Riku and Kairi stood at a door, they could barley see inside. Riku caught sight of the young girl. Riku looked at Kairi, who looked like she was ready for sleep.

"Maybe you should wait here" Riku said

"No I'm okay" she said

Riku wasn't convinced, but he knew that Kairi wasn't going to back down. The two waited until the room seemed empty. They slowly walked in and walked toward the young girl who sat at the far end of the room.

"Who…Who are you?" the young girl asked

"We're here to help you" Riku said

The young girl looked at Kairi, who gave her a reassuring nod. The girl crawled over to Riku and Kairi.

"He's coming back" she said

Riku picked up the young girl and they started up a flight of stairs. They walked into a room, and closed the door. Riku walked over to the window, there was no way they could jump from here.

"We have to find a way out." Riku said

Kairi picked up and rope.

"Would this work?" she asked

Riku studied the length of the rope and then he looked out the window.

"I will hold the rope while you two climb down" he said

Kairi nodded and then motioned for the young girl to come. Riku lowered the rope as far as he could. Kairi grabbed the rope and climbed down; she dropped only a few feet. Riku helped the young girl hold onto the rope. She climbed down and when she dropped Kairi caught her. Riku turned around when he heard the sound of someone coming, he turned back to the window and saw that Kairi was waiting for him.

"RUN!" he yelled

Kairi didn't move, he was her friend and she wasn't going to leave without him.

"Damnit Kairi" Riku yelled "Get Out Of Here"

Kairi grabbed the girls hand and ran. In that moment some thugs broke into the room and grabbed Riku, he fought back the best he could. He was soon over powered when they hit him over the head causing him to fall unconscious. One man walked out first while the other picked up Riku and carried him off. Kairi stopped running and fell to her knees; she had pain written all over her face. The young girl stopped.

"What's wrong?" she asked

"Nothing" Kairi said

Kairi tried to get up, but then she fell again. The young girl looked around. Moments later they heard someone coming; Kairi looked around and saw some small brush.

"Go hide" she said pointing to the brush

The girl nodded her head and ran to the brush, she knelt down and watched. Kairi looked up and saw Roxas and Sora heading towards her.

"Sora, Roxas," she said "what are you doing here?"

"We're looking for you" Sora said

Lita and Maiko walked up, Lita looked sad and Maiko looked slightly aggravated.

"Kairi have you seen a young girl with short brown hair?" Lita asked

Kairi waved her hand and the young girl walked out.

"Maika" Lita called

Lita ran over and scooped up Maika. Maiko let out a sigh of relief.

"Kairi have you seen Riku?" Sora asked

Horror filled Kairi's eyes, and she began to cry. Sora kneeled down and pulled Kairi up.

"Kairi where is Riku?" he asked

"They have him" was all she could say

Sora looked over at Roxas who nodded.

"Maiko, Lita, take them back to town" Sora said

Lita and Maiko nodded. While Lita and Maiko brought them home, Roxas and Sora headed out to save Riku. Roxas and Sora soon came to the building.

"We can sneak in our make a mess" Roxas said

"I vote mess"

Roxas and Sora turned around to see Lita and Maiko standing behind them. Roxas and Sora were both as confused as they could be.

"We're fast" Lita said

"So you wanna cause a distraction" Roxas said

"Any limits?" Maiko asked

"Just make noise" Roxas said

Lita and Maiko got very creepy grins. Lita and Maiko went in first, Sora and Roxas waited until they heard the sounds of people screaming in pain. Sora and Roxas headed around the side of the building and found an emergency exit, which they used to get in. With everyone busy trying to get rid of their two person problem, Roxas and Sora were able to get around pretty easily. They were checking every room they found, Roxas tried to open a door, but it wouldn't budge. Roxas looked at Sora, who nodded, then the two both ran into the door and surprisingly they broke it open. When they saw Riku they couldn't believe it, he was slumped over in the corner of the room. Sora ran over to him, Sora lifted Riku's head and saw blood had been coming from his mouth and nose; he also had bruises all over.

"Roxas" Sora said

Roxas helped Sora lift Riku, who groaned in pain. Roxas and Sora were headed back to the side exit when they heard a girl scream.

"Can you carry him?" Sora asked

"Why?" Roxas asked

"Im going to go get Lita and Maiko" Sora said and ran off.

"Wait" Roxas called but Sora was gone.

Roxas carried Riku to safety and then he headed back in, because he wasn't leaving Sora in there. Everywhere Roxas looked there was someone dead and bleeding. Roxas was moving quietly until he heard Sora scream, Roxas followed the scream to a very open room where he found Lita and Maiko lying on the ground. He looked to the end of the room and saw Sora in the corner, he almost looked dead. Roxas ran toward Sora, but before he got there someone else showed their face.

"Well, well look who decided to show up."

Roxas turned and was stunned when he saw Seifer standing before him.

"Surprised" Seifer said "well don't be, the bomb shelter in that place was good for something"

"What did you do to them?" Roxas demanded

"Aren't you demanding" Seifer said

Roxas let out a growl, and then turned back to Sora. Sora began to lift his head.

"Roxas" he said pain in his voice

"Its going to be okay" Roxas said

"Roxas" Sora said again

Roxas was a bit confused, but then he heard someone yell. He turned around and saw Seifer jumping at him, with what appeared to be an army issued knife. Roxas stood still, he caught Seifer by the wrist and the fight began. Roxas somewhat pushed Seifer away and then took a defensive stance. Seifer lunge again, this time it was faster than Roxas had anticipated. Roxas screamed as the knife entered his shoulder almost all the way through. Roxas bite down on Seifer's wrist causing him to let go of the knife. Roxas stumbled backward a bit, and then Seifer jumped at Sora. Sora closed his eyes and waited for what would come next, but it never came. Sora opened his eyes and instead of Seifer attacking him, he saw Seifer, holding his throat and gasping for air. Sora looked around, and noticed that there was blood splatter everywhere, and Roxas was holding a very bloody knife. Despite his wound Seifer tried again to attack Sora, however this time Roxas was standing in front of Sora. Roxas plunged the knife into Seifer's chest causing him to fall over dead. Roxas walked over and helped Sora up.

"Lita, Maiko" Roxas called

Maiko lifted her head, and looked up at them.

"What happened?" she asked

"You mind cleaning up?" Roxas asked

"Lets get them out and then I will clean" Maiko said

Maiko carried Lita, and Roxas carried Sora. When they made it out Riku was awake and waiting. Riku still looked in pain, but it seemed that concern was the dominate emotion at the time. Roxas set Sora down next to Riku.

"Where's Kairi?" Riku asked

"She's safe" Roxas said

Maiko laid Lita down next to the others and then walked back to the building. A few minutes later the whole place was burning.

"It's a huge campfire" Sora joked

Riku and Roxas laughed at how Sora could still manage to joke after everything that had just happened.

"Shall we go home now?" Maiko asked

Roxas stood up and offered to help Riku, who got up on his own and then leaned over to Roxas.

"How 'bout you carry your boyfriend" Riku whispered

Roxas gently and playfully pushed Riku, who in turn laughed about it. Roxas leaned down and picked up Sora. Sora shifted his position a little and when he was comfortable he fell asleep. Maiko carried Lita and they headed for home.