Team Chaotix were walking along the beach, heading straight. Well, Vector and Espio were walking, Charmy was flying. Earlier, they ran after a bus Charmy was on, manage to get it to stop and take Charmy, how he got on there was simple. It was better sitting in a cool vehicle rather than walking or flying.

They walk the rest of the way until they came to the beach.

"Are you sure this is right Espio?" Vector asks the Chameleon.

"It is…but it's going to be tough to get him to talk…how you think we should approach this?" ask Espio, hoping Vector had some thoughts on his head right now.

"Appeal to his sense of Nature, I'll put the beat down on him if it comes to that"

"Alright, I'll pretend to be on his side, but I don't want this too take to long…the more we wait, our chances of finding Nova decrease"

"Hey, what should I do with this guy" Charmy ask Espio.

"If he runs, go after him" Espio replied.


"There he is" Espio points out.

To Charmy and Vector, the person that Espio was pointing looks a little too familiar. They got close enough as Vector call out the person name.

"Hey, Mighty"

Charmy stop in his track as the person was an armadillo; he couldn't believe it "Mighty is the one who we're looking to find Espio brother" he was shock to see him again.

The Armadillo eyes widen as he recognize the three detectives "h-hey guys, didn't expect too see you guys here" Mighty was rubbing the back of his head.

"It's good too see you Mighty…how you been?" Espio ask, looking at Vector who looks like he was ready to shove Mighty to the sand.

"Not bad…I finally got a good-paying job, nothing bad…just good stuff"

"Good stuff…I doubt it" Vector replies.

"What do you mean?"

Vector took a step forward "look Mighty, we've got word that you're connect to Vipers organization and you manage to talk to a black chameleon yesterday" he said clearly as he took another step forward as Mighty took a step backward.

"I don't know who you're talking about, but I can tell by Vectors tone, he seems to be a bit angry" Mighty look at Espio.

"We're just in a hurry Mighty, why don't you tell us where that Chameleon is?'

"Look Espio, I don't know who you guys are talking about, whoever you're looking for isn't with me"

Vector himself wasn't willing to take anymore chances; they were in a hurry to find Nova and Mighty was the only one who had the location. In order to speed things up, he rush Mighty and push him to the ground while putting his shoe on the Armadillo neck.

"Look Mighty, we need the location now"

"What are you talking about and get foot off of me" Mighty demand.

"Why should he Mighty," Espio said angrily, as he walk to Vector side "you're the only one who has my brothers location…so just tell us, where is Nova" he ask.

"Nova, you mean ack"

Vector push on his neck harder "we don't have time mighty, where is he, tell us or I snap your neck in half" he threaten.

"Alright, alright, he's heading to Crystal Mall this evening at five o'clock to take care of some last loose end before moving on with his life"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I met him here yesterday"

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him Viper will be distracting somebody while he takes this loose end out"

Espio look at Vector "Viper going to be there too…that's not a surprise," he look at Mighty once more "are positive that Nova will be there?"

Mighty nods his head.

"Alright, we're done here" he walk off with Charmy behind.

"Consider yourself lucky Mighty" Vector said as he got up and went to catch up with his teammates.

"What did I ever do to you guys?" he call out.

"Being a bad guy" Charmy replied back.

Espio look at Vector "well, that was easy"

"Can't believe Mighty is a criminal now, after working with us for awhile, he leaves in the middle of a case and doesn't come back"

"I'm sure there's a reason, if we ever see him again…we can ask"

"Good idea, come on, lets get back to Chou"

The three detectives took off running.

Back at the Station

"So your Viper and Star are going to be at the Crystal Mall this evening" Chou ask as he lean against his desk.

Vector nods his head "that's right, at five o'clock, they'll be there"

Chou look at Espio who was holding onto Charmy from going near a new vending machine "that's right" the purple chameleon nods his head.

"Looks like your brother is running with the wrong crowd" the Chaotix had explained everything to him the moment they got back to the station.

"He faces a path I don't want him to go down"

Chou nods his head for a moment before looking at the crocodile "hey Vector, how you like to earn some extra money" he folds his arms as Vector rubs his jaw.

