Father's Day

I don't own CSI or the Characters. CBS does. I am only playing with them.

AN: When it is Italicized that is a characters inner monologue.

~Chapter 20~

"Well we do have a new marker to look for. We go through all the records again. Have we gotten anywhere with the fake divorce?" Grissom asked. "Well what we do know is that all the people who helped to fake it have done this before. They forged all the legal documents. Since Aaron the husband and father was in jail he didn't get a hearing to discuss property or children. It all went to her automatically" Sarah added. "Yeah and she even had her name changed back to Hojem and dropped Sanders. However, she only took on the name Saunders several months ago. Right around the same time she found up he was up for release for parole. She has planned this for months" Nick added as he laid out the records. "She also started to have more frequent jail visits with her husband. It wasn't the kind behind the glass but face to face" Warrick said as he placed the records down. "That must have been when they decided to have her enter the lab on a "visit" and get the layout of everything. So when he was released he could get in and take Greg when the time was right" Catherine added. Papa Olaf was sitting quietly listening to everything they had so far. He had tears in his eyes as he thought of his grand son. "Gregory always seemed so fearless. When I got him the summer after the attack, he was so scared. He was afraid of his own shadow. He didn't go out and wasn't himself for the time. For the first time in a long time he wet the bed. He tried to hide it but, I could tell something happened when I saw his bed was stripped bare. I decided to try to help him get his mind off of everything and enrolled him in a summer camp. He really took to the science class especially chemistry. When it brought a smile to his face, I decided I would do whatever I could to keep that smile there. It was the only thing he took to that got him out of his shell. So when he got a scholarship for a college and was majoring in Chemistry well, I was so proud of him. He went right away, with out hesitation. Just like my Gregory before the attack again". Olaf said as tears rolled down his face. "Now he is back in the hands of that man and the woman he thought was going to protect him. He probably called her first when he heard of his release. Always putting others first. I am so proud of him" Olaf said.

Greg's head was swimming. From what he could guess, whatever they had put into him was some sort of pain medication or sedative. Keeping his eyes open was becoming harder with each second. "What… what did you… give me" Greg speech slurred and thinking was becoming harder. He was trying to stay focused on his questions and her answers. He was trying to think like a CSI and not a victim. 'Don't panic, try to relax, keep them talking and observant'. "Well sweetie, that was just the starter. See I just needed you cooperative for now but soon, I won't need you at all" she said as she dragged a chair over to him and sat across from him. "What… you mean?" Greg asked as he tried to sound as coherent as possible. "Well, as soon as all the paperwork is signed and all the trust fund money is turned over to me, I won't need you". She smiled as she leaned forward and stroked her hand against his face. Greg tried to move away from her but nothing was responding. "So all this, money?" Greg asked as tears came to his eyes. "Yes sweetie. See I couldn't leave your father. I always told you not to get in his way, not to piss him off. That day well, you got what you deserved. It really was a shame that he didn't kill you. See then we would have blamed it on some home invasion, gotten the money and would have used some for a decent funeral and then, ride off into the sunset with out a whiney brat". Greg looked at her in fear and horror. He thought his mother had loved him, was happy to have him, happy he survived. Hell he thought she had divorced that monster that did that to him but, now he knew the truth. "Why not ask?" Greg asked her. She laughed. "Simple, I wanted it all not just some" she smiled as she got up and left the room. Greg couldn't fight the drug any longer and the news he had just heard had hit him hard. Greg decided to let the drug take over and rest for a bit.

They had gone through all the records they had that were to a Susan Saunders, Hojem or Sanders. They checked for anything in Aaron's name as well. They even checked if either used his mother's or her mother's maiden names. They needed to follow every lead possible. "Hey check this out" Nick said as he laid out some papers. "Aaron's father built a storage garage right on the outskirts of town. When he died, it automatically went to his son. Now there has been no activity there for years. No light or water. Last week, all the utilities were reactivated by a Susan Olaf" The team wasted no time, they got up from the table and headed to their cars. "I am going to call Brass and get him to meet us there. If we get there before them we go in any way. We know their intent is to kill Greg. We can't wait, every second could mean life or death" Grissom said as he sent a text to Brass of the coordinates for the storage area. It was the most solid lead they had since the house purchased under Saunders. "I am coming with you" Papa Olaf said as he followed them down the hall. "It is too dangerous, they could be armed" Catherine said as she stopped him. "All the more reason I should be coming. I don't want Greg to get hurt. Nor do I want him to witness one or both of his parents killed in front of him. I need to be there" Olaf said as he held Catherine's hands in his own. Grissom nodded and continued to the car.

