AN: First author note yay! Just kidding. We're going to see the first hints of pairings in this chapter. Nothing too serious, just some hugging and fluffiness throughout the story as a kind of building block. Sometimes it's easier to work a cute story if you have cute couples to make it even sweeter. This is AU, so some past events are not going to line up with character bios. We're also going to see some mature!Cody this chapter, because, believe it or not, the boy can be serious.

Disclaimer: Don't own. End of Story.

Randy paced the halls of the hotel, looking for the other part of Priceless. Ted was on a similar mission in the common parts of the hotel. The only place Cody could possibly be on the morning of a departure was in the gym, the restaurant, his room, or maybe the pool. Cody loved the water.

He found nothing. He searched every wrestler's room and even bribed the lady at the desk for Cody's new room number. Nothing. Ted and Randy met up in the lobby sometime later, both disconcerted at the fact that they couldn't find their stablemate. Ted slumped into a chair and Randy leaned against the wall.

"Maybe he left for the next arena already. You heard what Jericho said. Evan's missing too. Which means they're probably in a rental, on their way to the next hotel and plotting something against someone. And it's probably me, because Cody'll want revenge for me hitting him in the nose yesterday."

Cody smiled when his informants, "Thank you Jack and Mike", told him Randy and Ted were clear of the building. He turned toward Evan and gave a thumbs up, smiling. "And we're clear. Alright Evvy. Call the Enterprise guy. I'll make sure we have everything." Evan grinned and picked up his cell, dialing the number with rapid fingers..

While he was talking, Cody turned to the stacks of things on the floor of Evan's room. His suitcase, Evan's, the cat carrying case and the wicker basket, which contained the gently purring pair of Troideanna and Déanann. Cody had lay their blankets on the bottom of the basket with two toys. The kittens had gone in willingly enough, even when the basket closed on them.

Cody moved to the door and paced down the hallway, looking for a luggage rack. With Evan on crutches, there was no way in heaven or hell that he could get all the bags down without making at least three trips. He found one and wheeled it to the door of the room and begin filling it with all of their things.

An hour later, Cody was driving steadily down the highway to the next arena. He and Evan were singing along with whatever came on the radio at any point in time and would laugh as the kittens occasionally chimed in with well-timed mews and caterwauls.

Evan turned the radio down and turned to Evan with a slightly grim look." It won't be a trouble this week, because you're not cleared to wrestle, but what are we going to do with the kittens during the shows and when we're training?"

Evan had already pondered that thoroughly. He thought about asking one of the Divas to watch them, but they might never get them back then. He thought about asking Jack, or Mike, but they wrestled as often as Cody and Evan themselves.

But Evan a friend backstage, one who could solve this problem without a doubt.

Affan Rahim looked at the two men before him, blinking with disbelief. "You want me to hide your kittens in my office during shows, when you know I'm going to be running backstage as it is?" His elegantly accented voice asked, smiling despite himself when both of them nodded and pushed the two tabbies in his direction.

Cody glanced at the man, looking at specific qualities of him. He was the Stage Manager/PitMaster. It was his job to make sure everyone was ready at at the right position at the right time, to make sure the techs knew what they were doing, to make sure costumes and make-up were on the right person and in the right quantities. He was smart, and had been working in the business since 2000.

He wore the same uniform as any other person who might be seen on camera; khaki pants, black dress shoes, and a black polo with the WWE logo on the shoulder. The only addition was a blue and black patterned keffiyeh around the man's neck, pointing out his heritage.

He was an Arabian, aged just over 34 and happy in his job. His dark skin and close-cropped black hair framed vibrant green eyes, which lit up when the kittens literally jumped into his lap and lay down, purring thunderously. He sighed. "Alright alright. I'll watch them. Me piloting you guys through, that's something I'm going to have to think about. I haven't flown since a year after I came to the states. Couldn't get my hands on a plane." He supplied gently, noting their winces of sympathy.

Affan had suffered his fair share of bullies.

But Evan and Cody were grateful nonetheless, and said as much. Affan shrugged it off with a smile. "One question. How are you going to get them here with Orton breathing down your shoulder, Cody? I'm surprised you managed to get them here," He said. Cody smirked.

"We have devised an ingenious plan. The kittens like to ride in my gym bag, that's how I go t them to the hotel in the first place. I'll put them in my bag and they get to big to put them both in there, one will go in Evan's bag, the other in mine. I've booked hotels and rentals through with Evan for the next while. Vince passed it, it's all gravy baby." He said with a cheesy smile.

Affan nodded and gave the kittens back, sipping his coffee from the mug on his table. "You hear there's a new wrestler coming in a few months right?" Evan smiled and the older man laughed softly. "Of course I knew Bourne! I'm the Stage Manager. I know everything." The last part was said mysteriously, a broad smile splitting the man's face.

