She has no problem with secrets
She knows how to keep them
She never felt the need to let them show
And I've had no trouble with speaking
Or trusting my instincts
That maybe this is one that I should know

First day of sophomore year.

''This sucks.'' Haley mumbled to herself for the tenth time this morning, and she's not even reached the entrance yet. Why did he Mom have to move here? To this sucky town? She liked Oak Lake, she had friends, and she was even quite popular. Why did everything have to change in such a short amount of time? It wasn't fair, life was never fair. At least, not to her.

She opened her car down and grabbed her purse, she got a few stares from the other students, and clearly they didn't like new people joining their school. Great.

Haley walked into reception and gave her name to the plumpy receptionist, who told her to sit on one of the chairs and wait for the principal to come and speak to her, to get her timetable and class names.

She had never thought that she was above this place; Haley has never been a person that thinks that she is above somewhere. But, she just didn't want to be here, she wanted to be with Rachel Gatina right now, talking about cute guys. Or Chase Adams, who would always cheer her up with his lame jokes. Heck, she would rather be sat with Damien West and his sexual innuendos. She just wanted to be home.

''Ah, Haley James.'' a deep voice said, walking into reception. ''Welcome to Tree Hill High.''

''Principal... Turner.'' she said, searching for his name in her mind. She plastered a fake smile on her face, which she's been able to master over the past couple of months. ''Nice to meet you.''

Principal Turner shook her hand politely. ''It's a pleasure to meet you too, Haley.'' he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out two items of paper. ''Here are your schedule and class names. I've also assigned you a helper, who should be here any minute...'' he trailed off. Where is that girl?

''Oh, that's fine, I don't need a-''

The doors burst open, cutting Haley off mid-sentence. ''I'm here, sorry I'm late.'' a slightly raspy voice sang, running into the small office.

The girl ran over to the Principal, hoping that he wouldn't shout at her for not arriving on time like she had promised. Haley's 'helper' was slightly pale, with dark, straight brown hair, which stopped just below her shoulders. Her clothing wasn't exactly, 'school appropriate'. High heels, denim mini-skirt, pink tank top. Classy.

''Haley, this is your helper for the day, Brooke Davis. She will be showing you to your classes, and where your locker is. Whatever you need, just ask her.'' he said with a smile. Clearly thinking that he would have probably just made a new friendship, which didn't look like the case.

''Nice to meet you,'' Haley said sweetly, she didn't want to cause problems on her first day.

Brooke smiled, showing her dimples. ''Hey Haley, we're going to be great friends.''

Haley fought the urge to roll her eyes. What the hell is this? Grease? Brooke Davis certainly isn't Frenchy.

Principal Turner smiled at the two girls. ''I have to go to the freshman assembly, I'll leave you two girls to it.'' he said, clapping his hands together and walking out of the warm reception area.

The second the door closed, both of the smiled disappeared.

''Okay, you listen and you listen good.'' Brooke started, pointing her finger warningly at the new girl. ''I only have to do this so I don't get in trouble for all the homework I handed in 'late' last year.'' Haley had to roll her eyes at the air quotes. ''But I am not spending my day with a loser, so find everything on your own. So if you bump into Turner tell him that I'm the damn best helper you've ever seen. Find everything on your own.'' she commanded, and stormed out of the office.

Haley sighed. What a bitch. ''You're so nice!'' she shouted sarcastically just as Brooke slammed the office door.

She looked at the documents in her hands. First lesson, English.

English, room 305. Yey, I found it Nathan thought sarcastically. He's been at this school for a year, and normally he can't ever find the rooms. Unfortunately for him, he found this one easily. To Nathan, English is un-important. He can read, write, he knows his punctuation. What else is there that anyone needs to know? Wow, no wonder he's failing.

Nathan plastered the same ol' smirk on his face as he walked in. He glanced around the room for an empty seat, he would normally go straight to the back, but if he could sit next to a hot girl, then that wouldn't be a problem.

Nope, the same boring girls from last year. He's made out with at least half of them.

One girl caught his eye, she was good looking. A little mousy, and she could dress better. But he could at least give it a shot, right? That's what is expected of him.