"How much are you talking about?"

"one million dollars"

Vector eyes widen at those three words "um…uh, w-why offer that much"

"Because I want your guys help in nabbing Star…he's on my departments top ten most wanted list and he's number four…he's been smuggling, traffic-dealing, sabotage and not only that, he's suppose to be connected to several fail assassinations on my clans leader"

"So you want us get him at Crystal Mall?" Espio ask.

"Yeah, what do you say?" he held out his hand.

"I say…lets do it" Vector shook it, sealing the deal while imagining himself in a pool of dollar bills.

"Good, I'll go assemble my teams" he walk off somewhere as Vector turn to face Espio.

"Well, now we have another reason to go after Nova"

"You can deal with my Uncle but I want to deal with Nova"

"Sure thing pal" he gave Espio a slap on the back.

Later that Day at Crystal Mall

The Chaotix were inside the building, looking straightly at a couple Chameleons talking to each other.

One Chameleon was yellow with Violet eyes; it had a white formal suit on, white gloves including formal shoes and it almost look like it was one of those rich upper English class people.

The other chameleon was a little more disguisable; it had a jumpsuit on along with shady sunglass covering its face along with a dark hood. Only its tail was showing out which was red, which means the Chameleon itself was red.

"There they are…Star and Viper" Espio points out.

"How are we going to do this?' Charmy ask as he look at Espio.

"You guys follow them, I'll stay out of site keeping an eye out for Nova" Espio replied as he went into stealth mode, fading away.

Charmy look at Vector "so, how are we going to get the bad guy?"

"Just follow my lead Charmy…I've got an idea" Vector smile.

Espio was watching Vector put Charmy on a leash; how stupid can that crocodile be…well, at least Vector will get strange looks and not him. He began following Star and Viper; as he got closer he heard the two talking.

"Viper, I'm surprise how well you run your organization and only at the age of twenty-five" the yellow Chameleon said.

"Well, I'm doing the best I can for the poorer countries and for my people…GUN doesn't care, they only send aid when they can, but since their economy is in the middle there's not much they can do" Viper replies.

Espio took a glance back to see Vector and Charmy looking in a clothes shop; he rolls his eyes and continues to follow the two chameleons.

"I hope Chou and his Team are in position to make the drop on Star…they can try to arrest Viper, but can't, since he's not within the boundaries of the law"

The two chameleons keep on walking and talking.

"Viper, if you don't mind me asking…how is it, that you're able to keep your organization from turning on each other and have them from turning on you"

"Simple, everyone sticks together…they all know GUN wants me gone or in Jail, but they can't do that since I'm outside the law…everyone trusts one another and since I'm the leader of Death Mask…no can lay a hand on me"

"They all say you're a criminal"

"I'm not a criminal…I just want to help people and if a country is poor or needs help, I'm there to help them when no one else will…besides, I already own twenty-eight of the worlds poorest countries and I let the leaders run democracy"


"It's hard to explain, but those countries still run it there own way…sometimes I need to step in and exterminate leaders that kill there own people"

"I see…you've come a long way…a way of which no other life being on this planet can do"

"Knowledge is its own reward"

Espio roll his eyes "I usually say that to Vector when he needs a question answer?" he looks back to see Vector and Charmy looking at a Video game store and Charmy was pulling on the leash.

He shook his head and move on with the trail.

"One other thing Star"

"Yeah Viper"

"Do you ever regret, ordering Espio to kill Nova…so he can graduate earlier"

"Not one bit" Star shook his head.


"He was unexpected to be born"

"But he was really young

"And born in a place that was sacred"

"I remember that day"

"You do"

"Not much, but I do remember being escorted out by one of the guards and not getting an answer for some reason"

"Some things are meant to be kept secret"

"So you show no feelings at all for Nova" Viper quickly gave a nod to his head as they pass somebody.

"Not one bit"

Espio looked over to see who Viper gave a nod too and saw who it was.


