A/N: Sorry for the delay, honestly I was unsure of how to have Alex would react to the situation. Got it now, so please enjoy. More updates soon.

I didn't move all night, and when morning came I solemnly watched the sky change colors. I was afraid, cold, and broken. I wanted to die there, in that room and never face the world again. The sun casted a beam of light in the dim room, I watched it creep along the floor, inching towards me as time passed. I didn't want it reaching me, to take away the blanket of darkness I so badly clung to out of fear. Normal people would want the light, it brought warmth and clarity, but these were the exact things I didn't want.

The cold numbed my body and I could forget about the pain, and the darkness hid the ugly wounds, both physical and emotional. I felt dirty in every sense of the word, dirty and used. My first time wasn't supposed to be like that. It was supposed to be magical and romantic, instead it was far from it.

Suddenly I heard a soft crack from the far side of the room, I couldn't see what made the sound because the washing machine obstructed my view. But it didn't matter, my heart started beating fast and loudly in my chest, I pulled my knees closer to my body. Then I saw a light, it filled the entire room, but it wasn't a light bulb. I let out a small gasp by accident and regretted it immediately when my sound was met with a footstep.

"Hello?" a voice called out, and I knew instantly who it belonged to. "What happened here? Hello? Anybody?"

I didn't reply, I didn't want Alex seeing me like this only to give her the satisfaction of being right.

Shattered glass crunched under foot and she came into view. I saw her first as she was distracted with the mess of blood, trash, clothes, and glass on the floor. Alex followed the trail of blood I had left directly to me, her wand illuminating my hiding place.

"Harper?" She said kneeling down to my level. I simply looked at her and it was enough to cause me to burst into tears. I buried my head in my arms that were folded across my knees. "What happened?" Alex asked.

"I didn't want to but he made me." I said, by voice muffled.

"Didn't want to what? Who's he? Are these your clothes?" Alex asked quickly, almost all at once.

"yes." I said, picking my head up and looking at her, she gasped when she saw my face and stood, grabbing one of the towels from the shelf. She pointed her wand at it and said something I couldn't hear and it was suddenly dripping with water. Alex handed it to me and I tried to wipe some of the grime from my face but it was clear that it wouldn't work.

"Come on, let's go back to the sub shop and mom and give you some clothes and take you to the hospital." Alex extended her hand to help me stand .

"NO!" I shouted "Please, just let me go to my own apartment."

"Uh, no way Harper. You clearly need to go to hospital and my mom's your legal guardian" She replied. This was true, because my parents were rarely home they had legally made the Rosso's my guardians, in case of any kind of emergency. Alex grabbed my wrist and I yelled and pulled back, she let go and looked at me. "Harper I'm trying to help you, don't you understand that? I've been trying this whole time and you keep hurting me and pushing me away."

I started to reply but then the room started spinning and I was losing my balance even while sitting down. I could hear Alex calling my name from somewhere but I couldn't find her. Then my head hit something hard and everything when white suddenly and then black.

I woke up in the Rosso's living room, I was on the couch and dressed in Justin's gym clothes which were freshly washed and ironed. Looking to my left I saw Alex, sitting on the coffee table staring at me. She didn't say anything when I looked at her, didn't smile, didn't blink. I wondered if she was even real for a few seconds before she broke the silence. "I didn't call the cops, and my parents don't know yet." She glanced down for a second then looked back at me. "I think you should go to the hospital."

"no." I replied stiffly

Alex looked hurt and stood, turning her back to me, obviously thinking. "I don't know what you except me to do for you, if anything. But I will tell you one thing, you either go to the hospital now, or you face my parents in a few minutes and then go to the hospital."

"I don't need to go to the hospital and your parents don't need to get involved. I'm fine."

"Bull crap Harper! Daren obviously beat you like there was no tomorrow and I'm going to go as far as saying he raped you too." Alex said, turning around to face me again.

"No he didn…."

"Harper! You can't lay there and tell me he didn't beat you. Nor can you say that you had passionate sex and your clothes just happened to be ripped and torn to shreds." She glared, looking straight into my eyes. It almost burned in a way, maybe because I knew she was right.

"Who said it was Daren?" I said, looking right back at her.

Alex broke eye contact, a wave of guilt seemed to wash over her and she shuttered. Small tears fell from her eyes and her bottom lip quivered. "I followed you." She said so softly I could barely hear it.

"Excuse me?" I looked at her, confused.

"I followed you!" Alex yelled closing both eyes as the tears streamed down her face. Anger came over me and I opened my mouth to reply but Alex was faster. "I've been following you for awhile, ever since the locker incident. I saw him break the glass and force you into the laundry room. Then I left because I figured you guys would… you know. Then I heard him scream and I had a guess what was happening, but I didn't do anything to stop it." She sobbed "I could have stopped it and I just walked away and let it happen."

"You…. Followed me." I said, trying to comprehend what Alex was saying.

"I came looking for you early this morning, I checked your apartment, then I came to the school and I found you and my worst fears came true."

We were both silent for a while, before I said something, "I'll go to the hospital."

"I'll get a cab." Alex replied.