So he smirked at her, when he caught her looking over with a small blush on her face.

He had to hide his gasp when she just simply rolled her eyes back at him.

What the hell?

Locker 152. Damnit, where is it? Haley thought to her self in frustration, walking past all of the lockers, hoping the find the correct one. She thought the urge to say 'This sucks' again, because it really does. Not one person has offered to help her out; apparently they would be stupid to help out the 'loser', according to Brooke Davis. At least it's lunch now, though. She only has a couple of hours left in this hell hole.

As she continued to search for her locker, she couldn't help but think of home.

Ah, home. Oak Lake high school, she loved it there. Which makes her want to hate her mom for moving them to this town, but she can't, not after everything Lydia James has been through these past three months.

She was knocked out of her thoughts by something slamming into her side. Some one.

Her books flew out of her hands, and fell on the floor with a thump.

She glanced at Mr. Slammy, and saw him not even turn and offer her help. He continued to walk his confident walk, until he stopped at his locker. Then she realised that it was the same boy from her English class. The one with the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen. The one who had made her blush like an idiot. The typical jock.

Haley had thought she didn't blush anymore; she was used to stupid smirks and winks from Damien. She didn't even react to his stupid chat up lines, the one's she had heard for years. But then Mr. Slammy comes along with a stupid smirk and makes her turn into a tomato. It was obvious what he wanted from her, Damien had warned her a million times about jocks, about how they're only after one thing. Mr. Slammy probably didn't even like her that way, she puts no effort into her appearance, and she leaves her auburn hair straight everyday, and wears simple jeans and t-shirt. He wouldn't be interested in her, so why did that smirk affect her so much?

She sighed and bent down to pick up her books. ''Great fucking day.'' she muttered to herself, retrieving one of the books.

A hand brushed against hers, picking up her History book.

The opposite hand appeared, and picked up her remaining books and handing them to her.

Her lips couldn't help but curve up into a smile when she saw the face of her saviour. He was simply gorgeous. Tanned skin, blue eyes (though not as blue as Mr. Slammy's), and a charming smile. His dirty blonde hair was spiked up simply. Ooft.

''I'm sorry about my brother,'' he said, nodding towards a row of lockers, where Mr. Slammy was still placing books inside. ''He's an ass.''

Haley giggled, despite herself. ''It's okay.''

''Are you new here?''

She nodded. ''Yep, can't you tell?''

Lucas laughed. Sure, this girl wasn't his type. But he can't help but flirt, right?

Nathan glanced when he heard his older brother's familiar laugh. He rolled his eyes when he saw Lucas chatting to the girl who rolled her eyes at him this morning. The girl Nathan branded as a Mrs. Stuck Up. The same girl that strangely fascinated him, though he had no idea why. But now she was another one of Lucas' targets, the ones he would flirt with, and get them hooked. Then he would have another person who had a crush on him.

Nathan thought that was pretty lame. Getting girls to like you just so you have another girl liking you to make yourself seem big. He would never stoop so low. If he wanted a girl to like him, then he would do it so they would actual have something real. Not a stupid fantasy these girls probably imagines in their minds.

The worst part though was probably the fact that no one knew what happened. Lucas acted innocent. If he slept with someone, then he would sweet talk them into not saying anything, so he was never labelled a man-whore. But if Nathan just kisses a girl, then the whole school would say they slept together. And he would be the bad guy.

But Lucas is his big brother. Lucas is the junior, while he's only a sophomore. Lucas is the favourite. So Nathan can't say anything.

So he just shut his locker door, and headed for lunch.

''How long have you been in town for? I haven't seen you around.'' Lucas said, forcing Haley to turn her eyes to him plain blue ones, and not the sparkling ones across the hall.

''Um, a couple of days. I've been unpacking, so I've not had chance to see everywhere.''

''Well how about we go to lunch?'' Lucas offered. ''My mom owns a café.''

Haley smiled again. Damn, how did he do that? ''So there is such thing as a free lunch?''

''Sure,'' Lucas smirked. ''I'm Lucas Scott, by the way.''