He watches, as the black chameleon with the violet markings that were glowing turns around and pulls out some something from a hooded sweater he was wearing. Espio knew he had to stop his brother from killing Star.

Vector who had notice Espio appear out nowhere and saw what was going on. He pulls on the leash and drag Charmy on the ground.

Viper and Start were still talking.

"Do you regret any of it?" Viper simply asks.

"No, I do not" Star replied as a yelp was heard from behind them.

Turning around, Star and Viper saw a violet Chameleon tackle the black chameleon to the ground.

"What the...Espio, what are you doing here" Viper ask curiously as he folds his arms

"Stopping Nova from going down a path he shouldn't go" Espio replied as he look at the black chameleon.

The black chameleon snarl as he tried to get up but Espio kept Nova pin to the floor.

"I say, Viper what's going on here?"

"I don't know" his eyes widen as he saw a bee and crocodile lung in the air and collide into Star.

"I say…I demand you two get off of me this instant" Star shouts at Vector.

Vector just grin "sorry pal, but you'll have to answer for your crimes…Chou is here and you're on the wanted list"

Viper eyes widen at what name he heard "Did that crocodile say Chou…damn it, I don't have time for the CTF" he took off running as he spoke into a communicator that was on his jumpsuit "Skull, abort mission, the assassination was a failure, meet me in the parking lot, over" he hightail it out of the mall as fast as he can.

Espio looked down at Nova who was staring down at the floor "at least I finally got him before he kill star" he got up and pick up Nova with one hand and pick up a strange looking type weapon with the other hand.

"Come on, let's go" he push him forward and they start walking.

Vector carried Star out of the mall while Charmy took the leash off and follow him.

Everyone was silent when they got back outside to see several park vehicles out front; heading over to the vehicles where Chou was waiting for them. They had to cuff Nova since he wouldn't run off somewhere and they put him in the second vehicle while Star himself got himself some questions for Chou and Vector.

The yellow chameleon wasn't cooperating with them, so he got cuff and shove into the last vehicle.

Espio had to ride with his brother while Chou, Charmy and Vector rode with Star and everyone headed back to the station.

At the Station

Charmy was flying around back and forth with his arms folded. The reason he was doing that, because Espio was in a private room talking with his brother Nova. He knew this was going to take a long time and he was right. He looks at Vector who was listening to his headphone set while holding a check that he got earlier.

He was bored and it's been three hours since they got back.

"They've been in there a long time" Charmy look at Chou.

"No doubt about it," Chou said to Charmy "I ran some searches throughout my department database, throughout five whole years a bunch of bad and innocent people were kill…the prime suspect was a black chameleon, it almost fits your friends brother description…but obviously its not him"

"Five years is a long time…whoever it is probably doesn't exist anymore"

"Your right about that though"

The sound of walking was heard as Charmy turned around and saw Espio standing being him "how it go?" he ask.

"Our problems, aren't something that can be fix with a few words, we will keep talking and see what happens"

"It's a shame to see your brother almost kill your Uncle, but unfortunately he has to pay for his crime"

"If you don't mind Chou…can I ask you something?" Espio ask.

"Sure, anything you need"


Vector and Charmy were in the parking lot getting into Vector car.

"So tell me again on why Espio is staying here for the night" the crocodile ask.

Charmy had a tired look on his face "I forgot, something about Nova coming to stay with us from eight to twelve months I don't know" he got in the back seat and close the door.

"Well, at least we got a million dollars now"

Charmy just gave a grunt as he plop down on the seat; he was really tired now from all day. He would get the details from Espio tomorrow. As for seeing mighty today, he was not happy now that one of his friends was a criminal now.

He felt the car start and pull out of the parking lot. He was really tired, he'll have his thought process go into sleep mode and be ready in the morning. One last thing was on his mind right now.

The Chaotix will be having a new member on the team.

His eyes close as he drifts off to dreamland and in the morning he would make sure Vector got a good wake up call to make breakfast. Charmy fell fast asleep as the car drove back to Station Square.


Long chapter, I'll make a sequel soon but I need to work on my other story.

So please review and what do you think of the story?

Bye for now