Mark "The Undertaker" Callaway-The Lord of Darkness. Wrestler who possesses supernatural powers. They are telekinesis, telepathy, lightning, and teleportation

Ashley Callaway-The Princess of Darkness. Mark's sister who has the power of telepathy and mind control.

Glen "Kane" Jacobs-Mark and Ashley's half-brother who has the power of telepathy and pyrokinesis.

All three siblings communicate each other through the telepathic ability.

Annabelle Rose-Possesses supernatural power over the elements fire and air. Agrees to spy on The Ministry for The Corporation

Chanel Rose-Annabelle's younger sister. Possesses power over the elements of water and earth.

"Annabelle, do you understand the plan?" Vince McMahon asked her.

"Yes, infiltrate The Ministry without them knowing," Annabelle reassured.

"That's easier said than done. They possess weird powers. Then again, so do you so maybe it won't be so bad." Annabelle felt a little offended by Vince McMahon's comment and then used her "weird" powers to open the window and sent a frigid breeze going through McMahon's body.

"What do I get in return?" Annabelle questioned.

"I'll determine that after you get rid of that freak and his clan. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes, I guess so." Though I don't know why, Annabelle thought to herself. Though another encounter with The Lord of Darkness made her excited. She remembered last time and how he was frightened by someone as strong as her. She hoped she still had that effect on him, while hoping he still had the aphrodisiac effect on her.

"Hmmmmm," Ashley had heard everything. She was standing on the other side of the door the whole time since she suspected something.

"I have some information you may want to know," she said to her older brother telepathically.

"Good, come over here and share it with me," 'Taker responded.

"Why can't he just teleport his big ass to me," Ashley thought to herself out loud.

"I heard that!" 'Taker yelled.

"So what!"

Ashley arrived at the sanctum of her brother in 15 minutes since she brainwashed a limo driver to drive her there. The funny thing was that she actually didn't use her magic at all, just female persuasion. When she walked inside, she saw Kane, Edge, Christian, Mideon, Paul, Bradshaw, and Farooq. The Ministry with the exception of Paul, 'Taker, and Kane referred to her as Princess.

"What information do you have for me?" Mark asked demandingly.

"Wait, let me see if I can remember," she teased and then continued, "Apparently, Vince is getting some chick named Annabelle to spy on us." She noticed Mark cringe at the thought of her.

"What the hell happened to you?" Kane asked him.

"Annabelle Rose, she can control two of the four elements. She's a dangerous one, but acts completely off of emotion," Taker explained.

"How would you know?" Ashley asked.

"I encountered her before. She caught me off guard, but I managed to get away. I swear my power has never been tested like that and hasn't been since."

"You said she acts off emotion, what should we do to set them off?" Kane asked.

"Annabelle has a little sister, Chanel. She can control the other two elements, but isn't as developed in magic as her sister or as smart. Ashley, kidnap Chanel to set off Annabelle."

"How do you propose I do that?"

"Use your mind control, idiot," Kane butted in.

"Fine, I guess so, dickhead."

'Taker, Ashley, and Kane finally stopped speaking telepathically. The Ministry always found it weird, but never actually questioned it out of fear of feeling the wrath of any of the three.

"Edge and Christian, accompany my sister to wear she has to go," 'Taker ordered.

"Yes, your lordship. Princess, when shall we leave out?" Edge asked.

"Very soon," she responded.

"So, it shall come to plan. Annabelle Rose will learn not to accept deals from The Corporation or any other enemy of The Ministry. Chanel Rose is nothing more than bait for the true prize, which is her older sister. Ashley, I will instruct you what to do with her after we receive the attention of Annabelle."

Annabelle Rose. That person hasn't gotten out of his head since their last encounter. He never met a woman like that, not even Ashley had her kind of her power. He wouldn't tell his brother or sister this, but Annabelle would be the new Mistress of Darkness whether she wanted to or not. He felt slight remorse for having innocent little Chanel be used as bait, but Annabelle had to be his. By any means necessary.