For those who's been waithing for this (if there's any), thank you very much ^^

This story is a kind of continuation of Aruhi no Oshitari : Red Chrysanthemum. I can't really say this is a sequel since there won't be any plot twist and will be very short. This story is mostly consisted of fluff and humor. The plot will be as simple as the title and summaries... Really I'm not joking about this XD

(And in case you haven't read the previous story Red Chrysanthemum, I suggest you to read it first. You can easily find it in my stories list.)

This story is made based of pair puri drama 5, in which Shiraishi and Yukimura was talking about having a friendly match between Rikkaidai and Shitenhouji. So, expect to see Rikkaidai guys as guest stars in this story :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis.

Sorry for bad grammar and typos.

Enjoy ^^

Ch1: Hershey's Kisses

It all started from a simple daily phone call session with her cousin…

"Say, have you already had your first kiss?" The girl on the other side of the line asked out of nothing.

Kouki almost spilled her orange ponta out of her mouth upon hearing Miki's blunt question. "What? Miki-chan, what kind of question is that?"

"Judging by your reaction, then it's a simple not yet." Miki laughed.

"Geez, Miki-chan…" Kouki pouted.

"Sorry, sorry…" Miki playfully apologized. "It has been more than a month, right? I thought you had already had it."

Kouki sighed and put her ponta can away, in fear that she would really spill it on her bed. "It's only about 6 weeks, still too early for kiss or anything."

"But you've known each other for years! If you don't have any of romantic things, then what's the different between being lovers and friends?"

Well, Miki did have her points, however what the hell was she referring as romantic things? Kouki sweatdropped. "But-"

"Anyway, tomorrow you'll go to Kanagawa, right? Maybe it'll be a good chance for you two."

"Good change for what?"

"First kiss! What else? Good luck, Kouki~"

The next morning, the Shitenhouji tennis club members left to Kanagawa on train. Everybody, especially the non-regular members, looked so excited to see what Rikkaidai would be. Everybody except the only girl participant who was trying her best restraining not to yawn. Kouki could have barely slept last night. People said one could easily suffer insomnia if he/she had too many things to think about. Really, what kind of thought had kept her awake all night?

No! It hadn't had because of her chat with Miki last night. Well, she had really thought about it a little… or a lot? Uh, maybe it had been because of that. But it's not like she was expecting something. It was too early for them to kiss, right? Right?

"Say, have you already had your first kiss?"

Was it a déjà vu? Somehow she felt she had heard that question before…

Kouki nervously looked up to see the owner of the sweetest boy voice ever (it was extremely sweet that made a certain second year felt a sudden urge to vomit). "W- What's with that question, Koharu-san?"

"You know what we mean." Yuuji teased.

She looked at him at then looked around; everyone (the regulars) was now looking at her direction. Oh great! Why did people really like to bring up this topic lately?

"Nee nee… Kurarin… Tell us~" Koharu pleaded, clapping his hands together on the side of his cheek in an effeminate way.

"Oh, about that…" Shiraishi began; everyone was now looking excitedly at him. "It's a secret. None of your business anyway."

"Eeh.. Kurarin's so mean!"

"Based on my prediction, you still have about a month and 3 days before you have your first kiss." Chitose stated.

Zaizen sweatdropped. "Senpai, why do you even bother to predict such a thing?"

Chitose looked at his kouhai and sighed. "Well, it's not like I want to. It just turns out like this in one and another way. I think it's a side effect."

"Oh, I see." Zaizen mentally noted not to even try achieving saiki kanpatsu.

Even if Chitose did it involuntary, he didn't have to announce it loud, did he? It was deadly embarrassing.

"Anyway, if it's true, Shiraishi, don't you think that you're being too slow?" Kenya said in serious tone. Oh, speaking of the speed. "It's been around 3974400 seconds since you two dating."

"I think you're exaggerating it. Since when do you start counting days in seconds?"

"But it's a fact that you've wasted millions seconds. Isn't this against your no-wasting bible thing?"

Shiraishi scratched his head. This conversation was pointless. "Kenya, really, I think you should find a girlfriend and get some life…"

She agreed. Kenya did exaggerate this. How could he remember anyway such a trivial thing like how long she and Shiraishi had been dating?

"I want kiss too!" Kintarou randomly shouted out and made Shiraishi nearly jawdropped. "Shiraishiii, give me some chocolates too!"

"Cho- Chocolates?"

"Yeah! It's so unfair you only share delicious things with Kouki-senpai!"

By the chocolates word, did Kintarou mean Hershey's Kisses? Kouki mentally facepalmed. She should have thought about it before; the boy could only think about either foods or tennis, which was really good. At least there was somebody who was still innocent among these guys.

"This is not right, Kurarin. Girls expect boys to move fast…"

Koharu said it as if he had been a girl…

"Trust me. I can understand how girls feel."

But he wasn't a girl from the first place…

Ah, having this kind of crazy talks only made her even felt more tired and sleepy. She finally let out a yawn.

"Did you get enough sleep last night?"

"Eh, you saw it?" She blushed and immediately covered her mouth.

Shiraishi grinned seeing her reaction. "Of course I did. Your mouth opened so wide that even a tennis ball might fit into it."

"It wasn't that wide." She pouted.

"At least it is wide enough for ping-pong ball," He chuckled. "Maa, there's still an hour or so left before we arrive. Why don't you take a nap then?"

"I think you're right." She replied as restraining another urge to yawn.

"Well, then…"

He gently made her head lean to his shoulder. Actually she found this quite embarrassing as they were watched by the other, but she was already too sleepy to think now.

She should take a rest. Today was gonna be a long day after all.


In front of them, the second year ace shamelessly took a picture of them and uploaded it to his blog.

Buchou and Kouki-senpai are already in sickening love-love mode even if it's still early in the morning. I wonder if they can beat Konjiki-senpai and Hitouji-senpai someday.

Oh, speaking of randomness XD

Next time our fabulous Shitenhouji will meet the awesome Rikkaidai :D

I hope you like this. Please review and tell me your opinion. Concrits are always welcomed.
