Ok I've started a completely different story and I am still continuing with my OTH story it's just since I've started reading "Demena and Mikayla and Miley coupling I've become obsesses, so when this story came to my head I decided to write and not ignore it considering it wouldn't go away, it actually started plotting itself while I was trying to sleep it just came inside my head, I got the idea while reading one of Camp Rock crossover with Hanna Montana story. So I hope you like the first chapter.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, seriously I don't, not even the characters if I did though I probably marry Selena Gomez but unfortunately I don't well at least I own the plot [yay]

Couples: Mikayla/Mitchie - Mikayla/Miley and Shane/Mitchie and MORE!

Difficult Love

Chapter 1:

"Hey Tess?" Mikayla called out as she enter inside the door but no-one answered, so she carried herself up the stairs "Tess"? she called again, then she heard movement coming from the bathroom and she rolled her eyes, this is so like Tess always talking long to get ready, walking up to the door the brunette bounces her fist against the door "TESS" she yells "get out the bathroom or we gonna be late"

"I'll be out in a minute"! was the response she received from the other side of the door, rolling her eyes again, she walked downstairs to wait for the blond girl.

5 minutes later Tess emerged from downstairs and smiled at the other girl, who just glared at her "well good-morning to you too grumpy pants, who kicked your puppy this morning"? she joke

Sighing Mikayla stood up from where she was sitting "we going to be late" she said moving around the girl heading to the door "hey, no so fast missy" she called making the other girl stop in her track "where's my good-morning kiss?" she pouts, Mikayla groans and turns back around and kissed the blonde's cheek "there, happy?" she asks "very" Tess said grinning then she start walking away with the brunette following.

"Ok I got a surprise" Mikayla grins at the thought of her surprise "what is it?" Tess ask excitement lace to her voice "you'll see" Mikayla say and smiles before running out where the said surprise was "Kayla, you know I hate surprises" Tess whine as she picks up her backpack and followed Mikayla out

"Tada" Mikayla grinned at the shocked look at Tess's face "Kayla, what's this" she ask shock still evidence in her face "this is my baby" Mikayla smiled big at the blond "and I bought her all by myself" "but how" Tess ask as she observed the car "well all the basketball training I did for the centre downtown and my part-time job paid off" she grins then Tess hugged her tightly "do you know how much I love you"? she ask as she break away "I know" Mikayla says cheekily "ooh can I drive" the blond ask "oh no, no-one and I mean no-one drives this baby except me" Mikayla said as she observe her car she still couldn't believe that she had a car now "ok fine, but you're driving me around wherever I want to go" she said as she got into the passenger side and threw her bag at the back "like I have another choice" Mikayla said as she got into the driver's side and speed off Tess's driveway .


Mikayla stopped and parked the car then she turn to her blond companion and smiled at her "jeez is this how you gonna be acting all day, smiling like an idiot" Tess ask with a smile on her face "what, do you know how it finally feels like to have a car and a parking space?" she ask as she reaches behind and got hers and Tess's backpacks and exit the vehicle. "Oh I wouldn't know that...because I don't have a car" she exclaims "I know" Mikayla smiles as she puts her arm around the blonde's shoulder as the two walked toward the school entrance


"Hello best-friend of mine" Miley Stewards says as she grinned at her best-friend "hey Miles" Mitchie says without moving her eyes from her locker "so how was your xmas break?" she ask "eh, it was alright, didn't do anything interested, xmas sucked as hell, what about you, how was visiting your mawma?" she asks finally shutting her locker and looking at the other girl "it was awesome" Miley grins as they started walking down the school hall, Mitchie smile, Miley must've met someone "I met this girl" the other brunette said and Mitch shook her head figures "really"?

"yeah she was so shy and pretty, I was kind of sad when we were leaving though" Mitchie looked at her friend as much as she loved the other girl, she knew her like no-one else did she could easily read her like a book and Miley Stewards cared about no-one except herself with the exception of Mitchie of course so she didn't really believe her when Miley told her that she missed the girl, that poor girl was probably left with a broken heart, that's what Miley did, she use girls her motto "get in, get what she want then she gets out" as fast as possible as if her ass is on fire "Mm" was all Mitchie said, either Miley didn't hear the not so impress voice on Mitchie or she chose to ignore her cause she changed the subject to her friend "so how are you and lover boy doing?" Miley ask putting emphasis on the word "lover boy"

Mitchie sighed, how does she begins on telling her how she and Shane were doing, she was about to answer when Miley cut her off "is he still as ass?" "No, no, Shane is well Shane and we still...us" Mitchie said distracted "and in another word he's still as ass and jerk, let me ask you something Mitch" Miley stops them from walking turning her around to face her "why are you still with him?" Mitchie sigh "Miles" she whined "not this again, it's the first day back to school and I am happy to see my best friend, so can we just please not talk about Shane right now" Mitchie begged her, Miley sighed and said "fine, dropping and changing the subject" "thank you" Mitchie smiles "so do you think we'll get a hot new girl?" Mitchie shook her head at her friend she's such a player but at least she dropped the whole Shane subject and for that Mitchie was happy because as far as Mitchie was concern she didn't want to talk about the boy not now at least, she wanted to be happy and laugh with her friends before she gets to face her boyfriend oh how she was dreading the moment.


