Hey everybody!

Ok, so this is my first story! I am a pretty good writer, so I will not put a lot of mistakes. But I am human, so I most likely will. Oh, what am I talking about? Let's get to the story!

I own nothing. At all.

This is based on a true story.

Chapter 1: The Beginning of My Youth.

"Runo! You'll be late for school!"


Runo looked around. Ok, got my bag, notebooks, notes from Mrs. Hirika, but what am I missing?


"Ok! Be there in a second! Oh, my lucky pencil!"

Runo ran down the stairs as fast as she possibly could, but fell down on the last step. Fabia, her younger sister, just rolled her eyes, while Baron, the only son in the family, laughed. Maron looked at Runo,"Why did you fall down the stairs?"

Runo grinned, "Because I fell."

Mr. Misaki came to her and had a worried face. "Oh Runo! Did you fall down the stairs? Did you get hurt? Is your knee ok? Does your elbow hurt? Are you okay?"

Fabia rolled her eyes. "Gee, for a father, you are the most concerned father I've seen in my whole life. You're acting if she's about to die. Just calm down."

Mr. Misaki frowned. "Hey, I am trying to act like a father because I am a father!"

Runo looked at Mr. Misaki. "Dad, I'm ok. Like Fabia said, don't act like I'm about to die."

"But what if you did?"

"Then I wouldn't be talking right now."

Baron laughed. "Runo, you have the funniest humor I've seen in my whole entire life!"

Fabia groaned and said, "Runo, if you don't hurry up, you're gonna be late for school."

Baron frowned. "It's going to. Not gonna."

"You're acting so fussy! What are you like Mr. Niska favorite?"

"Why, yes I am!" Baron smiled and started bragging how he was Mr. Niska's favorite.

Fabia groaned. "Why can't I have a normal life with a normal family?"

Mrs. Misaki came in with breakfast and answered, "Because a normal family is boring. Our family is unique, so be proud."

Fabia sighed, "But our family is so…so…weird! I mean, Dad is all worried over Runo who just fell down the stairs, Runo trying to calm Dad down, Baron bragging about being Mr. Niska's favorite, and Maron just sitting there like all normal! Why can't I be like Maron?"

"Because you have grown up. Now, eat your breakfast before it gets cold."

Runo gasped."Mom, is that scrambled eggs and French bread? Mom, you are the best! Thank you!"

Fabia made a face, and said, "Ok, better eat up before Baron eats it all up."

The Misaki Family ate their breakfast, laughed and talked. Mr. and Mrs. Misaki owned a noodle shop in Tokyo, Japan. Runo Misaki, being the oldest, was an 8th grader at Oparina Junior High School. Fabia Misaki was a 7th grader at the same school. Baron Misaki was a 5th grader at Frith Elementary School. Maron Misaki was the youngest, and being 6 years old, she was always admiring Runo as a role model.

Mrs. Misaki asked Runo, "So, Runo,"

Runo looked up, "Yes?"

"Are you ready for the exam today?"

Runo smiled, and said, "Totally. I've been studying for a long time! I feel so pumped!"

"Don't get so pumped you explode." Fabia muttered.

Runo looked at Fabia weirdly. "Do you always talk like that?"

Maron said, "Runo, she always talks sarcastically."

Everyone looked at Maron, because being a small child, 'sarcastically' wasn't a word you hear from a 6 year old child.

Mr. Misaki grinned. "That's my daughter!"

Baron, looking at her curiously, asked, "Where did you hear that word from? The mall?"

Maron pointed at Fabia. "She used that word with her best friend, Julia."

"It's Julie, Maron. Not Julia."

Maron shrugged. "It's the same thing."

Fabia made a face. "No, it's not."

"Yes, it is."



Runo looked at Fabia oddly. "When you mean Julie, you mean Julie Makimato? That one girl who smiles like crazy?"

Fabia frowned. "Yeah. Why? It's not like she's bad or anything…right?"

Runo shrugged. "No, just curious."

Fabia looked at her seriously. "You're a liar."

Runo smiled. "You know me too well."

"I've lived with you for 14 years. Shouldn't I know how you act?" Fabia said as she started packing for school.

"Yes, I guess you're right this time."

"This time? What do you mean by this time?"

Runo grinned. "You're never right, did you know that?"

Fabia pouted, and said, "Oh be quiet!"

As Runo, Fabia, and Baron got ready for school, Maron, , and got ready to open the restaurant.

Mrs. Misaki looked at Runo. "Ok, got everything?"

Runo smiled. "Yes! I'm ready!"

Mr. Misaki smiled. "Hey, before you go, let's take some pictures!"

Runo grinned. "Ok!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ok, my first chapter of the day! :D Hope I did a good job! Please review and I'll take flames. But go gently. And you'll be seeing another chapter soon! I promise!

See ya!

~Aquos Brawler Star