Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters from Glee…. Even though I would love to like I assume everybody else would too…

A/N: I would like to apologize in advance for misspellings that you may run across..

So I'm sad to say that "Two of Us" has come to an end. It has been a great ride and I would like to thank all the people who took the time out of their day to read my story. Also I would like to give a big thank you to those who gave me feedback with reviews letting me know how you felt about my writing. I know that I may have taken a short hiatus but as I said I would finish this story and I'm keeping my promise. Anyways I hope everyone has enjoyed the ride thus far and I hope you enjoy this final chapter.

Also there is a little surprise at the end of the story. ENJOY!

Puck and Finn were sitting and the table going over plans for the proposal. He wanted everything to be perfect for his boyfriend, fiance, future husband. He wasn't too sure what to call him just yet because technically he hasn't asked Kurt yet and that means he can still say no. He could say no and say that they are making the biggest mistake of their lives. It can be a catastrophe and go up in flames. He didn't even realize he went into a daze until he felt someone shake him.

"Dude." a voice said.

"Huh." Puck said coming back to reality.

"Dude you okay?" Finn asked with his normal puzzled look.

"Yeah. I was just thinking about something." Puck said bringing his attention back to the task at hand.

"Okay so what time do I tell him again.?" Finn asked.

"Just tell him that you want his help with picking out a present for Rachael and since you're not the best gift giver he'll believe you." Puck said.

"What do you mean? I give awesome gifts." Finn said trying to defend himself. A dumbfounded look fell upon his face.

"Dude, you gave Kurt a pair of socks for his birthday." Puck said laughing.

"What's wrong with that?" Finn asked.

"It was a pair of Nike socks and they were too small dude." Puck answered trying his best to hold back his laughter.

"I liked them." Finn said.

Puck just couldn't help but laugh at his best friend. Sometimes he was just so clueless it was ridiculous.

"Anyways just stick with that story and let him take you where he wants to take you." Puck said giving him direct orders.

"Yes sir." Finn said before walking away laughing.

Puck stared at the checklist in front of him. He knew normally most men wouldn't use a check list for a proposal. But this had to go perfect and knowing his track record he was liable to forget something important like the ring. He had Carole go with him to pick out a ring to make sure that he got the right one.

(Later that day)

Burt walked through the back sliding door and saw Puck sitting at the table looking like he was lost for words.

"How are you doing son?" Burt asked his future son-in-law.

"Ask me that tomorrow and I'll have an answer for you." Puck said looking up at the older man.

"He's gonna say yes. You have nothing to worry about." Burt said reassuringly placing his hand on Puck's shoulder

"So do you have the ring?" Burt asked.

"Yes sir. Ms. H went with me to pick it up." Puck said.

"Well I just know that he loves you so you got one thing going for ya. Don't stress about it so much." Burt said before turning away and heading up the stairs.

Puck just continued to look back over his checklist sheet as he got back up and headed towards the kitchen. He heard his name being called by his boyfriend and quickly shoved the piece of paper in his back pocket.

"What was that?" Kurt asked walking up giving him a kiss.

"Nothing babe. What's up?" Puck asked trying not to be obvious.

"I'm gonna go and lend my expertise to my dear brother for a few hours." Kurt said unaware of what was going on.

"Oh really? Where are you guys headed?" Puck asked wanting to seem like he didn't know anything.

"I don't know. He said something about wanting to buy Rachael a present or something so it just depends on how much he wants to spend. Hopefully more than what he spent on my socks." Kurt said with a smile.

"Hopefully." he said leaning to give his boyfriend a kiss before he watched him walk away.

He stood there for a minute until he heard the two boys back up out of the driveway.

"Time to get started." Puck said to himself knowing he had a long evening ahead. But in the end it will all work out hopefully.

(later that evening)

Puck we are on our way back

How long before you get here

IDK But I'm hungry so I'm gonna ask Kurt if we can stop by McDonald's

No don't do that. He might want to get something and I want him to eat when he gets here

But I'm hungry dude!

Just drop him off and then go get your food


Puck closed his phone after he read the final message received from Finn. The clock was ticking and it was crunch time. Everything had to be perfect. He walked into the dining room and looked over the delightfully prepared dinner that Carole helped him prepare. He was a pretty decent cook but he wasn't no Paula Dean or Bobby Flay. Kurt did most of the cooking anyways between the two.

