Wild Storm

Disclaimer: I do not own either Naruto nor do I in an means own Macross. Though I will probably have some oc characters those I so own.

This is the fist story I have done in a long time so no flames I know the grammar is probably going to not be good. I am not an english major and I try if you don't like it dont read simple as that.

I would like the thank Calamity-Queen of Cordite for the story Dragon Lady of Macross, possibly one of my favorite stories. My thanks is for inspiring me to make this story.

Summary: During the final battle with Madara, Naruto is pulled into time and space only to land on the SDF-1 during the fold. How will him being there affect the war against the Zentradi.

Pairings: Naruto/Lisa, Roy/Claudia, Rick/Minmei, all other pairings will go in lie with the cannon.

Chapter 1: Into the Fold

Across the burning wasteland that once stood a lush forest and a large village stood two men. On one side was a 17 year old man with bright spiky blond hair, his once orange and black jump suit drenched in crimson laid mostly torn from his body. He panted in exhaustion as his deep ocean blue eyes stared toward the other man that was leaning against him slumped over a little. A puddle of dripping blood formed on the ground between them.

"It's over Madara you shall pay for all the deaths you have brought upon the world in you greedy quest for power."

The blonde pulled back as he pulled the blood drenched sword from the man and stepping back allowing him to slump the ground. Madara lifted his head up slowly as the weakness of his approaching end drew near glaring at the blonde with his now spinning red and black eyes. Focusing on the one who along with his father ruined all his plans, he used the last of his chakra pushing them to his eyes. Just as he prepared his little bit of revenge he let out a chuckling cough more blood hacking out of his mouth as a new trail of blood runs over his lips and down his jaw.

"I may not have one but neither have you Uzumaki, all your friends are gone. Your home is destroyed, and the rest of this world lays in ruins that will take centuries to repair from. It wont have you to help it either, I wont go alone."

The blonde looked down as he felt light the world stared to crush in around him, as reality warped distorting his vision. He could have tried to stop what was coming but seemed to just accept it. He closed his eye as a small smile graced his face thinking he would see them all again soon. With that the last shinobi of Konoha vanished from the world with out a last word.

"Hey brat! Wake up!"

The blonde groaned as he opened his eyes looking out at the darkness around him seeing only two large glowing slitted red eyes belonging to that of the legendary demon the Kyuubi. Pushing himself off the ground slowly making his way to his feet.

"Bout time brat, we don't have much time before we are dead and I refuse to die."

"I am though fox I have nothing left here to fight for I failed all my precious people. Just let me go to them in the afterlife, I just want to join them in peace."

"Grrr that's not the Uzumaki Naruto I know the one who never gives you. You didn't fail them, you gave it all to save them in the end and you avenged them that bastard of an Uchiha is going to the deepest pits of hell I can promised you. How about a deal while I can't bring back your precious people I might be able to help you gain new ones to try to protect, send you to a place where someone like you would be greatly needed."

The blonde stared at the large intimidating fox with a slight tilt to his head in a questioning manner.

"You set me free and I send you to a new reality that is in need of you."

"So you can destroy the rest of the world? I don't think so besides why should I believe you, your a demon evil."

"True boy, but you and I both know while training to master your father and clans abilities you dove into demon lore and know that once I make a swearing promise I have to keep it. I the Kyuubi no Youkai swear that once I am released I may not touch the humans in anyway other then self defense and that I will full fill my pledge you one Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto by sending him safely to another world. How is that brat now I am bound to full fill my word and you can believe me, I will be nice and throw in two gifts. First I will give you knowledge of the language commonly spoke by the people in this world sparing you the need to spend time trying to learn it. Second I shall give you a second chakra made up of three tails of my own altered to assist you in a special way in this world, how its helpful is up to you to learn but can promise you it will be of great assistance. So what do you say brat you going to take the deal or are you a cowardly quieter."

Naruto stood there a few moments think the offer over. The fox was right he did know from demon lore that the deal was know legit but did he have enough courage the live on after everything that has happened.

"You know what fox I think I'll take it a new adventure might help me get over my loss."

"Then pull the seal and let the deal be full filled!"

Walking up to the bars he reached up and with a single swift pull he tore the seal. The moment he did and energy shot from the demon into him making him glow a brilliant gold. The energy filled him for a few moments before all the color seemed to distort separating into many prism of colors before everything went black.

Else where in pitch black room with 5 young women and a single older man a loud cry rang out from one of the women before a loud thud sound filled the room.

"Commander Hayes are you ok"

"Some one help me please!"

"Get the emergency lights on now."

A red tinted light filled the room giving it a visible life to the command room. The older man and the women looked over to where the the commander's cry came from only to find her on the floor, on top of her was a unconscious blonde man. What got their attention though was the shredded clothing, the wounds littering the man as well as the blood that now stained the young commander's uniform. The older man moved to help the woman up and to see who and how wounded the man was called out to them.

"Called the paramedics up here immediately."

"Aye Sir"

The older man moved the bloodied man to the side a clattering sound now took over the room drawing everyones attention to the blood soaked katana that as in his right hand.

"Where did he come from his clothing doesn't look like any I see the wounds don't look like gun shot wounds. So who are you young man?"

To Be Continued!