Dedication: This is dedicated to Golfer2012. RIP. It would have been your birthday today. You would have been 24. You left us too young, but I hope you are somewhere happy. I wish this could somehow reach you, wherever you are. I apologize I didn't get this to you sooner, while you were still with us. The Advancers still miss you so much and wish you were here with us. :(


Request 21
Character(s): Ash's Pikachu, May's Glaceon
Words: 294
Tribute to: Golfer2012 ( January 22, 1993 to October 8, 2013)





You're always with us


Glaceon can be cold at times.

This is not how Pikachu remembers Glaceon – Eevee, was her name before she evolved- when they were traveling together.

Eevee was warm and soft when they leaned against each other by the fire on harsh winter nights.

Often, they would do this to keep warm, because Eevee needed Pikachu to be there for her, to comfort her.

Now, Glaceon does not need such small necessities as when she was an eevee.

She is stronger, more elegant in her finesse, much more independent and self-reliant as she can create blizzards and ice castles, if asked to do so.

There's a different aura surrounding her, and Pikachu is not sure what to make of this.

Pikachu is confused, but is always willing to welcome an old friend.

But his old friend didn't feel familiar at all.

Pikachu noticed this as he watched Glaceon's performance at the Wallace Cup.

She was like a completely different pokemon. She was, Pikachu has to keep reminding himself.

Glaceon was cold, with her newly evolved body.

But Pikachu mistakenly thought she was unfamiliar.

As Glaceon smiled, nuzzling against Pikachu's red cheeks, he realized that instantly, it felt like they were back to traveling together, each fighting through the rough nights.

And Glaceon's body didn't feel so cold anymore.

And Pikachu now can't help but admire how much Glaceon improved to get this far. From a happy, but often frightened eevee, to a strong, but still familiar, glaceon.

Pikachu found that no matter what happens, no matter how much things changed, no matter how far away she will be from him, she will always be the same where it counts. Glaceon will always come back and smile, and be his friend.

And Pikachu finds that beautiful.


AN: This is my tribute to Golfer2012, who unfortunately passed away. You'll always be in my heart and prayers. I wish I could have delivered this to you sooner. I'm sorry about any grammatical errors you may find, I just wanted to write this for his birthday.