We r down the street


He closed his phone back up and grabbed the lighter off the table and lit the candles that he had strategically placed around the living room to the dining room. He heard the truck door close and quickly walked back to his position with a rose in his hand.

"Something smells amazing." Kurt said as he opened the door to be swarmed by a aroma of delightful scents.

"I'm in here Kurt." Puck said from the other room.

Kurt just took in the room looking around at the candles and began to make his way to the brightly lit dining room. He turned the corner and saw his boyfriend standing there with a rose in his hand and they biggest smile he has ever seen him sport on his face.

"What's with all of this?" Kurt asked slowly stepping over the threshold looking around noticing more candles and the assortments of foods across the table.

"This is all for you." Puck said holding his arm out giving Kurt the rose.

"Thanks love." he said grabbing the rose and kissing his boyfriend.

Puck grabbed his hand and led him over the his designated chair and pulled it out letting Kurt sit down before lightly pushing him in. Walking over to his chair he took a deep breath because he was beginning to get nervous.

"This food looks great Noah" Kurt said smiling as he glanced over not completely sure where to start first.

"Thanks babe." Puck said as he felt confident in his work.

"So who helped you cooked?" Kurt asked with a chuckle.

"What makes you think someone helped me?" Puck asked looking surprised.

"Noah, last time you made mashed potatoes they were all lumpy because you didn't put enough water and then the next time you put too much water and it was like soupy." Kurt said with a chuckle. He wasn't pointing out flaws in his boyfriend's cooking but he thought it was cute that he'd at least tried.

"They weren't that bad." Noah said under his breath.

"It's perfect and I love all of it." Kurt said.

The two continued to enjoy the rest of the dinner as Kurt filled Puck in on the adventures of Kurt and Finn and what happened at the mall. Puck just laughed because the way Kurt was telling it, it was as if he was actually there because he could picture Finn doing those things.

"I will be right back Noah." Kurt said excusing himself going to the restroom.

Puck took this as his chance to pump himself up. It was now or never and there was no going back now. He never thought he would ever marry a guy let alone Kurt Hummel. The same guy that he once threw in the dumpster or stuffed in the locker. He had never planned on falling in love with him and wanting to start a life with him. He heard the door open and with that sound he got out of his chair and got on one knee.

Kurt walked back around the corner and froze when he saw Puck kneeling down in front of him.

"Noah." Kurt said under a shaky breath with his hands covering his mouth.

"Yes babe." Puck answered smiling.

"Is this what I think it is?" Kurt asked.

"Kurt, I remember the day that I first saw you walk down the hall and I just wanted to grab you and throw you up against the locker and make love to you right there. The way you carried yourself, I was jealous and I think that's why I did so much stuff to you. That was the only way I could be around you, touch you, be close to you. I know we've been through a lot together and I know I've hurt you in the past but if you give me the chance to prove to you that you deserve only the greatest things in the world." Puck said as he looked into his boyfriend's eyes he began to see tears roll down his checks.

"I want to make you happy and making you happy makes me happy. I just want you to answer one question for me and make me the happiest man in the world." Puck said.

"Okay." Kurt said trying to fight back tears to no avail.

"Do you love me Kurt?" Puck asked already knowing the answer.

"Of course I do Noah." Kurt said.

"Will you marry me Kurt Hummel?" Puck asked opening the blue velvet box with a beautiful ring in it.

Kurt eyes widened and mouth dropped opened because this was so unexpected. He always wanted to get married but he never thought it would happen. His heart was racing and at any minute he was sure that it would jump out of his chest. He just stared down at Puck who just stared back up at him with hopeful eyes.

"Yes Noah." Kurt said wrapping his arms around his fiancé.

"I love you so much Kurt." he said placing a kiss on those sweet lips that he loved so much.

"I love you too Noah"

Well I would like to say that it has been a long run from "Please baby Please" to "The Two of Us". We've had a few good times and bad times but in the end true love prevailed and brought a smile to our face. I would like to say that since I've never proposed to anyone one nor have I been proposed to I wrote the proposal to the best of my ability. Also I would like to thank each and every reader who stayed with me until the end, even through the long break I took..

Also I have a little surprise for you all. I will be writing a one-shot of the wedding because I think that everyone will be curious to see how the wedding turns out. So stayed tuned and it should be up within the next week or so, maybe sooner. Ya never know. ;)

Until next time…


I hope that everyone enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to review!

All feedback good or bad is welcome…