Author's note: This is my first attempt at case fic. There will be McAbby in some chapters (there is a reason for my pen name). This story isn't complete, please bear with me. F

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, etc.

McGee sighed as he finished off his case notes. This case had been a bit of an anti-climax; they'd been investigating the death of a petty officer in what appeared to be a training accident. Turned out that's all it had been, a training accident. He supposed they couldn't all be exciting, but cases like this were always a bit of a letdown. He closed the file he had in front of him and looked around. Tony was driving Ziva crazy with incessant movie trivia, and Gibbs was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey Tony, have you seen Gibbs?"

"No, why Probie?"

"Just seeing what he wanted for lunch, is all Tony. My turn to do the lunch run, remember? I'll just get him the usual"

He got orders from Tony and Ziva, and then headed out to the parking lot. The cafe that they were getting lunch from today was out the other side of the Navy Yard. Letting his mind wander as he drove, he used the less travelled roads as a short cut.

Partway there, he noticed a crumpled figure against the kerb on the opposite side of the road

Wait, that doesn't look good he thought to himself. Braking hard, he pulled the silver Porsche to the kerb and walked back to check out the shape in the gutter. The sun was in his eyes, but he could see splashes of red through the glare. Running the last couple of steps, he hunkered down next to the unconscious woman. One leg was twisted unnaturally underneath her, and there was blood everywhere. Suddenly he froze, taking in the platform boot on the uninjured leg, the short red and black skirt. Willing himself to be wrong, he turned the woman's head towards him.

It was Abby.

Panicking slightly, he felt her neck and was relieved to find a faint pulse. He watched for a second and realised she wasn't breathing. He yanked his cell out of his pocket and dialled 911. It felt like an eternity before the dispatcher came on the line

"This is Special Agent Timothy McGee. I need an ambulance sent to the Navy Yard immediately! I've got an unconscious woman here, and she's not breathing"

He gave the dispatcher directions; the Yard was a big place.

Desperately trying to remember his first aid training, he pinched Abby's nostrils closed and covered her mouth with his, watching her chest rise and fall as he tried to start her breathing again. It seemed to take forever, and he was becoming terrified that it wasn't going to work, when suddenly he caught the faint flutter of her chest as she took her own breath. Grabbing his cell phone again, he hit one of the speed dial buttons. She needed a doctor now

Gibbs was listening to one of Ducky's many stories when they were interrupted by the phone ringing. Ducky cut off in mid sentence and picked up the instrument


"Ducky, it's McGee. I need your help!"

"Certainly, McGee, what's wrong?"

"It's Abby, Duck; she's been in some kind of accident. I found her on the side of the road, unconscious. She wasn't breathing, Ducky! I did mouth to mouth and she is now... I've called 911 but I'm afraid she's not going to make it that long" He could hear raw panic in the young agent's words

"Calm down, Timothy. Where are you? I'll be there as soon as I can"

McGee gave him their location

"Can you call Gibbs, Ducky? Her leg's bleeding and I've gotta keep pressure on it"

"Not necessary, Timothy, he's here with me. Tend to Abigail, we'll be there soon"

Hanging up, he turned back to Gibbs

"What was that about, Duck?"

"Jethro, Abby has been injured, quite severely by the sounds of it. Timothy found her, and he needs our help"

As he spoke, he grabbed the large first aid kit they kept for emergencies

"Where are they, Duck?" he could see the fear in Gibbs' eyes as he answered

"Out in the Yard; one of the small roads off the main ring road"

"Let's go" he took the heavy first aid kit off Ducky as he spoke, half running out the Autopsy doors. He flicked open his cell as he headed for the elevator, pressing one of the speed dial buttons.

"Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo"

"Grab your gear, DiNozzo, and get out front. Now, Tony" his tone didn't allow for any arguments

"Where are we going, Boss?" Tony asked

"Just get down here! Abby's been hurt"

. ***

Tony put down the receiver slowly, not quite believing what he'd heard. Wordlessly, he stood, grabbing his backpack from under the desk and stuffing his sidearm into its holster

"Get your stuff, Ziva, let's go!" he barked at the former Mossad officer

She gave him a quizzical look, but picked up her things just the same

"I do not understand, where is Gibbs?" she asked

"Don't have time to explain, move it David!" he bolted for the elevator, cursing as the display showed it was on another floor. He spun, nearly crashing into Ziva as he headed for the stairwell

Hard on his heels, Ziva asked "What is happening, Tony?"

"Abby's been hurt; we're meeting Gibbs out front. That's all I know" he said over his shoulder as he ran down the stairs.

Out of breath, they skidded to a halt in front of a worriedly pacing Gibbs and a concerned Ducky

"About time. Let's go!" they jumped into a waiting car and took off, tires squealing as Gibbs gunned the engine

"So what happened to Abby, Boss?" Tony asked

It was Ducky who answered

"McGee said he found her by the side of the road, unconscious and bleeding. She wasn't breathing, either. That's all we know at this point"

They found McGee kneeling next to a still unconscious Abby, using his wadded- up jacket to put pressure on her lower leg. His hands and blue dress shirt were covered in blood. He looked up in relief as they approached

"Thank God! Her breathing's all hinky, and I can't stop the bleeding" his voice trembled on the edge of panic

Ducky set down the first aid kit he was carrying and found a large dressing.

"Here, use this" he said, passing it to McGee. Tony flinched as McGee pulled his ruined jacket away from her leg, exposing the wound. The bone was clearly visible, even through the slow but steady ooze of blood. He quickly replaced the jacket with a proper dressing, using the heel of his hand to put pressure on it. Ducky tossed him an elastic bandage to tie the dressing in place, and then had to show him how to position it.

Ducky deftly felt the back of her neck, trying to figure out if she'd injured her neck at all. Satisfied that she hadn't, he turned to Gibbs

"Gibbs, can you help me turn her onto her side at all? We need to make it easier for her to breathe"

Gently they rolled her onto her less injured side and were rewarded by hearing her breathing become a little less laboured. They could hear sirens in the distance, drawing closer.

"How's the bleeding now, Timothy?" Ducky asked

"She's still bleeding, but not as much, Ducky" he replied. He looked up, noticing that Tony and Ziva had moved away and were scanning the road. They moved out of the way as the ambulance came speeding towards the little group, sirens screaming.

The EMTs quickly loaded Abby onto a gurney and put an oxygen mask on her face. Not wanting to alarm the team, Ducky gave the EMTs a quick run-down of her condition in a hushed voice.

Gibbs stood watching the paramedics load this adopted daughter into the waiting ambulance, then felt a touch on his arm. Turning, he found McGee at his elbow

"Boss?" Gibbs knew what he was being asked

"Go on, McGee, go with her. But let us know the minute you find something out, you hear me?"

"Thanks Boss" he clambered into the back of the waiting ambulance, the driver swung the door shut, and then they were off again, sirens still blaring.


"I'm going to head to Bethesda, Jethro. I'll keep you posted"
"Thanks, Duck" he gave the medical examiner the keys to the car, then turned back to the rest of his team

"We found skid marks and broken glass, Boss. Glass looks like it came from a car headlight. I think this was a hit and run" Tony explained.

"Right. Ziva, bag and tag. Tony, sketches and photos."

Figuring that the car would have made for the closest exit, he pulled out his cell and called the nearest gatehouse.

"Special Agent Gibbs here. One of my people has been injured here in the yard, looks like a hit and run. Have you had any cars with headlight damage exit in the last 30 minutes?"
"Yes sir, one left about 20 minutes ago"