Haley felt something strange in her stomach, something she's not felt for three months. It was hope. Hope that maybe something good could come out of this sucky town. Hope that maybe she could make a friend. Or maybe she could find something more. Something more than she had in Oak Lake.

Just maybe, she could find love.

''Haley James.''

Hales, how is your first day? Does it suck? Yeah, it probably would because I'm not there.

Haley laughed at the text from one of her three best friends. This just made her madder at the fact that she wasn't at home with him right now, at the skate park, or just at his house, where they always hang out with Rachel and Damien.

Yes, Chase. It sucks. And it's not because of you. I miss you though was her reply.

''Texting you boyfriend?'' Lucas asked her in a playful tone.

They were currently on the way back to school. He had shown her around the school, finding her locker (which luckily was close to his), and showing her the library. They then went to Karen's café, and had a very quick lunch.

Haley had surprisingly enjoyed herself. Lucas was into similar music as her, and they enjoyed reading the same type of books. He was a little cocky; he loved himself a little too much. But he was sweet, kind and cute. Haley James has officially developed her first crush. Yeah, she's fifteen and only just had her first crush. Guys just never really caught her eye. She had grown up with them, she had thought guys were cute, but then they just annoyed her eventually. Chase and Damien were the only guys she needed. Her father was also, but she didn't like to start thinking about what happened there.

Lucas was different though, he was not like guys she had met before.

Haley shook her head. ''Best friend.''

Lucas smirked. He was a natural flirter, he just couldn't help it. He couldn't help but want girls to want him, whatever it takes. Lucas has a constant need for attention, his parents adore him, his brother admires him, and girls fight over him. And he can't help but want more. He wants his parents to love him more, he wants Nathan to want to be like him, he wants more girls to fight for him. All of this just feeds his ego even more.

He pulled up the car at the school parking lott and they both hopped out.

''Um, thanks for the lunch Lucas.'' Haley said shyly, fiddling with the strap on her bag.

''You're welcome. I actually have to meet up with some friends before the end of lunch. I'll see you later.'' he said quickly, with an innocent smile so she wouldn't think he was trying to get away from her. Which he was. His mission was complete.

Leaving Haley with a dreamy smile on her face.

''Luke, where have you been?'' Brooke asked when Lucas sat down on their table, only ten minutes before class starts again. Nathan had said that he was talking to a girl, while Peyton pretended that she didn't care. Was it sad that Brooke had missed him? Yes, she was also under Lucas' spell, along with Peyton. And along with over half of the girls in the school.

Lucas sat down and shrugged. ''I was showing the new girl around.''

Peyton looked up from her drawing and to her friend. ''Brooke, weren't you supposed to do that?''

Brooke grinned devilishly. ''Peyt, do you seriously think I was going to spend my day with a loser?''

''Wait,'' Nathan chipped in. ''who said she was a loser?'' Mrs. Stuck Up, more like.

''Did you see what she was wearing?'' she asked him with a snort.

Nathan rolled his eyes. ''You guys are stupid. She's only just moved here and you're ditching her, Brooke. And Lucas, you're 'showing her around', more like charming her into bed. Cruel.''

''Hey!'' Peyton exclaimed, holding her hands up in surrender. ''Why am I stupid?''

''Have you seen your drawings?'' he asked her with a raised eye-brow, and then scoffed. ''They're stupid, which makes you stupid.''

''How childish, Sophomore.''

Nathan sighed. Because he's younger than them, Peyton and Lucas often call him 'Sophomore', it was 'Freshman' last year of course. They never say it to Brooke though, because she's mature for her age, and they like her for it.

''Anyway? Did you guys see her hair?'' Brooke asked, rejoining the conversation.

Nathan rolled his eyes again. Sometimes he wished he could hang out with normal, nice people. Lucas treats him like a baby, Brooke just uses him to be popular, and Peyton only hangs around with him because she's secretly in love with Lucas. He wanted a real friend, some one who would like him for him. But he can't just leave his brother either, because then they'll say he's ditching them.

So he's stuck, and he can't get out.