Mikayla and Tess walked through the school entrance and started down the hall when they passed the gym Tess stopped walking at the sign at the door, she walked toward it "what are you doing"? Mikayla asks as she walked toward her "Kayla look its basket-ball tryouts" she said "so"? the brunette raises her eyebrows not knowing what Tess is getting at her "what do you mean "so?" this is a great opportunity" she said "for what?" Mikayla asks confuse "ugh sometimes you are so brainless, you play basket-ball and they having basketball tryouts for the school team" Tess said in a duh tone "ohhh" Mikayla said realisation drowning to her "you want me to try out" Mikayla said slapping her forehead with her palm, Tess nod her head with a smile "no" the brunette said as she walked away from her friend "what! Mikayla" Tess chases after her "come on think about it, your good at it"

"Yeah but no good enough to want to join the school team" Mikayla argued back "says who? I've seen you play, your good really good, and this will be a good opportunity for you, you'll have a place to just go if you want to shoot hoops without someone yelling at you "you dare ruined any of does flowers your grounded young lady" Tess said imitating Mikayla's mum's voice which made the brunette laugh slightly "come on Kayla" Tess pouts "Oh no don't do that, not the face" she tried to look away but the blonde's pouts just deepens "ok fine, I'll tryout, just for you" Tess smiled "yay, I love you" she hugged her "ok, alright let go, I am not in yet" " I know but I already know you'll make it" she smiled as they continued walking toward they destination then all of the sudden Mikayla bumped shoulders with someone "sorry" they both said as they walk away from each other without even a glance at one and other but Mikayla knew exactly who that was, so she dare a glance over her shoulder only to be locked eyes with the other brunette's bubbly friend, she immediately looked away

"Ooo she's hot" Miley said returning her attention to her friend "and so not your type" Mitchie said "why do you say that"? Miley ask "well for one she's all goody-goody and probably wants a real relationship and your well you" Mitchie said and Miley frowns at her friends choice of word "well who said I don't want a relationship" she ask as she stopped walking and crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Mitchie "well do you? And even if you did, it's not gonna work" she said ignoring her best friend's pout "why not" Miley whine like a five yrs old "well she has a girl-friend, that Tess girl, there always together" she said as she continue walking "well we can always change that" Miley smiles mischievously and Mitch stopped walking again and sighed "she's not popular" she said which made her friend scrunch up her face in disgust, she knew she'll put her off with this information cause Miles only gets together around with people who were either popular or she met them at some place and since Mikayla was either of them, she knew Miley will stop to try hitting at the other brunette, Mitchie didn't know why she was so desperately trying to put Miley off Mikayla, but she came to the conclusion that she didn't want her friend to get hurt

"Well that is just a turn off" Miley said "but she's still oh so cute" she added after a 2 second pause with a bigger pout than before "morning ladies" "Nate!" Mitchie yelled as she engulf the boy in a tight embrace "Mitch...can't...breath" Nate says and Mitchie let go of him "oh sorry, I missed you" she hugs him again but this time not so tight and flash him her 240 vault smile "well it's good to know that I was missed" he smiled then turn to the other girl "hey Miles" "Gray" Miley says without emotion to her voice "ok then I am not even going to asks" he said then turn to Mitchie "so how was your xmas break?" "same old, same old, yours" she ask as the three started walking together "sucked, I mean all my parents keeps on talking about is how great Shane is and how he's the star basketball player in our school, blah blah, they didn't even care that I got straight As on my report card" Nate says as he rolled his eyes

"But don't you play baseball?" Miley ask the boy "Yeah but I didn't want to mention it, is not like they'll care or anything, the only thing my parents cares about is they restaurant and Shane" Nate shrugs "awh baby, I care about you" Mitchie said as she hugged him sideways "thanks Mitch, means a lot" Nate smiles at her "jeez Mitch if I didn't know any better, I'll say your doing both Gray brothers" Miley joke with a smile but it dropped when she saw the look on Mitchie's face "it was a joke, people come on" she laugh but when the others didn't she said "jeez tough crowd, oh look its Lily just the person I wanted to see, ok bye" with that she took off running

As soon as Miley disappeared both Mitchie and Nate busted out laughing "oh her face man, I never get tired of wringing that girl up" Nate laughed along with Mitchie "come on let's get to class before the bell rings and we late" Mitchie said when her laughter subsided "alright, let's go ma lady "Nate offers his hand to Mitchie who hooped hers in Nate's as they walk toward they homeroom to begin the start of the new term.

To Be Continues!

Good? Bad? Stop? Continue? What were you think when you wrote this?