Author's Note: I own nothing. But I love all of it.
Takes place immediately following "Poof, You're Dead"

Lying next to each other, sated after a playful round of lovemaking, Javier and Lanie took a moment to catch their breath. The close call in the morgue earlier in the week had made the "sneaking around" aspect of their new relationship even more exciting, even more appealing. Lanie knew she wouldn't be able to hide the truth from Kate forever, but until she knew exactly how to define the situation, she would keep it to herself like the much-treasured secret that it was.

Javier propped himself up on his elbow and rolled toward her, using his other hand to brush hair away from her beautiful smile. It still amazed him that he was so comfortable with Lanie. Relationships…if that's what this really was, he guessed it counted in that category…could be difficult.

"I can't believe how quickly the case was solved," he said. Ordinarily he wouldn't make a habit of talking shop with a woman while sharing bedsheets, but Lanie was different. Their work lives wove so easily into their personal lives, and it was a nice change to be able to discuss current cases. Sometimes shutting that part of his world off was more difficult than it was worth…with Lanie the mesh of their worlds made things as smooth as silk.

"Are you really that surprised?" Lanie said, grinning. "I mean, you've all been working together long enough to know that there aren't many cases that can cause you trouble these days."

"Yeah, that's true."

"I nearly died when you waltzed in and saw Kate and Castle there," she giggled, turning her face into his hand and closing her eyes at the memory. "I thought for sure we were busted."

Javier smirked, "Yeah, I wasn't exactly being discreet, huh? Nice cover, by they way." He tilted her chin up to take her lips in a devastating kiss. Brushing a second kiss across her cheek, he wrapped his arm around her, drawing her close so that her head was resting against his chest.

"We're not going to be able to hide it forever though," Lanie said. "Castle is sharper than he sometimes seems. He doesn't miss much. And we both know Kate's got an eagle eye."

Laughing at the thought, Javier angled his head to the side. "Well, for someone with an eagle eye, she's blind as a bat."


"I must have caught Castle staring at her three times today. If she noticed, she should be auditioning for Nikki Heat in the movie, because her acting skills are top notch."

"Psh. Those two just don't understand how bad they have it for each other. He's been mooning over her for longer than I can remember now."

Javier smiled daringly, "You know, I thought they would have hooked up by now, but I don't think they've done anything. At all. They're like two awkward teenagers, just dancing around each other." He trailed his finger up and down Lanie's back, his smile widening when he felt her sigh. "It's not my place to judge, but I was actually kind of happy to hear that Castle was having some problems with Gina. Maybe this will open Beckett's eyes a little, and she'll give him a chance."

"Javi, I never would have pegged you for the romantic type…" Lanie batted her eyelashes at him playfully and grinned.

"Just wait, Lanie Parish, you're in for a whole world of surprises," he said, drawing her closer and kissing her gently again until her mind swirled.