Greg was awake for several minutes before he heard the footsteps coming down again. Susan stepped into the room. "Well everything has been drawn up" she said as she kneeled in front of him. "You know this actually going to be better than I thought. Since you work for Law Enforcement I can collect from there too. See I put everything in your grand father's name of an account that I made. So I will have access to it and will receive money. So I can sail off into the sunset and be done with you". Susan brought all the paperwork out and a pen. "Sign them" she said as she placed the pen in his lap. 'As soon as I give her what she wants, she is going to kill me. Maybe the team is on to them and are on their way. If I can stall her enough I can buy them some time'. With all the courage he could muster he looked at her and said "no". Susan looked at him. He was so small sitting in the corner, still slightly out of it and was looking terrified. "No, well I guess you'll just have to answer to your father then". Susan said as she stood up and left the room.

Greg tried to hide the fear he was feeling. He was having flashback to the basement he was in before, all the blood and all the pain he was feeling at the time. He was terrified that his plan would back fire. He had observed his surroundings. Grissom's voice was ringing through his head. "Keep your eyes open, don't look for the obvious. Try to find a point of entry and exit". Greg was looking around and trying t find a way to escape if he had to. "What could be used as a weapon of opportunity?". Greg's sidearm was in his locker at work and if his father really was going to be here then he needed to be armed.

Susan walked into the room where they had surveillance cameras monitoring the area. "Your son is being difficult. Why don't you work your magic on him and get him to cooperate" Susan said as she lit a cigarette and pulled up another chair alongside his. "Yes dear" Aaron said as he walked to the door.

Aaron entered the room and heard a commotion as he saw his son looking through items in the room, throwing what he deemed useless to the side. "Hello Greg" Aaron said. Greg stopped his movements as soon as he heard his name. Greg's breathing changed, his breathing was shallow and borderline hyperventilation. He couldn't help it, he was seeing that's day events all over again. Clear as if it was yesterday. Greg could feel himself starting to panic and sweat. He was nervous and terrified. He couldn't let him see it though. "As soon as they see their effect on you, they have won" Grissom's words made their way through his mind. "Take a breath man, relax" Nick's voice joined in as well. Taking a breath Greg turned and faced his father for the first time since he was 10. "Aaron" Greg said in his steadiest voice.

Aaron didn't want to waste time on small talk. He had the same envelope that had the forged papers in it. He grabbed a table and dragged it into the middle of the room. Greg flinched at the movements and sounds. He immediately closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself. 'Relax, you have the upper hand here' he told himself. Aaron placed the papers down on the table and a pen. "Sign the damn papers Greg. There is no point in dragging this out. We have waited long enough" Aaron said as he leaned against the table and slid the papers to Greg's side. "You've waited? Waited for what?". Greg was getting mad at his father's insinuation. "For something that doesn't belong to you, that you didn't earn, for something you were willing to kill your own son over?!" Greg shouted. "Damn right I earned it! I had to put up with her family constantly voicing their hate for me. How I was never good enough for her, how much of a dead beat I was". Aaron said as he paced by the table. "Well I guess they were right" Greg said without even realizing the kind of reaction it would elicit from him. "You little bastard. I never wanted you! I tried everything I could do get Susan to abort you. I even beat her up myself. You were a stubborn bastard that wouldn't die. Tried again when you were 10 and you survived again. Well this time, I am going to finish it" Aaron said as he grabbed Greg by the arms. "So sign the damn papers so I can be done with you!" Aaron shoved him towards the table.

Grissom and the team were heading to the storage facility. They had gone over what Papa Olaf was to do and where to be. "You have to stay outside for your safety. As soon as they have everything cleared and under control you can enter, I promise" Grissom told him. Catherine was riding in the front with Grissom while Olaf was in the back. Nick, Sarah and Warrick were in the other car ahead of them. They had the GPS and could work it better. "What if Greg is injured?" Papa Olaf asked. "Then we will have to see. He might need emergency care in which case, he will be taken immediately" Catherine answered. Papa Olaf said a quick prayer for his grandson. 'I'm coming Gregory, I'm coming. Just hold on'.

