad and she just laughs saying I should have patience with him and that he is a great guy.

I mean… he is not THAT bad but he is bad. I don't hate him because hate is a feeling and I don't feel anything toward him.

Anyway getting back to the topic about love…

Oh well, love is just a myth until it turns real… but it is a myth to me.

The day I fall in love… will be the day that pigs fly.

Hi people! This is my new story (: I had wrote it a long while ago but didnt upload it because i was working on Mystery House. But i think i can manage two stories at once. I hope lol. Anyway, i hope you enjoy it as much as i did writing it

Disclaimer: I dont Own Swac