Dear Horatio,

I don't really know what to do here since this is my first time to write to someone for advice rather than figuring it out on my own. I suppose all the pestering from my friends, who have been telling me to write to you since they learned of why I need to write to you, finally paid off in a way. For me, it feels rather awkward to be asking "love" advice from a male persona. Not that you don't give excellent advice, because I do read your column and know that you know what you are talking about.

Let me also say that this is new for me. The whole "love" thing. I learned long ago that if you love someone, then they will leave. I learned not to get close to someone because they get hurt and leave. I've always left a person when I've felt like things are going to far down the road toward those leaving and hurt stages. If that makes me a bad person, so be it.

However, I met this man..."Mick" a few years ago when we both joined a program together. Though it was a slow process, we actually became best friends. I know that you are probably rolling your eyes at the cliche of the "best friend love story" but I couldn't help myself. There was just something about him that made me want to stick around. Made me want to improve my life, which was just a few shots and bar fights short of ending up six feet under.

I've never felt like this before in my life. Not only do I want him, no...need him, but I know that it's more than just physical attraction. My seldom there mother told me once on a rare occasion that she actually wanted to see me that true love was wanting and doing what was best for the other, doing what made the other happy. Well, I want what is best for Mick; I want to do what is best for him; and above all, I want him to be happy. If that means that I introduce him to some of my friends who would be better suited to him, and break into a million pieces, great.

Yet, I feel as if I would regret it for the rest of my life if I didn't tell him how I felt. However, I don't know how he would take it, learning that his best friend has basically loved him since their first exchange of words on that god-forsaken shuttle. I mean I know he's dabbled around before settling down and what not, but that was a long time ago. I just don't want my friendship with him compromised because I'm acting like a "hormonal teenager".

That is why I am writing to you, Horatio, because I do not know what to do. I want to tell Mick how much I love him and how much he means to me, but I do not want our friendship destroyed because he doesn't feel the same for me.

Here's to hoping you can help me out-
Jeb Amius Kribers

PS- I love Mick VERY much and hopes he loves me back

Dear Jeb,

Thank you for your letter, and I understand how awkward it can be to write to someone like me for advice on love. Given my history, it would be laughable to many that I of all people am giving advice to people on the topic of love.

I'm not going to lie and say your case is new, hell I get a few best friends style letters every week, all wondering the exact same thing: How do I tell my friend without ruining the friendship.
My answer to them all is: YOU DON'T! There is no way that the friendship is going to remain the same after a confession. The best you could hope for if "Mick" doesn't accept and return your feelings it that you'd still remain friends. Many times the friendships are utterly destroyed.

Your mother had it right, kid. True love is wanting, and doing what is best for the one you love, even if it means leaving your little one behind. I understand that feeling to the utter most bitter end. And this Mick must be some guy for you to willingly change your life just to make it easier on him. Hope he doesn't disappoints and hurt you like you are afraid (and already admit) he will.

But on that happy note, let me tell you something...

James Tiberius Kirk, you are an asshole, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you too, you dumbass.

Yours Forever,
Bones "Mick"Coy

Author's Note: I hope you all enjoy this series of letters (more en route). This was originally supposed to be a chaptered story with a good plot and everything, but I have decided to make it a drabble. I will be writing letters based on inspiration from various different places, and feel free to submit letters of your own or even a song or quote you would like to see a correspondence based on. Thanks again for reading! =)