Wowzer. I am so sorry guys, I realized I haven't updated in a long time but things have been crazy, sorry. Enjoy the chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own House, but if I did, Huddy would still be together.

Watching her Aunt Lisa and Uncle Greg talk in the hallway, Ruby focused her attention on the older woman in the hospital bed. It was Uncle Greg's Mom, she looked so…hurt. Ruby leaned forward in her chair and stared at the woman, there was something familiar about the woman, not the woman herself but the bruises on the woman, they reminded Ruby of when she was hurt by her stepdad. She sighed and leaned her head on her folded arms. She chewed on her lip as she tried to formulate the words in her head before speaking.

"I know you don't know me, and I don't really know you, I mean, sure I have heard things about you but I still don't know you..But you're my Uncle Greg's Mom, and I know he loves you and I know he can't and won't be able to live without you kind of need to wake up. He's going's quite funny actually" she replied softly as she sat up ad looked over at the older woman.

"Your son is amazing, he..saved me you know? I have this step dad and he hurt me, hurt me in a way that I will never forget. The bruises and scars may be gone but the mental images are still there. When he found out, he protected me when he came here…You would be so proud of him. I know I am, I am just grateful that he's my Uncle. You should see him with Rachel..He's amazing" she whispered softly.

Looking down at her hands, she picked at her nails. Maybe she was lucky that she got away when she did? Because she could have been like Mrs House. Ruby wasn't dumb, she knew somewhat of what happened to her, maybe not raped but she was definitely attacked by her husband. Ruby sniffled and wiped away the tear that had fallen.

"Ruby?" asked a small voice from the door. Ruby looked up and smiled at Rachel who stood their rubbing her eyes and holding her teddy in one hand.

"Hey Ray" she said softly as she opened her arms to Rachel who smiled lightly and hurried over before climbing up into her cousins lap.

"Is Nanna House going to be okay?". She asked softly as she stared at the older woman on the bed. Ruby looked down at the girl in her lap before smiling softly.

"I hope so Ray..I hope so" Ruby whispered softly as she kissed the top of Rachel's head. They sat in silence for awhile, Ruby in her own thoughts staring at the door and Rachel staring at the older woman on the bed, wishing for her to wake up.

"Ruby?". Asked Rachel as she held her teddy to her chest.

"Yeah?". She replied softly with her gaze still focused on the door leading to the hallway of the hospital.

"When someone opens theys eyes, they awake?" Rachel asked lightly.

"Yeah usually, why's that?". Asked Ruby as she looked down at Rachel.

"Look"Rachel replied as she pointed at the older woman on the bed who had her eyes open and was staring at them.



"Aunt Lisa is she okay?". Ruby asked as she stood against the nurse's station with Rachel in her arms as she stared into Mrs House's room where the other doctors were standing around with House. Ruby looked to her side and seen Lisa with her arms crossed across her chest and biting her nails, her Aunt's classic sign that she was nervous.

"Hmmm? Oh yes sweetie, I think so. They're just running some tests to make sure that she's okay" Lisa replied lightly as she wrapped her arm around Ruby and placed the other one on Rachel's back as she caressed her daughter's back lightly. Biting her lip lightly, Lisa watched on as Greg looked over his colleagues as they made sure his Mom was okay, she was his family after all, even tho they may not have spoken in a long time, she was still family and he looked after family.

"Is it to make sure nothing's wrong and that nothing happened whilst she was unconscious?". Ruby asked as she leaned into her aunt, feeling somewhat on the tired side. Lisa tilted her head to the side as she stared at House and his Mom.

"Yeah..something like that sweetie" she replied lightly. Pressing a soft kiss to both of the girls foreheads, Lisa pulled away from them.

"You two go to my office okay? I'm going to go see Uncle Greg okay?". Said Lisa as Ruby nodded her head. Lisa smiled at the duo before walking inside the hospital room and stood next to Greg, silently offering up her support. Ruby watched on as she noticed her Uncle Greg relax into her Aunt Lisa's touch, she smiled, that's how love was supposed to be. Shuffling Rachel up in her arms, Ruby made her way to her Aunt's office and slipped in, closing the door behind her. Walking over the lounge, Ruby placed her cousin down and pulled the blanket up to her shoulders and smiled as she looked down at the little girl, she looked so free and carefree, not giving a damn about anything in the world but Ruby knew that Rachel was aware of things that were going around her, she was an intelligent little girl after all.

Taking a seat on the opposite lounge to her cousin, Ruby sunk into the seat with a relieved sigh. She was oh so very grateful that Nanna House was okay, and she was even more grateful that her Uncle Greg was getting better but there was something..something that was giving her a weird feeling. She didn't know what it was exactly, but she did know that whatever it was, it wasn't good. Pulling her knees to her chest, she rested her arms on her knees and placed her head on her forearms, why did today feel so..bleh all of a sudden. Ruby thought to herself as she tilted her head to stare at Rachel. She wished she could be like Rachel, being carefree and not obvious to her own feelings. Just as she started to close her eyes, there was a knock on the door. Groaning, Ruby pulled herself out of the chair and made her to the door and opened it with a gasp before her gaze hardened.

"Mom, dad, what are you doing here?".

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.