Aaron was looking down at Greg as he stayed leaning on the table. "You think anyone is coming here for you? No, they don't even know about this place. It has been dead for years. It is just us this time, no cops or neighbors you can run to". Aaron grabbed Greg and stood him up, "sign the papers and I will make it painless. I have seen some of the things people can do to other human beings and let me tell you, I would enjoy doing some of he more painful, drawn out and tortures ones on you" Aaron said as he grabbed Greg by the neck. The force of his body against Greg's had him stumbling until Greg's back hit the wall. Aaron's hand tightened around his neck. Greg had flashbacks to the other nights his dad was drunk and angry. Ho he had done this once before. How he had gone until Greg blacked out. "Sign the papers" Aaron said as he tightened his grip. Greg couldn't breathe and was starting to get a headache. Black spots swam into his vision. Greg tried to nod but, the hand around his neck prevented that. "Ok" he said in a whisper. Aaron let go and stepped back. "Good boy". Greg coughed and tried to slow his breathing. He was deprived and his body was starving for oxygen. His immediate reaction was to inhale as much air as he could. He began to cough as his lungs tried to adjust and his body tried to recover. He placed his hand over his neck where Aaron's hand had been seconds before. Aaron grabbed his arm and brought him to the table. He took the papers out and spread them out. One was for the trust fund, one from his job and a will. He picked up the pen with what he noticed was a shaking hand. He wasn't sure if it as from the lack of oxygen or fear. At this point it was probably both. Greg picked up the pen and slowly signed each document. 'Please be on your way to help me' Greg thought as he signed the last document.

Aaron stepped into the room and Susan turned to him. Aaron smiled and nodded. Susan smiled and laughed as she stood up and ran into Aaron's arms. He kissed her out of celebration. "It's all over babe, let's be done with this brat and get going" Aaron said. "On to a new life" Susan added as she placed another kiss on his lips. She grabbed a new syringe and the bottle of morphine. She had looked up how much it would take to overdose someone. She would have a friend of hers forge the police investigation and rule it a suicide. She filled the syringe several times past the recommended amount. "Let's go".

Greg was sitting in the corner of the room again. He knew that at any moment they would be entering the room for the last time. 'They are going to kill you and you gave up after some suffocation? Why am I so weak? What are you afraid of?' Greg didn't get to answer his questions as the door was opened. Aaron and Susan entered the room. "Time to go sweetie" Susan said. Her hands were behind her back again and Greg knew there was a weapon there. He stood and tried to prepare himself to fight back. 'You took kick boxing, martial arts and self-defense. Use them Greggo' he told himself. Aaron's hands were on him and Greg went for a strike to the midsection. Aaron doubled over as the wind was knocked out of him. 'Suspect one incapacitated, suspect two still a threat' Greg thought. Still trying to put his training to use. Susan ran to the doorway as she saw Greg making his way there. He couldn't look at her and see a perp. This was his mother. He tried to keep the fight going but the more he looked at her the more it left him. 'She may not have wanted me but, I love her' Greg thought. Aaron saw the hesitation and went to grab him. He pinned him to the ground and flipped him on to his back. "You are going to regret that" Aaron said. Greg could feel the tears welling in his eyes. These were his parents. He could remember a time when he was happy with his Mother and Father. A trip they took to Norway to visit Nana and Papa Olaf. A summer they went to the beach and he built a sand castle with his Father. 'How did it get to this?' Greg thought as he felt the needle slide into his arm.

He could tell something was different from the last time instantly. 'Why is this one taking effect quicker? How much did she give me? Was it something else?' Greg thought or at least he tried to. He was having a hard time thinking, blinking, staying awake and the most troubling, breathing. Greg felt like there was a weight on his chest. He could see his Mother and Father walking away from him. " Mommy, Daddy" Greg was able t say barely above a whisper. He tried to take in another breath and found he was barely taking in oxygen again. His hand went to his neck seeking out a hand that was causing the discomfort. He could barely control his hand and when it did make it to his neck it was his own skin he felt. He tried to take in another breath and nothing came. No oxygen was making its way into him. He tried again and had the same result. He could exhale but could not inhale. His head was swimming, black dots appeared again. He didn't feel well and then a numbness set in. nothing was hurting anymore and the feeling was welcomed. Greg felt his eyes closing and did not fight it.