"Now you two get! I have to think of how I'm going to babysit your kittens and run around like a chicken with its head cut off at the same time!" He growled playfully. Cody snuck the kittens into the gym bag again and helped Evan to his feet. As they were leaving, Affan raised his voice in a last question.

"By the way Cody, what on earth did you do to your face!"

The following night, Cody was in the Legacy locker room long before Randy and Ted were scheduled to even arrive at the arena. He was lacing up when the door opened, revealing Miz, dressed in his shiny pants, shirt, bandana on his head and fedora in his hands. He was twisting the material of his gloves rather violently, while managing to do no damage the fedora. He was staring at the ground, feet scuffling the tile like a nervous puppy.

Concern flashed in Cody's eyes as he took in the agitated state of his friend. "What's the matter, Duckling?" He asked, pulling out the old nickname from their childhood. Mike and he had been great friends almost as long as he and Ted had been. Mike had worked for Cody's father under a program for teens who wanted to get a foot in the door of wrestling. Mike had veered off slightly, doing reality TV a bit before going through the grueling process of winning Tough Enough and making a name for himself in the WWE.

"Can I talk to you Cody?" He asked quietly, so Cody had to strain to hear him. Cody patted the bench beside him, smiling softly. "Of course you can. C'mere." He said warmly. Mike plopped onto the bench and sighed heavily. "Tell Uncle Cody what the problem is." He said, trying to lighten the situation. When Mike didn't even smirk, Cody knew it was serious. He stood up and placed a gentle hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Come walk with me. I know that always help you collect your thoughts." He said kindly, smiling when Miz obeyed, walking next to him down the hall. They made it through four short corridors before Cody caught a miserably mumbled sentence from his friend.

"Jack and I fought."

Aww jeez! These two never fought! Cody placed a comforting hand on the shoulder of his friend and sighed. He couldn't tackle this one alone. He needed the help of friend of both he and Mike.

Thank those above for inter-promotional shows.

Cody had left Mike in Affan's office with Evan and the kittens, smiling when he envisioned Mike's surprise when Evan spilled the secret to Mike as to why they were there. He walked hurriedly around backstage, knocking on locker room doors until he found the right one.

John Morrison was sitting on a bench, drinking from a water bottle calmly as he spoke to none-other than Jack Swagger. Cody knocked on the door frame and entered, smiling when Morrison sent him a knowing look. He held a hand up to stall Swagger and turned to Cody.

"Let me guess Codes. You have the other half of the All American-Awesome couple in your locker room, right?" Cody nodded and sat on the bench, accepting an offered water bottle. "That I do, JoMo. But Mike won't tell me what happened, so maybe you can enlighten me as to why he showed up at my locker room, looking ready to burst into tears and hide under the bed?" The last part was directed at Jack, who winced. They waited a minute before the other man responded.

"It's all Cena's fault!" He barked harshly while Morrison and Cody shared an astonished look. "Cena? What on earth does Cena have to do with all this?" Morrison asked, capping the empty bottle and tossing it aside. Jack growled and stood up, pacing the length of the room twice before he huffed and sat back down.

"That bastard was getting handsy in the ring again! So I told him to knock it off and Mike told me to calm the hell down and it just...snowballed from there." He said miserably. Cody and Morrison shared a look. Cody shook his head. "That ape really does need to learn to keep his hands to himself." He mumbled lowly, and Morrison nodded.

"Well Jack, it's clear you two need to talk it out. And someone needs to have a little conversation with Cena about keeping his hands to himself." Cody said and the other two nodded. "Why don't I take the boys to settle things, and you go knock some sense into Cena, JoMo?" Cody suggested and Morrison pushed him playfully.

"Why do I have to deal with the ape!" He pouted playfully. "Because if he doesn't listen you can kick his face in with your awesome acrobatics!" Cody shouted and all three men laughed.

Cody knocked twice on the office door of Affan's office, laughing out loud when he heard two distinct giggles from within the room, mingled with mews, purrs and playful growls. Affan opened to door, wearing a white and red keffiyeh and a headset. He moved aside so Cody and Jack could make their way inside, the door closing behind them, with Affan outside. Cody locked the door and turned towards Mike.

Everything stopped.

No noise.

No movement.

Not even the kittens moved, Troideanna frozen with a paw in midair.

The two lovers stared at each other for a minute before Mike slowly stood up. Jack took a deep, steadying breath.

"I'm sorry."

Both said it at the same time, blushing. Jack held his arms out hesitantly, chest rumbling with affection and relief when Mike folded himself against the larger man. "I'm so sorry Mikey. It's not that I don't trust you. I just don't trust him." The 'him' was a strain and Cody rolled his eyes affectionately as they finished patching up the hole.

When that was done they all settled down to watch the opening matches of the rare televised house show, waiting for their turns to go out while they played with the kittens. There was laughter, jokes and utter misuse of pepperoni pizza. It was all going so well until-

"Cody! Open this door right now!"

The Viper made his first appearance of the night.