Haley walked inside her music classroom, thanks to the directions of a guy with a big mouth. Most of the students have already arrived. In this classroom, the desks are made for two people. There were only four seats available. One next to a jock, nope. One next to a sweaty fat guy, nope. One next to a cheerleader, nope. One next to a dark haired girl who doesn't look like a bitch, okay.

''Hi, is it okay if I sit here?'' Haley asked politely once she reached the desk near the back of the room.

The girl looked up from the piece of paper that she was writing on and smiled slightly. ''Sure.''

''Thanks,'' Haley muttered, sitting down next to her. ''I'm Haley by the way.''

''Nice to meet you,'' the girl said, turning to face Haley properly. ''I'm Mia.'' she introduced. Mia had seen Haley around all day, but she thought that Haley looked stressed out enough, and that she didn't want to be bothered by anyone. So she didn't introduce herself earlier.

Haley laughed slightly. ''Wow, you're like the only nice girl I've met today.''

''Um, thanks?'' Mia giggled. ''So, you met a nice boy, huh? Let me guess, Nathan Scott.''

Scott? Mr. Slammy? ''Um, no. Definitely not.''

''Then who?'' Mia asked with a smile. She wasn't being nosey, just curious.

''Lucas Scott.''

Mia rolled her eyes playfully. ''Not you too. Everyone has a crush on Lucas Scott.''

''Everyone?'' Haley asked doubtfully, with a raised eyebrow.

Mia looked around the room, as if she was counting something. ''I know eight people in here that do, including you.'' Mia informed her, with a pointed look. She wasn't trying to be mean; she was just looking out for the new girl.

''How do you know that?''

''Common knowledge.'' Mia responded coolly, tapping her temple lightly. ''Heck, I even liked him when we first started here.''

''What changed?''

''I didn't want to be like everyone else, and have a crush on the jock. No offence.''

Haley laughed and shook her head. ''None taken,'' she said. ''Well, maybe I kind of want to be like everyone else for a change.''

Mia just smiled, and there was silence for a couple of seconds. Until she softly said...

''Good for you.''

Locker 152. Thanks Lucas Scott. Haley thought to herself as she reached her locker. If it wasn't for Lucas then she would probably still be searching for it now. Or Mia would have helped her out. They had paired up for the task that was given to them; maybe this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

Haley put in her little key and opened her locker, placing inside some of the books she didn't have to take home tonight.

''First day?'' a deep voice asked her.

She glanced to her left and saw someone two lockers down from her, grinning. His hair was ruffled, with some parts sticking in different directions. Wearing a simple brown hooded jacket, with a simple pain of jeans. He's definitely cute, some might say hot.

''Am I really that obvious?'' she asked him with a sigh.

The boy's grin widened. ''Nah. I moved here late last year, so our lockers are closer to the juniors'.'' he explained, nodding to Lucas who was at least eight lockers down from Haley, grabbing some books from inside.

Haley raised her eyebrow when she turned back to the guy who now looked ordinary compared to Lucas. ''And you're telling me this because?''

The guy didn't seem fazed by her slight rudeness, he just shrugged. ''Well, if your first day was anything like mine then no one would have offered to help you out, and you wouldn't have hardly spoke to anyone. I just thought it would be nice if you could speak to someone who's been in your shoes.''

Haley glanced down at her red converse and giggled slightly. ''I don't think these would suit you... but okay.'' she said, giggling again at the fact that her slightly bright shoes would stand out with his plain outfit.

''Ha ha.'' the guy deadpanned. ''I'm just saying.''

''Well thanks anyway, I'm Haley James, by the way.''

''Julian Baker.'' he told her, then glanced at his watch. ''Shoot, I've got to go. See you tomorrow, James.'' he said urgently, shutting his locker and pulling the key out quickly.

Haley laughed as he pushed past people running down the hallway. ''Bye Baker!'' she shouted, getting another wave in response as he ran out of the school doors.

Maybe Tree Hill isn't so bad after all.