Grissom and the team had finally pulled up outside of the house. There was no cars out front, no sign of anyone being there and no sign of Brass. They exited their cars and made their way around the perimeter. Sarah found a puddle of fluid towards the rear of the building. Someone's car was leaking a fluid from its engine. They all had their firearms pulled. "Stay here" Grissom said to Papa Olaf as he made his way to the front door. Nick took the other side and Warrick stood before it. Catherine and Sarah took the back. Grissom nodded and Warrick took a step back and brought his foot up by the lock of the door and broke it down. He stepped back as Nick and Grissom entered. They had their flashlights along with their guns. They took each side and opened each door to clear it. At the same time Sarah and Catherine entered through the back at the same time. Catherine had fired two rounds into the lock and kicked the door open. "LVPD" was shouted through out the house followed by "Greg, Greggo". They had cleared the top floor and made their way to a door that had a set of stairs. There was another door at the bottom of the staircase. Nick nodded and Warrick followed him down. Nick tried the knob and found it was unlocked. He counted to three and opened the door. Raising their flashlights and side arms again they entered and all their lights focused on the body in the middle of the floor.

Grissom had prepared himself for the worst but, walking in and seeing Greg laying on the floor unmoving sent a feeling of dread through him. He made his way through the others and approached Greg. He knelt and checked for a pulse. "I don't have a pulse, no breath sounds and lips are blue. Starting CPR" Grissom said as he placed everything on the side of him and readied Greg for the procedure. He tilted his head back and checked his airway for any obstructions. He placed his hands on his chest and started pumping on his chest. Nick ran to his head and pinched his nose and took a deep breath. Grissom gave him a nod and Nick expelled his breath into Greg. "Get Papa Olaf in here" Grissom said as he pumped for Greg's heart. Sarah was on the radio calling in a Bus. Warrick continued to make sure the room was clear. Everything had happened so quickly that no one checked. Warrick was towards the back when he noticed a blood pool and drag marks. He followed the marks and kept his gun raised. There was a table with a cloth over it and that was where the blood ended. Warrick lifted the sheet and came face to face with Mrs. Susan Sanders, a.k.a Saunders, a.k.a Hojem. Bullet to the head. He checked for a pulse and found none. "Sarah, call the coroner as well. We got a body over here" Warrick said as he lifted the sheet to show Sarah. "Couldn't have happened to a better person" She said right before she called for the coroner.

Papa Olaf had heard the gun shots and the commotion. They all kept yelling clear. Part of him hoped it meant that Greg was left unharmed. Catherine ran to the door and looked at him. "Quickly" was all she said as she led him inside. The dread was building. He knew that little Hojem was either dead or dying. As he came into the basement room he saw his Gregory laying on the floor and Grissom pushing on his chest while Nick breathed for him. Tears were welling in his eyes. He knelt on the empty side of Greg's body. "I know CPR also, let me help" Olaf said as he saw the bluish hue to Greg's lips. Grissom nodded "I'll let you know when". Grissom continued compressions. Olaf looked to where the other two members were standing and saw his daughter's face. She had a hole in her head and blood was everywhere. "No, no, no, no" was all he was able to say as everything hit him. He had lost his daughter for good this time and was probably going to lose his grandson as well. He grabbed Greg's hand and held it in his own. "Lil Hojem, you need to breathe. This world needs your light in it. You didn't deserve any of this. Please little one, I can't go on without you" Olaf said as he cried into the hand he held. Nick had tears in his eyes. 'Come on Greggo, you're needed here little bro' Nick thought as he breathed for Greg again.

Grissom was blocking out the words and sounds going on around him. He focused on the number of compressions and the breathing done beside him. "Let me know when you need a break Nicky" Grissom said as he kept his eyes on Greg. Nick nodded and took in another breath and released it into Greg. Sarah was standing at the base of the stairs so she could keep an eye out for the other suspect. She heard the sirens approaching. "Guys, they are almost here". Grissom continued pumping as Nick and Olaf switched. Nick was panicking as well and it made breathing for two hard. He had gotten light-headed twice in a row and knew he had to switch.

Brass approached the scene and saw all the Denali's and the front door open. Sarah had waited at the front door and when she saw EMS and the Police she ushered in the EMT's. Grissom recapped the vitals he had taken when they first entered and they took over from there. They were pushed back and forced to look on as they worked on Greg. All of it hit the team and they were all starting to realize that this may be the last time they see Greg. Catherine grabbed Warrick's hand and Sarah grabbed Nick's. All of them were saying silent prayers for their friend. Grissom looked on and Olaf stood next to him. "Aaron is still out there. He killed my daughter and grandson" Olaf turned to Grissom who met his gaze. "I want him dead. No more prison, I want him in a box". Grissom nodded as he looked at the scene in front of him. "Me too".