By: Albedosreqium / Soyna

All related Final Fantasy names and characters are copyrighted by the almighty Square Enix©.


Setting: Crisis Coreish
Warnings and Genre:
Rating is Teen and it is almost adorable
Random from cues that I asked for to get out of my writer's slump.

Keywords used in this story: Sephiroth, Dark Nation, Albino, and Leech.
Sephiroth always wanted a pet.

The soft black fur and the deep grumble when he scratched behind its tentacle enamoured him. Sephiroth had been hesitant when he had seen the Vice-President's pet that had been left out on the balcony as the meeting rambled on inside.

It was a guard hound after all.

A monster.

One was supposed to kill monsters, not keep them as pets. He had killed many of the made creatures in live simulations and knew very well how those teeth felt when they sank into his flesh.

But Dark Nation was not like those other vicious monsters that were bred to kill in the labs. Dark Nation was quite friendly with him as it at first brushed its tentacle against his hand, looking for attention. He was going to tell it to go away and crawl into the corner and leave him alone.

But the tentacle felt soft and warm.

He couldn't resist reaching over and giving it another pat, and then more. Soon, he was sitting in a balcony chair with Dark Nation's head in his lap revelling in what it was like to have a pet. He had it purring -– if he could call that deep rumble a purr –- and he was comforted by the sound.

He had never had a pet. He had never paid attention to the thought of pets before. Every creature he had ever encountered was a monster and needed to be killed. He never thought of cuddling with one and he so desired to take Dark Nation home with him.

He thought of phoning the labs to see if they had young pups down there and if he could have one, but he knew the answer would be no. And he really was rather enjoying this pet, even if it wasn't his own.

He sighed heavily at the thought of going back to the meeting that he had forgotten what it was about. He would have much rather stayed out here petting this magnificent creature.

The door opened on the balcony and he saw Rufus walk out and call for Dark Nation. It raised its head and perked up its ears at its master's voice.

He knew that he shouldn't be jealous, but he was. He wanted a pet of his own. Why was it fair for the spoiled Vice-President to have such a gift as this when he was graced with what ever he wanted?

That was when Sephiroth made his decision.

Before Dark Nation could move away from him to join his master, he grabbed the large guard hound in his arms as quickly and carefully as he could.

He registered the look of confusion on Rufus' face but didn't care that he knew he was going to anger the man. He was going to have a pet to sleep beside and listen to that rumbling purr for the night.

He leaped off the balcony into the courtyard below.

He could hear the sudden angry yell from the Vice President, "Come back here, you albino leech, and bring me back Dark Nation!"

Sephiroth had no intention of the sort. It would take the Turks at least a day to find him and in that time, he would have a pet.