Haley walked into her empty house, sighing at the silence. Her Mom had given their dog, Scrap, away to the neighbours before they moved away, because they were too much of a nuisance apparently. Their house used to be full of sound. Her and her sibling fighting. Her parents laughing away. Her dog barking at any sudden movement. But all of that's gone now. Her dog is gone, back at her real home. Her siblings are gone, scattered around the country for college or jobs. And her Dad... well he's just gone.

She walked upstairs and into her room, she immediately went to her desk and picked up the stacks of paper.

Job applications.

She picked up the first one, which her Mother had picked up for yesterday. Karen's Café. She picked up another. Tree Hill High tutor centre. Her mom had asked for one of those when she was applying Haley for the school. Hot & Twisted. Well, that one immediately went into the trash. There is no way she is working at a pretzel place, she doesn't even care that she's desperate.

Ring. Ring.

Haley picked up her phone and grinned at the name, immediately flipping it open and bringing it to her ear.

''Hey Perv.''

''Hey Sexy,'' Damien's familiar drawl said on the other side of the line. ''You miss me?''

Haley groaned. ''When are you going to stop calling me that? It's creepy.''

''When you admit that there's sexual tension between us.''


''Fine,'' Damien sighed mockingly. ''Sexy.'' he added cheekily on the end.

Oh, how he loved to tease Haley James. His best friend, ever since first grade. When they were six, Haley brought her doll into school. Damien, being the ass that he is had 'accidentally' snapped it. But once he saw the tears falling from her eyes, he felt bad. He even asked his mom to buy a new one, which she did. The next Monday, Damien handed it to her, with a candy car and an apology. They've been inseparable ever since.

Haley rolled her eyes. ''I miss Oak Lake.'' she admitted, feeling her throat go dry, and the tears well up in her eyes. She wasn't going to see her best friend's everyday, or go to the same school as them. Their almost ten year friendship was going to fall apart.

''Hales, we're only an hour and a half away. We'll see each other all of the time, I promise.''

''Pinkie promise?'' she asked sheepishly.

''Pinkie promise.'' he said. ''And Oak Lake misses you too.''

Haley laughed; she then heard a sound of a door opening coming from the other side of the phone.

''Is that Haley?'' she heard the familiar voice ask, followed by a ''Is it?'' by another hopeful voice.

She presumed that Damien nodded because she then heard Rachel Gatina's voice.

''Hey Bitch! I miss you! Is it good? It's not good is it? Are there whores? Do you want me to come and-''

''Rach,'' Haley interrupted with another laugh, she always seems to laugh when she's talking to them. ''It was fine.''

''No it wasn't, you're lying. Do I have to slap a bitch?''

Rachel Gatina. Another one of her three best friends. They met in third grade when Rachel moved to their town, and Haley was assigned to look after her. Some girls started to tease Haley about her shortness. Rachel had instantly came to her defence and shouted at the mean girls. Ever since that day, Rachel Gatina and Haley James have been the best of friends.

''No, you don't. I can handle myself, Rach.''

Haley could practically hear Rachel rolling her eyes. ''I know you can, Hales. I just don't want you to get hurt.''

''I know, but I'm okay.'' Haley lied.

They all knew she was lying (the phone had know been put on speaker mode), but they didn't push it, knowing Haley would just get pissed and hang up on them. So the hopeful voice spoke up.

''Hey, Hales. Are there any cute girls?''

Chase Adams. Probably her bestest best friend. They had been next door neighbours their whole lives before Haley left. They would always play together, because their parents were good friends. They always protected each other, and helped each other out. Chase Adams and Haley James were more like brother and sister, but without all of the fights.

That effectively caused Haley to giggle. ''Is that all you care about?''

''Yep.'' he said, unashamed.

God, she misses them.

AN: So, here's my new story! Another idea from kaya17tj, who is awesome by the way.

Okay, so I know the friendships are a little random. And Brooke's a bitch. Wow, I've never wrote that before... that should be interesting. And mean Nathan, I bet whoever has read my other stories are used to sweet Nathan, huh? Yep, this is going to be a challenge. But I can't wait to get started.

The song at the start was 'She (For Liz)' by 'Parachute'. I don't own it, but I do sing it in the shower a lot.

Please Review! Anyone who has an account will get a preview of the next chapter:-).